Nanami's Friends Were Brainwashed?

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Over the next few days Kamukura-kun filled her in on the state of the world and how it had ended up this way. It had been steadily declining into war for the past few months, he said, with the oppressed and weak rising up to kill the talented and strong. Hope's Peak Academy had been at the center of this because the mastermind was one of the students attending—a girl named Enoshima Junko.

At the name a nugget of memory jiggled the cogs of Chiaki's brain, strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes and a sickeningly sweet voice proclaiming "I've been wanting to make friends with you!" Then, with a hissing sound, it dissolved into steam.

But it was enough to rouse her suspicions, and she hesitantly inquired, "...This Enoshima, is she... Is she the one who tried to kill me, too?"


Why? She almost asked. Why, why, why? What did I ever do to her?

What had Kuzuryu-kun's sister done to her killer? There was no excuse Enoshima could have had for Chiaki to be okay with almost dying at her hand. And the very worst people, the kind who could throw a world into despair, didn't need a reason to kill.

So instead of fear she turned to anger. Chiaki burst out, "Didn't they do a background check on her?!"

"I do not know. However, it is likely that if they did, the Steering Committee did not care about her true nature and allowed her attendance anyway, in the name of studying her talent."

Studying talent...was that all Hope's Peak had really cared about? Enough to let someone who'd attempted murder walk free?

What a dumb question. Of course it was. She'd seen what they'd done to Hinata-kun and Kamukura-kun; why should this surprise her?

The more she learned about what really went on at her school, the less Chiaki liked it. She used to be proud to attend Hope's Peak, proud to call herself "talented", even if she thought her talent wasn't nearly as useful as most of the others'. She'd been proud and happy because it was where she'd met Hinata-kun, Yukizome-sensei, and all her friends. But now... how could she say she was a student of that place with any sort of pride?

The next day, as they worked on stretching, she asked how intense the chaos was.

"It varies. The fighting is worst in large towns, cities and countries. Populous areas hold more ground for disarray and dissent, and are as such targets for those who wish to spread such things. Relatively isolated areas have been able to eke out something resembling a normal life, however, as long as they are willing to endure increased prices, crime rates, and pollution."

"Like the area we're in?" she guessed.

"Like the area we're in," he confirmed. "The nearby settlement still has a working economy; while I could easily grow the food we need myself, it is more convenient to take advantage of such resources while they exist. It is also where I acquired your clothes and games."

Chiaki automatically glanced down at what she was wearing. A white shirt and plaid skirt, nothing special. But they were still so nice for what they symbolized. Once she'd been able to stay awake after therapy, Kamukura-kun had started helping her wear actual clothes again. He had to button up her shirts and slide on her skirts and put her hairpin in, but she was starting to get used to him seeing her nude, even if she wished it wasn't necessary. It was worth it, though, to start feeling like an actual person again.

When he'd first presented the garments to her, she'd almost asked how he'd gotten her measurements. Then she'd remembered he'd been looking after her for months, which would have given him plenty of opportunity to familiarize himself with her sizes. So she'd just thanked him and taken the clothes, blushing lightly.

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