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warning:  fluff, tsundere!taehyung

[hair color: boy with luv era]


"Taehyungieeeeee~" The ravenette whined, rolling in his and the latter's shared bed. Taehyung sat on the couch near the bed, reading a random book Jungkook didn't give a fuck about.

He was honestly upset about the fact that his boyfriend seems to be more interested in the book than him.

"C'mere~" He whined continuously, arms stretching for a hug. He wanted nothing but cuddles.

However, Taehyung just lifted his head and uninterestingly stared at him before going back to what he was doing.

Jungkook's mouth gaped bewilderedly before forming into a pout. He was honestly used to his boyfriend's antics, how he was not used to affection at all. Though Taehyung can't help but be affectionate at times. Those were rare times which Jungkook cherish.

The ravenette tried getting the blue-haired's attention, but to no avail. The older's eyes were still fixated in the book he's grasping.

This made Jungkook pout defeatedly, burying his face in the pillow he's been holding.

Taehyung lifted his head up and looked at Jungkook's direction. The younger still has his face buried in the pillow, hands in small fists.

This made the older chuckle, though he hid it by clearing his throat, biting his lips to prevent the smile that wanted to break in his face (but failing miserably.)

The sound made Jungkook lift his head. He saw Taehyung stare at him, his eyes sparkling with love. A small smile stretched in his lips as his eyes bores into Jungkook. The latter just stares back, smiling amusingly.

"You're such a tsundere." Jungkook giggles.

Taehyung glows a deep shade of red when he figured out that he was caught, but yet again, hides it by scratching his cheeks and scoffing.

"W-what are you talking about? I'm not!" The older denies the accusation, crossing his arms in his chest.

"Oh yeah? Then why were you ignoring me? Why were you staring at me lovingly? Just admit it Taehyungie~ You love me~" The ravenette said, stretching the me.

Taehyung just scoffed again, turning his back to the younger male. The raven head chuckles, a sound which made Taehyung's heart flutter, which his tsundere ass would never admit.

Once Jungkook calms down, he stood up and went to the male before carrying him and plopping him in his shoulder.

The blue head squeaked as he get draped in the man's shoulder. He hits the man's muscular (sexy) back whilst protesting, but to no avail since his lover is a muscle pig, so his hits feels like that of a baby.

"Yah you muscle pig! Put me down, idiot! You coconut head! Yah!" He screams and squirmed, but Jungkook just slaps his butt as he walked towards their bed and slams Taehyung gently.

Taehyung bounces in the bed softly. The black haired male smiles at him cutely before pouncing on him and tickling him to death.

Taehyung squealed as he thrashes around harshly, trying to pry of Jungkook's hands that are tickling him.

"Y-yah! Y-you c-co-cocon-nut he-head! S-stop i-it--HAHAHAHA!" He laughs breathlessly, still squirming. Jungkook just shook his head no, still tickling his sides.

"Y-yah!" Taehyung laughs as he fought off Jungkook's hands, thrashing. His arms were basically everywhere as he thrashed on the bed.

Accidentally, he hits Jungkook's head with his hands, the male hissing as he holds his head in pain.

Taehyung gasps in surprise, snapping up suddenly before hugging Jungkook and apologizing.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkookie. I didn't mean to hit you." He says softly, rubbing the male's back as he said so.

He kept apologizing, kissing his temple every now and then. He missed the sweet smile plastered in the maknae's face as he softly speaks

Jungkook kept his head hung low, fake crying as he sniffled. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands, ignoring the older's apologies just to show that he was "upset".

"Jungkook-ah, hyung is so sorry." Taehyung apologizes softly again, rubbing the said male's neck.

It took everything for Jungkook to not squeal in front of his hyung, since soft Taehyung is a rare sight to see. So he'll enjoy it first since this Taehyung shows up once in a blue moon.

"Y-you hurt J-jungkookie."

"I know, sweetheart. That's why hyung is sorry. Please accept my apology." The blue head speaks softly once again.

"Say you love me first." The younger whispers, biting his lips to prevent his self from smiling.

"I love you, Kookie." Taehyung softly whispers.

"Really?" His right-hand was clutching his phone inside his pocket, recording every sentence his lover spits out.

"More than anything."

This time, Jungkook can't keep his self from smiling, lifting his head up to see his hyung's beautiful face.

The older smiles back, oblivious of what he did.

He kisses his lips gently, the other kissing back just as much.

When he detached his lips, he got his phone from his pocket, pressing the stop button before saving the record.

"What was that?" Taehyung asks confused, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh, this?" Jungkook smiles mischievously before playing the record, Taehyung gaping in shock.

Jungkook nodded before chuckling, throwing his head back.


Jungkook just laughs loudly, used at his lover cussing the fuck out of him.

Taehyung then lies on the bed with his back towards Jungkook. He buries his face on the pillow as he grumbles.

Jungkook sighs as he smiled lazily, hugging the older from behind.

He kisses his ear before whispering softly.

"You know you love me, right?"

"I heyt chu!" Taehyung mumbles in the pillow, Jungkook laughing at him.

"I love you too." Jungkook smiles as he squeezes the boy's hips before kissing his nape.

And though Taehyung won't admit it, he breaks into one of the biggest smile he ever mustered, cheeks glowing red as he buries his face more on to the pillow, hiding his flustered state by grumbling more on to the pillow.

And even though Taehyung doesn't say it often, Jungkook knows he loves him just as much.

God, he really did fell for the tsundere hard.




ipurpleyalllll 💜

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