♛| xiv: the meanings are doubled |

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|the naive rebel|
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xiv| the meanings are doubled

word count- 3133


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the reason of the late update is that I broke my thumb nails..and I couldn't type with my fat ass thumbs.

this chapter is freaking 3000 words long THE LONGEST I HAVE WRITTEN.

also, WE HIT 3 k views thank you for all the love!! J hope you continue liking the chapters :-)

***the chapter deals with a sensitive topic..it isnt described here in this chapter, and I won't be taking it as a main topic in the book. But yes it is a sensitive but realistic topic, which is quite common in schools and colleges. I am from India, and I have personally seen this cases in my schools.***

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Third Person
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You know the day,
when you feel underprepared for any complication that will be thrown your way? It is that day for Inaayat Kapoor disguised as Aayat Mishra trying her luck to find a serial killer among the young adults with occasional adrenaline rushes here and there.

A twenty-three-year-old woman who poses as a nineteen-year-old one and foolishly nobody can even guess the disparity.

The droll reason behind it is that nowadays, an eighteen-year-old teenager can pass for a matured, grown-up lady.

Inaayat's natural self has shielded her true identity with some errors but other than those, she is getting better and better in faking her identity. She has no clue how gradually...she is seeping into Aayat's role as if it is her skin.

One thing, Aayat cannot take away from Inaayat is her literature. Inaayat loves literature, it is like breathing to her. Necessary for survival.

An Engineering college has failed to evoke the love for Science in her heart and she is damn proud of it.

Is it even love, if it could deviate easily?

Inaayat proudly has not only managed to shock her parents but also herself by surviving solid weeks in the college already. Nobody knows who she is and maybe she is liking it. Liking the opportunity to start again, to live a life she has never thought of.

Who would have guessed that a novel nerd would handle a gun one day? One thing she knows she has earned in Enslep are the true friends she has made.

Inaayat has never been a social butterfly, she made friends but no one whom she allowed to enter the wall she has built around her-a no-entry zone. Truth is, she is doing the same even here.

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