Chapter 2

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Marrium's POV

I held on tightly as Zane flew quickly to the city. We landed just outside, making sure we did not get seen. Zane led me up to a safe, but close place to shoot. I sighed, staying out of sight as I watched him slip away. I saw Lloyd peek out from behind a wall, glancing up at me. He nodded at me, and peeked his head out until one of the snakes saw him. "The green ninja. Capture him!" the large snake said. All of the snakes start to walk towards him, including Kai. I saw some snakes appear behind him, and he was forced out into the open. I then saw all of the ninja jump in, and they started to fight the snakes.

Cole was up against Kai, and managed to throw him right into the alleyway below me. I drew the string back, ready to fire. He looked up at me, and before I could fire, he did some fancy move, flipping up onto the roof I was on. I turned ready to fire, but Kai grabbed my neck, holding me up in the air over the edge of the roof. "Ssstop fighting, or elssse your friend getss it." a giant snake said. They all looked at each other, seeing none of them were caught, then up at me. I could hear them gasp. I was turned to Kai, who's eyes were dark red, the tattoo by his eye was glowing a dark red also as his grip tightened on my neck. His eyes showed no emotion to me as black spots appeared at the edges of my vision. I think I saw his face change and his grip loosen, but I had already lost consciousness. Hanging limp in Kai's grip.

Kai's POV

The black ninja threw me into an alleyway with surprising strength. I looked up, seeing a girl pointing an arrow at me. I ran up a wall, flipping above her head. She turned, but I grabbed her neck before she could fire, holding her over the edge of the building. "Ssstop fighting, or elssse your friend getss it." my master said. I saw the ninja look around, before looking up at me. The girls eyes were wide with fear, as she held my arm, not wanting to fall.

My grip tightened, then loosened again as I remembered a girl, smiling at me. Marrium. The girl slipped unconscious as I continued to stare at her. The promise... 'Drop her.' a voice in my head said. I couldn't do it. I tried to release my hand but I just couldn't do it. I had to keep my promise. I watched as the ninja were taken prisoner, and dragged away. I pulled the girl back above the roof. I picked her up bridal style, carrying her off of the building.

My master gave me a disapproving glare, as I walked into a building. I laid Marrium gently on a bed, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, before standing up, and walking away to the door, watching her out of the corner of my eye. I promised, and a promise is a promise. I won't hurt her, I can't... I snapped out of my thoughts, walking away not under my will. I locked the door behind me, before walking up to the throne of my master, kneeling, my head facing the floor. "Ssince you kept the girl alive, it isss now your duty to protect her. If the ninja esscape, they will go for her. Never let her out of your sssight. Undersstood?" he said. "Yesss, masster." I said, keeping my head down. This was the first time I have spoken and now I realized how much I was like a snake. The voice, the strength, the tattoo's. This hypnotism makes me like a snake.

I stood, retreating back to the girl, Marrium's room. I stood in the doorway for hours, until I saw the girl stir. I closed the door, leaning against the wall on the inside. She groaned, before sitting up, looking around. Her eyes landed on me, as she stood up, and she backed away. I didn't move and she just continued to stare at me. "What did they do to you?" Marrium whispered. I closed my eyes as she took a few steps forward so she was standing right in front of me. She reached her hand up to my face, and placed it on my cheek. I didn't move, but flinched slightly from her touch. Her hand didn't move from it's spot. I kept my eyes shut as she slowly traced my cheek, down my neck, through my shirt, and the rest of the way down my arms.

I resisted the urge to open my eyes, and stare into her beautiful ones, but soon I gave in, and they opened not under my will. Marrium stopped as she saw them, and I stared at hers, unable to look away. They hypnotized me, the way they swirled, and how beautiful they were. I felt relaxed, my mind turning free again. Just like before, but it was Marrium. The beautiful girl with beautiful brown eyes. I tried to shut my own eyes, knowing that I only served my own master. I tried to look away again, not wanting to fall under her beautiful eyes's captivating trance, but it was too late. I was lost in those eyes, staring at her. I was turned free, only to be rounded up again by them. I couldn't move a muscle. I couldn't think as I continued to stare into their enchanting swirl. Marrium's hand moved to trace my cheek again, but I didn't care. I was lost in those beautiful brown eyes. I didn't notice the world around me. I was frozen solid, the only thing being able to move was my eyelids when I blinked. I could see Marrium look at me curiously, and I felt two soft fingers be pressed lightly to my forehead, "Sleep." a beautiful, soft and soothing voice said. It rang around in my head, and unable to stop myself, I felt my eyelids grow heavy, before I collapsed to the floor, completely asleep.

Marrium's POV

I opened my eyes, staring at the weird brown ceiling above me, then I remembered what had happened. I slowly got out of the bed I was lying on, and stood up. But I took a step back as I saw Kai standing by the door. He didn't move, and I slowly walked towards him. But he shut his eyes before I fully got there. "What did they do to you?" I whispered softly, placing my hand on his cheek. I felt Kai wince slightly, but began to trace the snake tattoo by his eye. I traced it down one of his muscular arms, and stopped at his hand. After a moment Kai's eyes opened, showing the dark red of hypnotism. He stared into my eyes as I stopped moving my hand. He was so far under those snakes' control.

After a moment I began to move my hand back and forth again on his cheek, but Kai's eyes never left mine. Not for a second. He only blinked every now and then, but went right back staring into mine. I began to get a little curious, and slowly moved my hand up to his forehead. "Sleep." I said in a soft, low voice. I softly pressed two fingers to Kai's forehead, and watched as his eyes fluttered shut, before he fell to the floor. I stared down at him. "Did I somehow hypnotize him?" I muttered to myself. I knelt down next to him, rolling him onto his back. I had no idea how I had done it, but Kai had been staring into my eyes, so maybe that had something to do with it. I once again softly pressed two fingers to his forehead, whispering, "Rise.". Kai's eyes opened, and he stood up off the ground, watching me. Was this a good thing? I mean, he was listening to me rather than that snake. Then I thought about this, then the snake would just hypnotize him again, and I probably wouldn't be able to save him.

I took a breath, once again placing my fingers to Kai's forehead. "You will continue to listen to the giant snake, but listen to me if they are not close by." I said in the low, soothing and gentle tone. For a second, Kai's eyes fluttered up in his head, returning back to the dark, crimson color, before he spoke. "I will continue to lissten to the giant sssnake, but lissten to you if they are not clossse by." he replied in a low voice. One that was much lower than his own. I was very surprised at how much he sounded like a snake. I took a step back, and walked over to the bed. I sat down on it, and looked around the building. It was pretty bare, but it still had a homey feel to it. I looked down at my hands. How had I hypnotized Kai? Was there something he saw in my eyes that forced him to not look away? He was staring into them for so long, as if he couldn't, so that must have been it. I looked back over at the sturdy boy as he watched me from the doorway.

Sorry it took so long to write, I had forgotten

about it for a while.

Yet I still hope that you enjoyed.

Hypnotized A Ninjago FanFiction. (A Kai X Marrium)Where stories live. Discover now