Lost Memories Return By A Horrific Dream

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It wasn't a complete recollection, mostly just large, disconnected chunks. But it was enough.

The mob outside the gates was so loud. She'd hurried as fast as possible to class, but it was impossible not to flinch at the sight of the parading Reserve Course students, their voices thick with hate, and the way their yells grew louder and angrier when they saw her. She couldn't help thinking, what if Hinata-kun's among them? The thought of him being among that jeering crowd, violent and furious and in danger from security, frightened her, and she worried at her lip.

She snapped open her umbrella and followed Komaeda-kun outside. While she was glad he was back, fear for Tsumiki-san wormed in her stomach. This was such a terrible time for Tsumiki-san to get lost; what if some of the parading students assaulted her? The nurse's self-esteem was so fragile she probably wouldn't fight back at all. She hoped that Komaeda-kun's luck would ensure they found her before anything too bad happened.

Her skin was distinctly crawling, like when she was playing a horror game late at night. How had Mitarai-kun gotten down here ahead of them? Why was he so thin, why were his face gray and body shaking? Who was this woman with him? Her eyes, her bearing, everything about her gave off the vibe of an antagonist. These questions battled for dominance in her mind, and she fought the urge to run away. Mitarai-kun looked like he was in trouble, and it was her duty as class rep, as his friend, to help him.

"Killing is wrong, no matter what!" she protested. She barely understood what Komaeda-kun was talking about, this huge speech on "hope" and "despair", but she did know that one law was universal. Whatever this girl had done, she surely didn't deserve to die for it. How had Komaeda-kun even snuck a gun past all the security, anyway? Was she really about to witness an attempted murder? This was supposed to be a normal day! Things had escalated so fast—

His eyes suddenly widened, and he wheeled, pointing the gun at something over her shoulder. She turned to see why, catching sight of a young man with very long, dark hair. Something about him seemed familiar, but before she could study him more closely he disappeared. There was a gunshot, and she saw Komaeda-kun fall. She almost screamed, rushing to catch him—she patted him down, looking for blood—oh thank god, there'd been a handbook in his breast pocket, he wasn't dead—and when she looked up—when she looked up—

Time stood still. Everything fell away. The room, Enoshima-san, Mitarai-kun, even Komaeda-kun's injured body. None of it mattered in that moment, as she stared up and up into red eyes that should have been green. It was dark and his hair was hiding most of his face, but she knew, she knew. Spellbound, she peered into those eyes, searching for Hinata-kun, because it was definitely him—but she had to ask, had to make sure—

Her heart was a jumbled knot of emotions; happiness at finally finding Hinata-kun, curiosity as to why he looked so different, anxiety about the blank look in his eyes, and then pain at his cruelly indifferent "who are you?" And then there was worry about Komaeda-kun, worry about Yukizome-sensei, and a thick, heavy fear overlying it all. Her feet pushed her and Komaeda-kun to the Academy building ahead, but her thoughts were with those behind.

She smiled as her classmates rallied their assent, a wave of relief washing over her. It had taken more self-control than she thought she owned to not let her friends be privy to the fearful thoughts in her head. Because Yukizome-sensei had tripped a mentor death flag, staying behind as she had, and she couldn't let her die. Not after everything she'd done for them. Alone, she was powerless. She was just that bullied gamer. But with her friends...with her friends, with all their talents in tandem, she could surely succeed.

Tsumiki-san...Yukizome-sensei...why? There was pain in her arm from where she'd landed on it wrong, but it seemed inconsequential compared to the pain in her heart. Her throat was too clogged by betrayal to speak; all she could do was stare up at the rapidly-shrinking image of her teacher as the elevator carted her off into darkness. Memories of Tsumiki-san's apologetic face, the crazed look in Yukizome-sensei's eyes, floated before her. She didn't understand why they'd done this, and she could only ask their phantoms, uncomprehending, why?

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