Chapter 1

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It might be a little long, but I hope you enjoy. Please comment on what you think of it.

Jay's POV

I was hanging out with my best friend in the whole wide world of Ninjago. (If you are wondering, it's not Cole.) Her name is Marrium Clyce, and we've been friends since kindergarten. We hadn't seen each other for a while, but I saw her again when we were out on a mission. I swear Kai had the eye for her as soon as he saw her. I think it's because she is pretty... well, pretty. Whenever she comes over, Kai is always, and I mean ALWAYS staring at her, a dreamy look in his eyes. I then remembered the thing that started all the thoughts. Kai had a crush on her, but I hadn't told her that since she had a crush on him. Yeah, the two don't know that they like each other, and it's really hard for me to not tell them. Marrium had met my whole team, and we had hung out a lot since then. Ninjago has had no crime for weeks, and all of us ninja were thankful for the break.

Currently Marrium and I were walking through the park, catching up on things that had happened since we had last seen each other. "Oh my gosh. Did I tell you about the time we were teachers for Sensei Wu's academy?" I asked. She shook her head no. We were what you could call, odd friends. I was super talkative, whereas she was super... not. "Yeah, all of the boy students really liked Nya, Zane had gone on the fritz because of a remote, and every one hated Cole. Whereas, Kai hated them. Yeah. I think I was a pretty good teacher." I finished. She smiled, and gave a small laugh.

"Jay, are you there. The Hypnobrai have got Kai!" Nya said on my wrist watch. Marrium gasped. "Nya, I'm with a friend, but where are they heading?" "Oh, hi Marrium." she said. She smiled, "Hi." she said quietly. I can't believe that Nya knew it was her. "Jay, by the look of it, their taking Kai to the Lost City of Ouroboros (I know that is not spelled write.)." the two of us gasped. "We have to follow them." Marrium whispered. I nodded, "We're on our way. We'll figure out what those snakes are up to!" I told her.

I summoned my elemental dragon, and helped Marrium up behind me. "Hold on!" I called to her. She nodded, and I took off, heading towards the desert. We landed just outside of the city, and Marrium followed me as I snuck through the streets to somewhere we could hide and watch what was happening in the center of the city. For not being a ninja, Marrium was really good at sneaking. We found a spot to hide, in an alleyway, and hid behind a short wall, that was there for who-knows-what-reason. Kai was chained between two posts, hanging at eye level of the snakes, he was also struggling against the chains. "Sssir. The ssspell isss ready." a snake said, walking up to Skales. Marrium and I looked at each other. "Spell?" we both mouthed.

Skales nodded, before turning to Kai "You won't get away with this." he spat, but Skales just smiled, "You do have a fiery temper, but now... Look into my eyess. I control you." he started. His eyes turning into it's swirly red. Kai wasn't ready for it, and began to fall under the trance. "You control me." he said, his eyes becoming red. "You will look into my eyess. I control you." Skales said again, still hypnotizing Kai. "You control me." Kai repeated, just a bit louder, but his voice was not his own anymore. "I control you, and you will obey my every command." Skales boomed. Kai shook his head, trying to get out of the trance, but looked up again. "You control me, and I will obey your every command." he said, still looking into Skales eyes. I had to stop Marrium from jumping out to save him, and held her back. She reminded me so much of Kai when he first joined our team. "I control you. You will obey by every command." Skales boomed again. "You control me, and I will obey your every command." Kai said again. "You are my sservant. I control you, and you will obey my every command, forever." Skales said, deepening the hypnosis's hold on Kai. "I am your servant. You control me, and I will obey your every command..." Kai trailed off, still trying to break out of the trance, before looking back to Skales. "Forever." he finished.

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