Chapter 3

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Kai's POV

I felt two fingers pushed lightly on my forehead, and the beautiful, soft, captivating voice spoke. "Rise." it whispered. My eyes opened, and I stood up off of the ground not under my will. My eyes drifted back to Marrium's eyes as she stood again. I continued to stand there, her eyes whispering to me to not look away. I watched as she raised her hand, and once again placed the two fingers to my forehead. "You will continue to listen to the giant snake, but listen to me if they are not close by." She said in a soothing, quiet voice. My mind accepted the orders like I had no future. My body once again feeling so relaxed as the voice echoed around inside of me. My eyes rolled up into my head, then returned to where they were. Staring into Marriums. "I will continue to lissten to the giant ssnake, but lissten to you if they are not clossse by." I replied in my cold, flat, emotionless tone. I watched as Marriums eyes widened slightly, and I realized that was the first time she had heard me speak. She took a step back away from me, before turning and walking over to the bed. I watched as she sat down on it, and looked around the building.

Marrium had done something to me, I knew it. She had changed me in some way. She knew that her eyes would enchant me, and she would be able to control me in her own way. I shook those thoughts out of my head, and just continued to watch her. Marrium had no idea, it was something that she must have just discovered. My thoughts kept on going round and round (Round and round. I won't run away this time. Till you show me what this life is for... Imagine Dragons, Round and Round, I'm sorry, I had to.) about how Marrium had changed me, but I always told myself that she didn't know.

There was a knock at the door, and Marrium looked up as I turned to it, and opened it. A snake was holding 2 plates of food, and I took them, before closing the door as they walked away. I locked it again, and walked over to Marrium. I set 1 of the plates on the bed next to her, before taking the other back to my position at the door. She stared at me for a minute as I quickly ate. As soon as I was done, I set the plate on a table next to me, and folded my arms, leaning back against the wall. I smirked as I saw Marrium's eyes drift to my biceps, and I flexed a little, making her blush, and quickly look away.

I smiled, thinking that she looked cute with that blush on her cheeks. I decided to walk up to her, and sat down on the bed next to her. Marrium wouldn't look at me though, and I frowned at that. I shifted closer to her, my arm brushing against hers, and Marrium yelped, as if finally realizing I was right there. I smirked at her flustered look, and she tried to eat without looking at me.

"Babe, stop ignoring me." I whispered in her ear, and Marrium's blush darkened. "What do you want?" she whispered, and I smirked. "Do you really want me to answer that?" I asked, and slowly, she nodded. My smirk grew bigger as I thought about her question. "I want you to run your hands down my biceps. I want for you to take off my shirt, and see my toned body, to force your hands deep into my abs, and make me moan. I want to scream your name, and beg you to push deeper into my skin, and for you to listen, and do it, and make me moan louder. I want to kiss you until you claw at my body, wanting more. I. Want. You."

That was what I wanted to say, but of course, I didn't. Someone poked me, and I broke out of my thoughts, and looked over at Marrium. "What do you want?" she asked again, and I wondered if I should say it. "Nothing." I replied, thinking against it. I didn't want it to get awkward or anything. "But you asked me if I really wanted you to answer that." Marrium said, confused, and I narrowed my eyes. "I was just being dramatic." I covered. She nodded slowly, seeming to be unconvinced. "Alright, tell me what you really want." she said, and I raised an eyebrow. "I told you, I don't want anything." I lied, although I felt something inside of me telling me to say what I had thought to her. I didn't though, and she narrowed her eyes, before sighing. "Fine." she muttered.

Jay's POV

"I don't like being here while Marrium is who knows where!" I said, grabbing the bars that were holding the ninja and I captive. I shook them, and Nya set a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure she's alright." she said, and I sighed, turning around. "Zane, come on, you have a plan to get us out of here, don't you?" I asked, and slowly, the nindroid nodded, and pulled out his cell phone. I watched him dial a number, put it on speaker, and wait for a reply. "Hello?" a voice asked after a moment. A female voice... "(Y/n), how are you?" Zane asked, seeming to know the girl. "Oh, hey, bro. I'm good, what's up?" this... (Y/n) replied. "I need your help." the nindroid said, then started explaining our situation, with all of us standing there, like, who the heck is this (Y/n)?

After Zane finished his conversation with his supposed sister, he put his phone away. "Who's (Y/n)?" Cole asked, and the nindroid stared at us blankly. "She is my sister, although not a nindroid." Zane replied, and we nodded slowly. "So, what is she going to do to help us?" I asked, and the others nodded. "I went to visit her a while ago, and I taught her some ninja moves. Although she does not have an elemental power, she knows spinjitzu." Zane replied.

We all waited until there was the sound of fighting down the hall. Lloyd and Cole looked up as a figure approached our cell, wearing dark grey pants with a (F/c) hoodie. They were spinning the key on their finger, before inserting it into the hole, and turning it. The cell door opened, and Zane stood up, and ran to them. They hugged each other, before turning back to us. "Everyone, this is my sister, (Y/n)." he said, and she took off her hood, revealing (H/l), (H/c) hair, and (E/c) eyes. "Hi." (Y/n) said, smiling, and waving cheerily.

Sorry it took forever. I had school and such to worry about. But here we are. Please comment on what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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