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inspired from the song Never Not by Lauv

warning: angst


~We were so beautiful.~

"Taehyungie~" The younger cold out as the older ran, both of them giggling as they let their feet bring them to wherever they want.

"Got ya!" Jungkook exclaimed as he encircled his arms around the older's waist, lifting him off the ground, the older squealing and laughing.

"Tickle attacks!" The younger spoke, giggling as he ran his nimble fingers along the older's sides. Taehyung squirmed, laughing loudly.

The whole day was spent with them playing around, loving smiles etched in their faces.

"I love you, hyungie~"

"Wuv you too, Ggukie~"

~We were so tragic.~

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled as the older fainted in his arms. Taehyung was pale, body skinnier than usual.

He smiled at his lover, lifting up his frail arm to cup the younger's tear stained cheeks.

"I-i-im o-okay." Taehyung whispered. Jungkook sobbed as he ran to the hospital, praying that the older will be safe.

Please be safe hyung. For me.

~No other magic could ever compare.~

"Hyung?" The young ravenette called out, voice barely coherent. He held his boyfriend's hand, squeezing it gently.

The older let out a gentle smile, despite the pain he's in. Tubes and machines were attached to his delicate body, and he looked like he will barely survive. Though he fought, and will always fight just to be with his Jungkookie.

"I-I'll b-be o-o-okay J-j-ju-jungkookie. I-i'm st-strong, r-remember?" Taehyung consoled the younger, smiling that adorable boxy smile that always make Jungkook feel giddy inside. The younger sobbed as tears cascaded down his cheeks, but he smiled back.

"Y-you'll survive Tae. We s-still need to ge-get m-married, right?" The older wiped his tear stained cheeks as he spoke, still crying.

"I-i l-l-lov-love y-y-yo-you, J-j-jung-jungkooki-e. S-so m-mu-much."

"I-i love you too, hyungie. So much."

The boys shared a kissed with salty tears running on both of their cheeks.

~For as long as I live,~

The black haired man sighed, crouching down. He stared at the grave and ran his fingers in the embedded in it.

In loving memory of

Kim Taehyung
December 30, 1995 - July 25, 2016

Such loving and forgiving angel, may he rest in peace.

~And as long as I love,~

Jungkook bit back a sob as a bittersweet smile made its way on his lips. He traced the letters in the grave, humming a familiar tune of a song - his favorite song.

"It's been four years, hyung." He whispered, breaking down as he failed to hold his tears in.

"But as long as i'm breathing, as long as i'm alive," He started, smiling at the grave, as if it will answer him.

"I will never not think about you."


i'm not crying you are! 😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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