thirty seven

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      ALLURA THOUGHT THAT THE MOST painful moment on Earth with her memories would be meeting her people. She thought that facing them, after everything that had happened back in her planet was going to be terrible and painful. But it turned out alright, so her fear turned into nostalgia, and then into happiness, until a very much needed relief flooded through her body.

      But boy how wrong she had been.

      Because the most painful moment on Earth, with her memories, was standing in front of this wretched base that she had visited with James just a few months prior. It was standing in front of the place that the man in the interview called her home.

      This was no home.

      This was hell. This was the cement structure of pain, loneliness, emotional and physical torture, helplessness and lack of control. This was the nightmare that she couldn't even have. This was the place where she realized that cruelty could reach levels that she didn't even know.

       Allura felt James' hand in hers, his eyes telling her that he was feeling the same way, but that she had him through everything. That he would always be there, and would always have her back.

       And her gaze reflect the same thing in return.

       The four walked into the base slowly, the painful moments hitting the former assets like a truck as their feet moved on their own accord, their minds numb to the memories and their stomachs twisting in agony.

       They stepped on the elevator, no words being exchanged as Steve and Ezekyel allowed the other two to their thoughts and their emotions, hoping that this would give them the closure they needed from HYDRA, only giving them reassuring glances when they saw their jaws tighten or their bodies halt.

       When they finally reached their destination, they became defensive. James was holding his gun, Allura and Ezekyel were prepared to attack and Steve was clinging to his shield, looking for any threats.

       Of course, what they didn't expect, was for the doors to be forced open, and for a familiar man in a red and golden suit to appear from it.

       "You seem a little defensive." Tony Stark said, observing his friend, his godfather and the HYDRA assets.

       "It's been a long day." Steve said, approaching him carefully.

       "At ease, soldiers. I'm not currently after you." Tony turned to the partners, Ezekyel and Steve only rolling their eyes.

       "Then why are you here?"

       "Not that we're not graced by your presence. But it does strike as odd." Ezekyel added.

       "Could be your story is not so crazy." Tony admitted with a slight shrug, making Allura raise an eyebrow.

       "Could be?" Allura asked, making the man chuckle.

       "Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise I gotta arrest my self."

       "That sounds like a lot of paperwork." Steve, Ezekyel and Tony chuckled, but Allura and James remained on their spots, their guard up. "It's good to see you, Tony."

       "You too, Cap. Ez." He acknowledged the men, turning to the soldiers. "Manchurian Candidate, E.T, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop-"

       The two turned to Steve for confirmation, and he gestured at them to put their guard down. The five of them kept walking, examining the place and trying to find the other Winter Soldiers.

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