The Game Changer

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"Who'd you need to talk to?" Brie sipped on her cocktail as Ethan sat down at the table once again. A light layer of sweat forming on his forehead as he felt range, anger, panic, bubble up from his inner self.

"It's uh— it's Y/n she left me a message and it just didn't sound good at the end, I think someone tried to hurt her" Ethan picked his fork up and played with his chicken.

"Did you two ever you know? Have a thing? Like together?" Brie asked as she continued sipping her drink. Watching Ethan's face contort with frustration at the question. Remembering what he said to you. How much he hurt you. How he kissed you and confused you even more.

"We uh—" Ethan could've said it's complicated, could've told the trust about how he felt about you. But he didn't. "We didnt, no"

"So what's that video on your phone?" She smirked slightly as Ethan chocked on his drink. Coughing and splattering. Remembering.

"Ethan we're not filming this!!" You giggled as you kneeled in his bed - naked as Ethan set his phone up on his desk.

"It's for research purposes bub" Ethan smirked as he hit record and sauntered his way over to the bed. His slightly whiter ass on full display as he jerked himself off as he walked. Slowly. "I gotta perfect my stroke"

"What you need to do it stop being such a tease" you laughed as Ethan pulled your legs out from under you - gripping the back of your thighs and pulling you down the bed towards him as he dropped to his knees" his face buried between your legs as Ethan reached up to fondle your exposed breast. Your back arching as you moaned Ethan's name and gripped his hair.


"You taste so fucking sweet, love this pussy" Ethan mumbled as he crawled up your body. "Fucking love you" Ethan smiles as he connected his lips to yours.

"What video?" Ethan asked. "There's no—"

"The video of you guys like literally fucking on your bed? I've watched it and—"

"Wait? You went through my phone!!" Ethan gritted his teeth. "When in hell, why—why did you do that!?"

"I was looking for that video you look of us the other day when we went pumpkin picking, I swiped too far in your video album" Brie pouted. "I'm sorry E I—"

"I'm gonna go" Ethan sighed as he whipped his face. "Honestly I— Jesus fuck why on earth would you watch the whole thing?" Ethan got up from the table. Counting some cash from his wallet and handing it to Brie. That should cover dinner. I'll call you tomorrow or something" leaving her sitting alone as the time.

She watched as Ethan left - this wasn't exactly how she pictured this particular night going. But she wasn't mad. Not as she pulled her phone up and went through her albums. A particular one entitled "Ethan's Scandal" making her smirk at the empty dinner table. Flicking through to see not only the video she'd airdropped to herself, but 20 or so other photos that would completely crumble the twins clean teen reputations.


"Grayson" you moaned as crawled at his chest. His thick cock buried deep between your folds. Your hips gliding up and down as your juices glistened on Graysons shaft. His hands guiding your hips. "Fuck, fuck, yeah—" you bit your bottom lip. Smiling as you watched Graysons face completely fill with euphoria.

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