Too hard to resist

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Tutor's Point of View
When P'Fighter told me that he won't be there for two days I was disappointed. I live alone but today I'm feeling lonely for the first time. I was studying when we usually have our lesson but his memories are not letting me concentrate. I made myself stronger when my sister had to live far from me due to debt we have. We used to have successful business though it was small but because of some reason we faced loss and then my father and mother left us unfortunately. My sister who was bright student got job in US and is living there while paying for debt and sometimes helping me. I was  a big university boy so she could left me here to study. I don't want to give more burden to my sister therefore I work part time and take tuitions so that she doesn't have to worry about it. I want to become engineer and help my sister too, though she told me that till I become engineer the debt we have will be paid off and we can live together. I'm waiting for that day, Hwa and Mork are the friends who helped me every time  they know about my financial situation, they are so close to me from middle school and cared for me so dearly. P'Fighter This person, I still remember our first encounter I hated him I thought of him as a bully, the later interactions with him also made me hate him more but I don't really know that when I began to felt something for him. Even in our hateful encounters earlier there was this feeling which was unknown to us. We both were not able to resist each other and drifting towards each other. I was reluctant earlier but now I have decided to date P'Fighter, yes the feelings I have for him are not something I can pass on. Yes I love him! I didn't fall for anyone earlier and I don't want to give up something I want due to some idiotic thinking that I can not trust him or the relationship of us two boys will get accepted or not. I will give our relationship a chance.
While I was lost in thoughts P'Fighter called me and said "you are missing me aren't you?"
Me - In your dreams
Fighter - Yes my dreams are always about nothing but you and many times you look too sexy in them
Me - You are talking nonsense again
Fighter - Don't you dream about me?
Me - Stop being pervert and study you need to get an A
Fighter - Can I become pervert after getting A?
Tutor - I'm hanging up P'Fighter
I said and hang up the phone he is so shameless always talking about these things. But I can not deny that I miss him and I do like it when P'Fighter kisses me or cuddle me, yes his skills are good of which he always brags about.

Fighter's Point of View
I teased Tutor and then began to study again. The next day also I studied at home I called Tutor again and asked one doubt I had then asked him if he missed me and he was annoyed as I teased him some more. I know he missed me too but I certainly miss him more.
It is the day of test and there was no chance I wouldn't get an A, result was supposed to be come tomorrow so I have to wait for one more day! That's so troublesome and tiresome! I met Tutor at the canteen that day and I was so happy. There were vacant place beside them as it was only Tutor and Zon. Me and Saifah sat beside them. Tutor asked me how was the test and I said amazing.
Zon - you look so confident P' but someone must have performed very bad I guess he looked at Saifah and said.
Fighter - Oh Saifah is good in English so he must have also performed well too. I said to which Zon was quite surprised.
Fighter - So you must not have forgotten about our deal right Tutor.
He hit me on leg under the table and I was in pain.
Zon - deal? What deal.
Tutor - He has been getting lesson from me so I told him to get an A this time
Zon - Oh
Fighter - And there is reward for it.
Tutor - Stop teasing P'
I did not say much after that as Zon seemed to believe him. We finished lunch and went to our periods. At the evening I picked him from the get as today there will be the teaching.
Fighter - See I'm going to get an A.
Tutor - Its not given yet
Fighter - Result is just formality.
Tutor - We will see that
Fighter - Okay you will see but why don't you give me an answer and reward in advance?
Tutor - P'Fighter don't be sneaky
Fighter - Okay I'll wait till tomorrow

When we reached his condo and began our lesson I told him that I have got bored from studying too much from two days.
Tutor - Okay what do you want to do then
Fighter - Lets play game
Tutor - I'm not good at games
Fighter - Come on Tutor ( I hold his hand like child and pouted)
Tutor - Okay

After playing a game for a while Tutor got angry because I was winning it. And it was around the time when he goes to his part time job so he began to get ready, I was so sad and said,
Fighter - Tomorrow I want you all by myself
Tutor - That's not something funny to ask P' I can't miss my work.
Fighter - I studied so hard for you and you can not even skip one day of work for me.
Tutor - Don't manipulate me.
Fighter - Please Tutor, please, please, please
Tutor - Okay I will ask the owner today stop pestering me.
Fighter - That's like a good boy.
Then I dropped him at his part time job and look over him from far. I am waiting for tomorrow to come so anxiously.

Fighter Tutor A Twist With DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now