After Moro's attack on earth. A galactic patrolman was investigating a crime sean. And she notesed that one of the survivors was a female saiyan. But she had no tail. Telling her that she had her tail torn off by the saiyan slayer. The roomers of th...
Angry foot steps are hired coming down a dark hall way. As a shadowy figure is followed by Berryblue, and a very concerned Kikono.
???: Frieza?! He's choosing him!? Why?! I'm the older one! The Cold Force sued be going to me!
The figure clenched his purple fists. And this makes Kikono a bit nervous. Thinking he mite blow up the hall way there in.
Kikono: W-Well my lord, it's not that your father doesn't.. well it's just that... well it's... uh...
Kikono was trying to think of to think of words to say to calm him down. But he didn't need too. For Berryblue chimed in with a smirk.
Berryblue: You still can't come to terms can you? The fact that Lord Frieza is a prodigy and you are not?
He stopped and turns to them. Kikono in a panic as he rants in fear to Berryblue.
Kikono: Berryblue that's the last thing you sued say to him!
Kikono was in a cold sweat. While Berryblue still had that confident smirk. But the shadowy figure didn't attack. He just stood there. The light from outside reveled more of the figure. Reveling purple skin. And a purple tail. He was of the Frieza race. And his full body is reveled. Unlike most of the others of his race. The gem parts where limited to just one. A fin one on his head. And it was a shade of blue. This. Was Cooler.
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Cooler: A good deduction as always Berryblue. My grudge agents him knows no bounds. It'll kill me inside to address the Cold Force as the Frieza Force once my little brother takes command.
Then a very particular laugh is hired from the shadows.
???: HO hohohoho! Oh my dear big brother. Are you upset with dear father choosing me over you? How sad Cooler.
The shadowy figure, shorter than Cooler, while taller that Kikono and Berryblue. It was the younger brother of Cooler. Frieza.
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And he appears to be in his first form. The tension so thick between them you could cut it with a spirit sword.
Kikono: L-L-Lord Frieza! *shaking a bit* H-How are you?