The Second Rejection

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"What do you mean you don't know where she is?" Grayson asked. "She's probably just in the bathroom or something?"

"No" Sarah shook her head dramatically - pulling on Grayson's arm as his phone buzzed in his pocket. Probably you replying to his missed call. "I checked, she's gotta be around here somewhere"

"Hang on she's calling me just— oh wait" Grayson answered his phone to a frantic Ethan. "Ethan nows not really a good time bro—"

"Y/n left a voicemail on my phone! Sounded like someone like jumped her or something I don't know! But Grayson? Are you there? Are you with her?"

"Wait what?" Graysons eyes darted down to Sarah, covering his phone with his hand. "Ethan said she called him? Said it sounded like someone jumped her?" Grayson was confused but judging by the look on Sarah's face she had a pretty good idea as to who might of been the culprit.

"She was with this guy! I don't know his name but here!! Maybe they went outside!"

"Grayson you there?" Ethan shouted in the bathroom of the restaurant he was in - full panic taking over his body as he thought of someone else's hand in your beautiful body. The body he missed so much. The perfect silhouette he had tried to replace with Brie's.

"Gotta go" was all Grayson said as he hung up - following Sarah towards the emergency exist door that looked slightly ajar. Like it had been recently opened. Grayson walked through first - Sarah's drunken self smashing into the back of Grayson as he stood still looking down the alleyway to the left before looking right. Grayson couldn't tell if it was you or not to being with - but when Sarah gasped behind him at the sight she saw he knew it was you. And judging by the looks of things as Grayson walked closer? You weren't enjoying nor accepting his advances.

"HEY!!" Grayson shouted - startling Elliot who removed his lips for yours and pulled his hand from between your legs. "HEY!! GET OFF HER" Grayson screamed as he rushed towards you - Sarah so scared she stayed still - already blaming herself for forcing you to talk to the guy. Her hand over her mouth in shock as she watched you silently fall to the ground against the wall - your back scratched up from the exposed bricks.

Elliot bolted. Grayson made a split decision. He had two choices. Rush after the guy who had attacked you - run straight past you and beat the ever living breath from that guys lungs or he could fall to his knees and hold you so tight. Tell you he was there and that nobody would ever hurt you again.

Grayson chose to fall. Holding your shocked face between his hands. The feeling all to familiar. Feeling just like Ethan's.

"Are we just gonna stay in bed all day like lazy slobs?" You giggled as Ethan ran his thumb over the supple skin that was the apple of your cheek. Eyes glancing from your eyes to your lips every so often as he pulled you closer by the small of your naked back.

"I don't give a fuck about where I am as long as I'm with you"

"Y/n?" Grayson shook you softly when he noticed you were deep inside your own head. Hiding from reality in a fantasy world where Ethan still cared. "Y/n say something?
Anything bub c'mon" Grayson ran his thumb against your supple cheek - collecting the mixture of makeup and tears as he did so. Yours eyes found his soon enough - they watered so face his silhouette became blurry.

"Grayson I—" you tried to speak, but sobs were the only thing that left your mouth as reality set in. Crying into his chest as rain became to poor from above - it was something straight out of a poorly written horror script. But in truth it was reality.

"Ta-take me h-h-home" you sobbed as Grayson picked you up and carried you koala style - your skirt riding up as he held it down to cover your cheeks.

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