Part 15: Trail room on fire (Mature)

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**Hi Guys... I back with another is bi mature hope you guys liked it...*

Naira's POV

He asked ," what you know...You don't know.. I don't want you to be put in any danger... You don't know how you were yesterday...

NOw that's it... I said...," I know Kartik, everything... including this.." and saying I placed my lips roughly and abruptly on his lips...

It was sudden.. I knew it.. I didn't indulge my lips into and quickly broke off, but soon I met his eyes, I could see a desire, a fire in his eyes and in no moment, he clutched my hair from back in fist and placed his lips on mine.

It was fierce, rough and full of passion... I didn't realized when automatically my hands crawl upto his shirt, where I started opening his button, crushing his color.

He caught me by waist and pinch me there, making me gasp and he entered his tongue inside mine... OOh My he tastes so good... and wait...wait here I am responding to his kiss fiercefull kiss. I like it.. It is rough.. I caught his nape and even brought his fac much closer to me...

I felt his hands on one of my thigh, my weeks were already going week and with his touch I didn't have much strength to even stand. Seems he understood my condition and picked me up and I wrapped my legs across his waist...

We broke a kiss only for a second to take breath, when he turned and picked me towards the wall such that my back was touching wall and again placed his lips on mine and this time with more passion and fire I could sense.

I didn't realized when I was actually feeling his and and he shifted his lips from my mine and was not sensually kissing my collor bone, my neck. He opened the button that was placed on my throat and removed it from both my shoulders.. The dress was tight enough and giving him enough view of my cleavage to him..

I moan a bit loudly when he licked, yes he licked my cleavage view.. Since my shoulder sleeves were pushed down, he again kissed my shoulder, and I opened my eyes in shock, surprised, pleasant surprised or as gasp when he gave kiss to one my breast. Because of the dress half of my breasts were quite visible and I know my body the area would have hardened with his touch.. But nothing was roaming in my mind that time..

My hand were roaming shamelessly in his hair, ruining his perfect gelled hair mercilessly..when he again placed his lips on my.. OHH My it seems I am in heaven.. I tighten my hold in around his waist and almost scraped his scalp.... When our session.. Well to be honest hot and fiery session broke when someone all of a sudden opened the curtain...

We both were off guard... I took few short breaths.. Well we were out of breath after such a steamy session.. When I realized it was Kathy.. And she was smirking, hell she was making fun of me... but wait wait a second.. Kartik looked at me and I looked at him... we realized our situation...

HOLY SHITT !!! What the hell, what I do... I just... well situation was very very awkward.. Kartik just mumbled something, something I can't hear and went from there and I strengthen my dress which was obviously dis-sheveled.

Here Kathy was standing and I was like when a teacher caught a student teaching.. I tried to make air clear,"Hey.. This is not what you were thinking..."

She said but something was hidden in her smile," I am not thinking anything... by the way your moans were quite loud.."

I looked at her flabbergasted.. And then blushed.. DAMM Naira... what happens to you when he is near to you...I still try to make things you know calm..

"Hi.. Kathy.. Its Not.." but she stopped me," OOh Please dear no need to say anything.. I can understand.. After all his charisma is such..."

I nodded my head in approval and pink blotch appear on my cheeks...

Kathy: Dude.. I wonder how much fiery sex you might have last night if this is only make out session, well your clothes... when you entered already gave me the picture of it... I know Kartik.. Likes rough.. And he is so.. Hot when it comes to.. You know getting intimate.."

I was shell shocked, how she knew about all this, I didn't try to defend myself. I knew she would have thought but back of my mind was what she meant my *Kartik likes rough*, how does she knew about him. Hundred thoughts were running in my mind when she snapped fingers infront of me and asked me," Hey.. you okay..."

I just nodded my head, I don't want her to show anything about my feeling, she though asked me again," Hey.. you good.. Take this.. Skirt and shirt.. This will suit yoy.. Till then I help Kartik.."

My brain has already stopped working, I just simply changed and came to the cash counter. Kartik was already there, I don't know what he must be feeling about me or what he is feeling actually now because I am not able to handle myself.

We both pass an awkward smile, but I noticed one thing he has changes his shirt, didn't he liked it what he was wearing because I changed it.. ?? again series of questions ran inside my brain when Kathy handed me the packet. I just walk after Kartik when he greeted bye to her not before kissing her cheek.

Pervert..!! He is really a pervert after all we shared in the trail room, he dared to kiss her.. I mean nothing to him.. Just nothing...

Rest of the drive was in silence as we reached office in 10 min. I just went without saying any word and rushed towards my cabin. I was so pissed with his behaviour.. There is no space of mine in his life.. I was angry on him for kissing Kathy, though on cheeks yet he did...

** Hi Guys... here I am I try to keep the pace in the story.. hope you liked it...**

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