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        ALLURA WAS LYING DOWN ON her bed, her green eyes open as she listened to the radio they had bought two weeks ago. It was already late and James was taking a shower. As he did, Allura was thinking about every mission they had gone to since they had the small device.

        It was useful, that was for sure. The Romanian radio stations were very good at analyzing the fights and where they would take place, probably doing the same thing she and James did on a board with string and calculations.

        Every time there was a fight, the stations would be blowing up with news about it, which would confirm their location to James and Allura— who would first disconnect their radios, to avoid being on the news, and then help the other team that wasn't banning any symbol.

        It was an easy process. They had made it a routine and were willing to interrupt whatever it was they were doing to go fight. Some would say that it was to find out what was going on, others would think that it was out of boredom...But the truth was, that Allura and James were too used to the battlefield, and to going on missions. They were so used to it, that they couldn't stay still and watch a potential fight go on without them.

        It was both a perk and quirk.

        The strawberry blonde stood up and checked the board, carefully going over every detail at least ten times before her eyes landed on a particular picture.

        James came out from the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. His abdomen was toned, and his arm was also pure muscle. The thick stitches that separated his metal arm and his skin were very noticeable, but Allura didn't mind them one bit.

        Normally, she wouldn't care about him being shirtless. But she couldn't help herself this time, as she found her eyes widening, memories of him and her in their cells hitting her as a blush covered her cheeks.

        She had to close her eyes and shake her head, James not even noticing as he concentrated on what she had been looking at.

         "What did you find?"

        There was a picture of a normal looking restaurant, normal people walking down the street and the day seeming as normal as it got.

         "I don't see anything."
          Allura pointed at a symbol on the back, the soldier's fists tightening as they observed the HYDRA symbol near an alley.

         "That's Siberia. So that must be one of the entrances to the base." The two shared glances, debating inside their minds if HYDRA had already found them somehow.

         "But it doesn't seem new. It has probably been there for a long while." Allura tried to calm him down before he could overthink, the soldier breathing in and nodding.

         "Yeah. You're right. But why is it appearing on the news that talk about the two gangs?" James asked, Allura shrugging, the two locking glances again as they thought the same thing.

         "We did say we would go."

         "We shouldn't." James said, not sure of his answer.

         "But we should."

         "Yeah. We should."

         "But you remember it." She whispered.It was the most protected base out of all the others we were in." The two stayed quiet, their time in HYDRA coming back to them for a moment before James sighed.

       "We'll need a map of it."

       "And where do we get that? Wanna go knocking on the door of the Romanian HYDRA base and just ask for it?" Allura asked with a raised eyebrow, James shaking his head in slight mocking.

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