Three: Thestral Rides

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The journey towards Hogwarts didn't seem like a long time, but I supposed I didn't have any room to talk as I accidentally slept through most of it. It was now night time and I was awoken by Autumn, telling me I needed to put my robes on. I traveled to the bathroom and quickly threw on my Gryffindor robes. I proudly pinned my prefect pin next to the lion embroidery and walked back towards the marauder's compartment. There I was greeted with a mass of black and red robes, and one green and black robe, coming from Stephanie, of course. I wish I could say that I had finally walked into a sane compartment. But no. Of course not.

In the abyss of robes the boys (Remus included, to my surprise) was the playing of air guitar, drums, etc. Autumn was laughing and taking pictures and Stephanie just looked confused, probably by the fact that it was a muggle song. They didn't pay any attention to me walking in, so I sat down where I originally was and looked at the boys.

To no one's surprise, Sirius was the one playing the air guitar to the muggle song. His foot was propped up on the seat next to Stephanie and he was head banging a little too hard. His hair was flying manicaly but it didn't stop his passionate playing.

James was the next one I looked over to as he was strangely maneuvered in the corner seat playing what looked to be the living hell out of the imaginary drum set. I was worried with this constant head banging that he'd lose his glasses, but his smile said he was anything but worried.

The smaller boy, Peter, also emerged in the chaos as he was pretending to be the boys' fan. He was squealing like a girl and taking photos off of a muggle camera. He screamed the lyrics at the top of his lungs and flailed all over trying to get the most ridiculous photos of the boys.

The person that shocked me the most was Remus. He was in the middle using his wand as a microphone and screaming the lyrics along with Peter. Like the other boys, he too would throw in a head bang here and there. I slightly laughed to myself as Peter almost tripped Remus, trying to get a shot from the ground of his passionate singing.

I couldn't sit here and lie to myself. I was envious of them. I wanted to be that carefree person. I wanted to be able to have that... that confidence to get up and make a fool of myself in front of my friends. But I guess that's where one of the problems lay. Friends.

I felt my smile drop. It's not like I was intentionally trying to make myself sad, but I couldn't help but feel like I didn't belong in this compartment. After all, I was only friends with the girls... but sometimes... I think maybe I'm not even good enough for them. What does a broken girl deserve to be with a group of genuinely happy people?

I sighed from my depressing thoughts and picked up the book that was long forgotten on the seat beside me. Without wrinkling up my robes, I curled up to the wall, drowned out the concert going on around me, and immersed myself in my book, ready to get back to Hogwarts.


It was about 20 minutes until we had arrived at the magnificent castle. We were all fidgeting in anticipation to get in the castle's warmth. Slowly but surely, they were starting to let students out of the train and into cold Scotland air. Sirius and James moved to get our bags for us, and after smiling as a thank you, I moved towards the door of the train and stepped out. The air was crisp and piercing, but the view of Hogwarts in the distance made up for it. You didn't need glasses in order to see the beauty of the castle and the light pouring out of its windows, ready to greet its students for yet another year. The booming voice of the gamekeeper, Hagrid, could be made out over the chatter, ushering first years towards him and into the boats. It was truly one of a kind sight to see the sparkle in the children's eyes once they looked at what would be their new home. And home it was, for everyone who stepped in the doors of Hogwarts.

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