Hold on tightly or let go lightly

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Aaira told Olivia about how she saw Mathew and how he helped her and even ignored 😒. Olivia was quite disturbed and shocked to hear this about Matthew. Aaira was kept on telling her stories what happened and all!! but olivia was not really interested to hear all of this as as as MATTHEW was her ex boyfriend! Damn shocking right? well wait for more twists to come. She excused her self and went to the toilet. Aaira was confused.

Aaira: did I said something wrong?  All of a sudden what happened to her?  Never mind I'll ask her when she'll be back.

Aaira left for her class as she joined arts last week. And guess what ? Matthew was even there. When she saw him she was so frustrated because she remembered whatever happened yesterday so she literally ignored him and sit at the last bench. Here comes the arts teacher miss Elizabeth she introduces her self and ask everyone to introduce as well. When Matthew introduced himself she was a bit confused cause he said everything In a rough way as he prefers staying alone and hates getting along with people. But she let it go and starts her class by telling them the basic things about arts and also she shared some famous art work of the greatest artist.

And bell rings!!!

They all left the classroom. While going back Matthew bumped into Olivia and they were starting at each other for a while and then Mathew left. Aaira went to Olivia to ask her hows she ? She said I'm much better

Aaira: by the way what happened to you all of a sudden while I was sharing the stories with you?

Olivia: nth! I was just not feeling good but now I'm fine so don't worry.

Aaira: alright let's go and eat something cause I'm really hungry man.

Olivia: same here dude. Let's goo!

They went to the cafeteria and order some food and coffee for them and later on Aaira's other friends join them. They were having really fun time while pulling each others leg. Aaira got a call from her brother and he said please come back home early if you are done with your classes as we will be going to our relatives house today for a dinner. Aaira said sure ali and he hung up the call. After finishing eating she directly went to her home and get ready for the dinner she was very excited as she was going out with family after a very long time. They all left for the dinner and guess where they land? Their relatives were none  other than Mathew's family...... yess you heard it right its him againnnn. The moment she saw him she was out of her mind.

Aaira: damn it's his place? I'm in his house what a crap dude🤦‍♀️.

They all greeted each other and started talking I mean gossiping you know how aunty's works. And there father started watching TV and there favourite channel newssss duh. Only Matthew, Ali and Aaira were left. They were kept on starting at each other as who gonna start the conversation. Ali was like hey brother why you seems to be so boring Matthew was like me and boring? Ofcourse you and you are boring dude.

Matthew: oh com on bro I'm the coolest guy in the college ask your sister she knows me.

Ali: wait.... whatt?

Matthew: yesss I am!

Aaira says (sarcastically): yup he's the coolest guy in our college.

Ali:  Then why you guys behaving as you met for the first time? Why you not talking to each other?

Aaira: he's coolest but he's also rude ass.

Matthew: what nonsense! I'm not rude ok... at that day I was busy that's why I didn't replied to you or looked at you I was alredy late.

Aaira : who knows?

That's how they started talking to each other. The time they spent together was priceless and none of them will be able to forget this day. They exchanged their number. Aaira never saw Matthew laughing this much she have never seen this side of this stud guy ever. While they were enjoying here comes the call .... Aaira let's go home it's 1 am already my child. So they left from there. Today she was so happy to know more about Matthew and she even knows they are relatives so she was extremely happy. They went back home and here she received a message and guess who messages her at this time. I mean it was already 2 am, it was the one and only her new friend Matthew.

Matthew: Aaira please text me after reaching home.

Aaira: I'm already home and by the way thanks for asking me and caring about me.

Matthew: you are my friend now and  this is my right to ask whether you are home,  did you eat , are you ok and all.

She was smiling while reading his text. They were chatting till late night they asked each other some questions to know them better. They were already so close in just one day as they knew each other since their childhood. Matthew told her tomorrow we'll go to college together and Aaira said sure I'm fine with it. So late night chats to going to college together they were bonding really well. During school time she went to her Best friend Olivia and told her what all happened yesterday she was like Aaira just stay away from Matthew ok... why do you have to get close to him? Am I not enough for you or what?

Why did she said that to her best friend?
Why she asked Aaira to stay away from Matthew?
What were Olivia thinking ?  So many questions right?

Don't worry I'll answer each and every question.
You guys just stay tuned and wait for my next chapter and let me know whether you guys liked this chapter or not?

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