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All I wanted to do after Luke dropped me off at my apartment was curl up in bed and let sleep drag me in like a tidal wave. However, it seemed that Ashton had other ideas.

"Where the fuck were you, Landers?" He demanded as I made my way up the stairs. Fatigue weighed down my eyes and I couldn't muster up the strength to argue. Without a word, I took out my key and made an attempt to slip behind him. It was no use as he blocked me from getting to the door.

"Luke took me to get ice cream," I mumbled lamely.

"I've been worried sick. I thought someone had abducted you in the bar or something. You couldn't even text me back saying you were okay?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, wincing at the multiple missed calls and texts from Ashton.

"I'm sorry, Ash. I wasn't thinking."

"You can't just go off with some stranger this late at night and not tell anyone about it. What if he had drugged you and thrown you into a river?" His eyes flashed. I knew there was no use in telling Ashton that Luke wasn't a stranger and it didn't seem like he'd hurt a fly.

"Then I wouldn't have to be here listening to you lecture me." I exasperated. "I had a panic attack and couldn't find you so Luke calmed me down. Okay?"

His expression instantly softened. "Brooklyn..."

"I'm sorry I snapped." My voice reflected the sleepiness that seeped me to the bone. "I'm just exhausted. It's been a long night."

Ashton pulled me into a hug, engulfing me with his familiar scent. It felt warm, comfortable, safe. "I'm sorry too."

After a few moments, I pulled away and put my key into the lock. "Okay, Ashhole. I'm going to turn in. Have a good night."

"I can't stay?" He sounded surprised.

"You know you're just going to complain about my alarm when it wakes you up in the morning." I pointed out, hand still on the doorknob.

"I really don't want to drive all the way home." His green eyes were electric under the warm lights that lined the steps of my apartment complex. In all honesty, I enjoyed having Ash spend the night. The bed didn't feel as lonely and he was such a familiarity. This was something I needed when the sleepless nights decided to sneak into the shadows.

"Fine, fine." I relented, opening the door. The place was silent, Sophie's door wide open and empty. It was odd for her not to be home this late, but I assumed she was just tied up in Dr. Harris' office.

I didn't have the energy to properly get ready for bed, only wiping the makeup off my face half-heartedly and changing into an oversized t-shirt with athletic shorts. Ashton was already in bed when I curled up underneath the covers. I mumbled a goodnight of some sort and let sleep wash over me. In a half-awake trance, I thought I could feel Ashton's lingering touch on my cheek, but I was pulled into darkness before I could determine if it was real.


The front door opening, though faint as could be, caused me to jerk awake. The remnant feelings of a dream I couldn't remember lingered as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I turned to look at Ashton who was in a deep sleep, softly snoring as he hugged a pillow to his chest. My eyes flicked to the alarm clock, the red numbers flashing 4 a.m. I sighed and knew that falling back asleep was useless, I was just going to have to brave my 8 a.m. class on three hours of sleep.

Careful not to wake Ashton, I slipped out of my bedroom and softly closed the door behind me. Sophie was taking off her shoes when she saw me approach.

"I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" Her face displayed clear worry.

"Nah, just couldn't sleep." I lied, not wanting her to feel bad. We both settled into chairs at the dining room table. "Where were you?"

"Oh, just late-night grading." Something was off and I could tell. Sophie wouldn't look me in the eye and her voice faltered at the end. I wanted to press her for more details, but she spoke again before I had the chance. "How was Sabrina's show?"

"It was alright, I ended up having to leave because of the crowd." I knew that Sophie would read between the lines, this was shown in her eyes which reflected sincere sympathy. "But I had a good time with Luke."

"Oh, you guys are friends now?" The question was genuine, her soft features free of any sort of judgement.

"Yeah, I guess so," I admitted. "Ash and Sabrina don't think it's a good idea."

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. It's not illegal to have friends of the opposite gender when you're in a heterosexual relationship." Not even I believed it was that simple. My mind wandered to my own experience with friendships straining a relationship. I had to push them away as more thoughts of the past were sure to surface.

"How would you feel if you were Leah?" Sophie asked.

I thought about it for a moment. "I mean, I don't think I'd want my boyfriend going to get ice cream with another girl at one in the morning."

Sophie simply shrugged. "It's up to you, whatever you think is right."

"It's more complicated than that."

I ended up telling Sophie everything. The deal I'd made with Leah, the 70s dance, my research project, and finally the blossoming feelings that sprouted from my chest whenever I was around the blonde-haired boy.

She was silent for a moment, a strand of dark hair falling into her face as she thought. Finally, Sophie looked up at me with a trace of amusement. "You never could say no to people, could you, Brooklyn?"

"I just feel like if I can help someone out I should," I protested, although I had a feeling Sophie knew it was more than that. "But all of that aside, you need to help me come up with my topic."

"You don't even know what you're doing?" Sophie shook her head. "I'm not doing your biggest project of personality for you. This is your study and your mess."

"I know," I groaned, running fingers through my matted hair.

"If you want my advice," Sophie said as she scooted her chair out and started to stand. "Distance yourself from both of them. Nothing good can come from getting involved in a relationship that isn't yours."

She was the third person to offer this sort of advice. However, her and I both knew it was advice I wouldn't be heading anytime soon.


I hope people are still reading this despite the fact the original was posted in like 2015. I promise my writing as improved and the story will have a lot more twists... Anyway, hope everyone is staying safe in this dumpster fire that we call 2020!

- joy x

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