thrirty one

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       ALLURA HAD BEVER BEEN TRULY free on Earth.

       She wasn't free in HYDRA or in the KGB. She was always being shoved around, and controlled to a certain person's liking. She had been hurt and she had been tortured to the point where she couldn't breathe.

       But she felt a tiny bit of freedom when she was with James. She had felt freedom in Romania, because even though they were still the most wanted HYDRA assets, they didn't doubt their skills, and bit by bit had they allowed themselves to enjoy life and what comes with it.

       But now she felt as if it was all gone.

       After Ezekyel insisted that she wasn't put under hydrogen, the guards hit her hard across the head, causing her to black out completely. She could still remember James screaming her name as her vision became blurry and the worried voice of her brother as he yelled at an unfamiliar man called James Rhodes.

       But now, she was on a metal chair inside a glass cage. Her feet and wrists were restrained by a very heavy metal and her eyes were covered with another. She could only see darkness, and hear the messy sound of her own breathing. She could feel another presence in the room, the warmth in her chest telling her that it was James' eyes that were looking at her from somewhere.

       She carefully raised her head, feeling the ache in her neck from it hanging for a long period of time. She felt weaker. Her body was drained as if she had fought for three days straight with no break, and her muscles felt like they were stretching inside her body. She felt like oxygen was becoming easier to breathe, which was a clear sign of her little girl taking her alien genetics.

       Though not enough to leave her powerless, Allura was weak. And she was in desperate need of hydrogen that would for sure not be given to her anytime soon.

       "Soldat?" She spoke clearly, the German slipping feeling naturally because of the long amount of time that she had spoken it— second to Russian.

       "Ich bin hier." I'm here. His voice replied, concern that only she could hear being loud in the quiet room.

       "Wo ist 'hier'?" Where is 'here'? She asked.

       "Ich weiß nicht." I don't know. "Are you alright?" He spoke in English, confirming to her that there wasn't anyone who could hear them— and even though there were cameras, they were quiet enough not to be heard.

       "Fine. How are you?" She lied, not wanting to tell him that she was in a bit of pain. They had enough trouble as it was, her complaining would just be ridiculous.

       "A little tied up, doll." He said with a chuckle, making Allura return the gesture as a small smile appeared on her face.

       "It's good to know situations like this bring out your sense of humor."

       "Well, I work well under pressure."

       "As if." She laughed, the two stopping their conversation when they heard the door being opened quietly.

       Whomever was trying to catch them off guard, was stupid or stupid. They were former assassins, mission assets. Their senses were heightened and their skills were flawless. They could hear a pin fall two rooms away and someone's presence near them as if the noise was right next to their ear and the person right next to them.

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