The Reconnect

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Three months. Three more months it took you to call Ethan Dolan. If someone asked you why you wouldn't be able to tell them a definitive answer. Maybe it was because you'd become content being alone? Maybe it was because you'd done well over the last two years mending yourself by yourself - a life after Ethan.

Or maybe, just maybe? You were complaining and utterly terrified to love the same boy who broke your heart with every good intention in his body. Without truly knowing what he was doing Ethan shattered the woman he loved - you could only imagine what pain he'd be able to cause If he truly did know what he was doing.

That thought alone - letting Ethan back in, scared you because if it backfired and you ended up a twisted pile of broken pieces and shattered beyond repair who would you blame this time? It was easy the play the blame game last time and pin Ethan as the villain. But if you invite him in and dance with the devil who really ends up being the villain. Even Lucifer himself was an angel before his decent.

You had just landed in L.A - you were technically on business but the temptation that was Ethan Dolan was too much to fight. With law books and court case files scattered around your holed room. With 4 cups of instant coffee drunk and about half a pizza down? You called. Sitting on the ground with your back again the wall you snuggled into the halo weeny jumper Ethan had given you the last time you saw him. Fumbled with the necklace that adorned your supple skin as you listened the the ring.

One, two, three— with every passing ring your anxiety grew larger in your chest. You counted them - woundering if Ethan was just staring blankly at his phone waiting for the unknown number to finish blowing up his phone. Shortly after you left you told him to ditch your number. Delete it - for he wouldn't be needing it any time soon. Maybe he'd moved on? Maybe Grayson was—"

"Y/n?" Ethan cooed into his phone with confusion. "Are you okay? What's wrong are you—?"

"How'd you know it was me?" You scoffed with a smile. Biting your thumb nail.

"Well you told me to delete your number, I did I promise but I Uh I never forget it" ethan admitted. Sitting himself down on the top of the skate ramp - he'd been in the middle of teaching himself some new tricks. "What's wrong?"

"Why do you assume the worse? Can I not call just to say hello?" Your heart was pounding at the sound of his voice.

"You can—but in two years I assumed you hated me enough to not want to know a single thing or to say hi" you could physically hear the pain in Ethan's voice - practically hear the soft whimper of 'Y/n I fucking miss you so bad' behind his words.

"I always kept up to date on you Dolan" you chuckled.

"That's abit stalker-ish Y/l/n" Ethan laughed as he beamed a bright smile.

"Your number one stan E" you cooed. It wasn't a lie. "Anyway so I'm actually in L.A—"

"Shut up? No you're not?" Ethan felt his heart race. For some reason he started looking around the backyard as if he'd spot you near. "Can we—"

"Go for coffee?" You finished his thought for him.

"Y-yeah like? Now or uh whenever you have time? I mean I've got plans with Gray but I can—"

"Now sounds good" you giggled biting your bottom lip. "You'll just have to give me a second or six to get ready"

"No yeah that fine—gives me enough time to tell Grayson I've got a dat—" Ethan caught himself in the moment. He always over thought things. It was coffee not a date. Why on earth would you ever date him after what he put you through - what the people Ethan allowed in his life did to you.

"A coffee date sounds good" you caught yourself blushing - the heat rising to the apples of your cheeks.

"Yeah?" Ethan smiled - searching for reassurance.

"Yeah— it's got a nice ring to it"

Ethan didn't answer straight away - he caught himself thinking of what you'd look like with a ring on it. But he was thinking far too long into the future. All he wanted was to see you, he told himself, that's it that's all Ethan wanted.

But he ended up with a lot more than what he bargain for.

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