28. Jealousy.

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Your eyes begin to open, squinting at the bright sunlight that was coming in through your and Zayn’s bedroom window. It was a Saturday which meant that both you and your boyfriend had a day off from work resulting in the two of you sleeping in. After a couple of minutes of trying to wake up, you rolled onto your other side only to see that Zayn was wide awake and on his phone, not something that you would expect from him especially since he wasn’t a morning person. 

  “Well good morning.” You begin, snuggling up into his chest. 

He smiles at the warm feeling and pushes some hair out of your face so that he could leave a kiss on your neck, “Mornin’, love.” He responds raspily, “you sleep well?”

  “I slept fine.” You smile sitting up so that you could stretch out, “I was thinking that since its your only day off this week that we could probably go see a movie today if you want.” 

He does the same, sitting up and pressing his back up against the headboard while he stretched out his upper body, “We could, but it would have to be after i get home because i have plans with Gigi today.” He confesses while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

And there it was. For the past couple of months Zayn had been spending way more time with her than he did with you, and it was really starting to bother you. You had talked to him about it before and he had even promised to limit his time with her but his actions really seemed to contradict his words. 

  “Zayn you said that we could do something today,” You start, not wanting to bring up the fact that you were kind of upset, “i really wanna spend time with you.”

  He frowns picking up that you were a little bothered, “Baby,” He pauses so that he could take your face into his hands, “I know, i want to spend time with you too, and we will, okay? I promise ill be home in a couple of hours and then we can spend all the time that we want together.” He promises before kissing you on the lips. He makes his way over to the edge of the bed, soon standing up so that he could walk to the bathroom to take shower.

  “Fine.” You mumble defeatedly knowing that no matter how much you wanted to stop him from spending time with her, you couldn’t. She was his friend and you couldn’t deprive someone from spending time with their friends no matter how jealous you were, but something inside of you felt that something wasn’t right about this whole situation, and maybe him and and Gigi had a thing going on. 

It was now 12pm, and Zayn was all dressed and ready to do whatever him and Gigi had planned, “Ill be home soon, babe.” He calls at you from downstairs and the sound of the front door slamming followed soon after. 

You sigh to yourself not wanting to overthink the whole situation. Maybe they were just going out for a quick meal in a friendly way? Or maybe they were just going to go and see a movie? Either way you knew that you could trust Zayn and he would stay loyal till the end, after all, he did promise to be home by 3:00 right? Wrong. Hours and hours kept passing through the day and before you knew it, it was already 10 at night.

And that was the final straw.

How did he expect you to keep putting up with this? How could your boyfriend of 4 years forget that he had a date planned with you all because he was too busy spending all of his spare time with another girl? All of the promises that he vowed to keep were soon broken and that was it for you. Rage had filled your mind at the thought of this whole circumstance running through your head, and pretty soon you were walking up the stairs that led to the master bedroom to pack all of your things.

You soon swing open the closet door and grab your suitcase before stuffing every last article of clothing you owned inside of it. Part of you wanted to stop and think that maybe you were being a little unreasonable, but until Zayn could prove he could actually be a loyal boyfriend and keep the promises he made to you, then you would stop and think this whole thing out. 

Once you were getting ready to zip it up and rise to your feet, a soft voice could be heard behind you, “What do you think you’re doing?” He asks in a whisper soon coming to the realization that he had screwed up.

You turn around so that your angered eyes could meet with his sorrowful ones. You sigh, “I can’t put up with this anymore Zayn.” You finally confess, “I can’t just sit back and pretend like all of the time you spend with her isn’t bothering me because in reality, Zayn, it really fucking is.”

He swallows thickly and bites onto his bottom lip trying to come up with something to say that would calm you down, “Babe, why didn’t you try to tell me that it was bothering you this much, i would’ve never-”

  “I did try telling you Zayn, don’t you remember the talk we had a while back? Its like we never even have time for each other anymore cause your out doing whatever you do with her while i just sit at home waiting for you to come back for hours on end and I’m done with it. You even forgot that we had plans today and until you can prove that you can stay a loyal boyfriend I’m leaving for a little bit.” 

  “Y/N, can we just talk a little bit. Please don’t leave and let me explain, alright?” He pleads once you try to push past him through the doorway, but he wasn’t budging.

You look back up at your guilty boyfriend and sigh once again, “Fine, Zayn. You’ve got 2 minutes.” 

  “Okay, i know I’ve been spending a lot of time with her lately and that i really got carried away but i promise you that there is absolutely nothing going on in-between the two of us. You are the only girl in this world that i have eyes for and no one will ever get in the way of that, not even someone that I’ve been spending a little bit too much time with and i promise thats going to change, okay? Give me one more chance, alright? ” He asks softly taking your hands into his.

  “Zayn, i dont kn-”

  “Y/N, please. You said that you wanted me to prove to you that i can stay loyal, and thats what I’m trying to do, so please give me a chance, babe. I promise that i can do it…” He begs. 

  “You’ve got one chance Zayn..” You start and thats all it took for a huge smile to make its way back to his expression.

  “I know, and this time I’m not gonna fuck it up. I promise.” He whispers and presses his lips onto yours.

I hope you like it. It's from Tumblr.
Credit goes to: zaynimagines.
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