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The sickening smell of over buttered popcorn filled the rundown movie theatre. There was no AC and a single fan in the corner of the lobby only recirculated hot air. My shirt clung to sweaty skin, another reminder of why tickets at the discount cinema were so cheap. No matter how shitty the conditions, it didn't' matter. This was a university town and college students were willing to put up with anything to save a buck

"I swear to god if the cherry slushie machine is broken again I'm asking for a refund," Ashton grumbled, using his ticket to fan himself. He wore his signature brown leather jacket with an old Guns and Roses tee underneath. I'd known Ashton long enough to not point out that removing his outer layer would probably help with the heat. When Ashton put together an outfit, he refused to make any sort of altercations unless it was a matter of life or death.

"And what will you do with the two dollars you get back?" I answered. Before he could respond, his eyes focused on something behind me. I looked back to see Luke and Calum walking into the theatre.

"Would you look at that, it's your favorite twosome." Ashton grinned. I slowly turned back around, pretending to look surprised. Leah had told me her boyfriend and Calum would be seeing a movie, a clear indication that I too would be at the local theatre tonight.

"Or we could just go to the movie and pretend we didn't see them," I answered, knowing full well Ashton would question it if I willingly agreed to roll out the welcome wagon for Calum.

"Come on, we should at least thank Calum for his hospitality the other night," Ashton said, taking my hand in his. As we approached the two boys, I could feel my pulse quicken. I had no idea how I was to carry out Leah's plan, a plan that not even she knew how to execute. Luke's face was buried in his phone, his hair prevented me from fully seeing his face. With every step closer, I regretted agreeing to become involved in two stranger's relationship troubles.

No matter how sound my intentions.

"And here I was thinking I could go a day without the company of tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber." Calum grinned as we approached. Luke looked up from his phone, his expression seemed clouded and blank. I couldn't help but wonder what he had seen on the screen in his hand. Was it something to do with Leah?

"I'm sorry we cleaned out your liquor cabinet the other night." Ashton laughed.

"It was more Leah than anyone else. For being so small she sure can hold a lot of alcohol." The mention of his girlfriend caused a strange look to flick across Luke's features.

"Well, I probably would have put a much bigger dent in it if my babysitter wasn't present." Ashton shoved me in the shoulder. My laugh was forced as my attention was completely focused on Luke. The flickering of lights overhead which indicated the start of a movie cut short the conversation. I couldn't help but feel momentary relief with having more time to figure out how I was to talk to the tall stranger.

After we said our goodbyes, Ashton and I found our ways to the back row of theatre one. I found my mind race as I took my seat. This whole situation was so strange, not to mention impossible. How in the world was I suppose to find out information from a stranger that his own girlfriend couldn't? I knew that my inability to say no and own personal reasons for going through with the plan were why I was here, but the more I thought about it, the more ridiculous it sounded.

I watched as Luke and Calum made their way to the middle of the theatre. Letting out a sigh, I decided to just enjoy the movie and try to ignore the anxiety building up in my chest. I didn't even notice my leg was bouncing until Ashton's hand rested just above my knee. I looked up at his face which was illuminated by the faint blue glow of the screen. His face held questioning with a single eyebrow quirked upwards. I gave the okay sign with my fingers, our signal that the anxiety was simply general and not due to anything in particular. He gave a smile in return and directed his attention back on the movie.

I'd forgotten my purpose for being at the cinema and was actually quite consumed in the film when I saw movement out the corner of my eye. I looked to the lower corner and felt my chest rise as I watched Luke sulk into the shadows below the neon exit sign.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom," I whispered to Ashton.

"Don't think I'm going to fill you in on anything." He whispered back, not taking his eyes off the screen. I slowly got up from the seat and slid down the narrow corridor to the stairwell. I slunk out the exit, surprised to see Luke sitting in a chair near the concessions. He sat hunched over with hands in his lap, his eyes focused on the old 90s arcade-style carpeting.

I took in the skinny jeans with a hole in the knee, an article of clothing I didn't often see worn by the guys on campus. A simple black t-shirt fit him nicely and I couldn't help but notice how tight it was around his arms and chest. The dream of him began to unfold in my mind and I had to fight the urge to give in to it. No, I wasn't here to be attracted to this stranger.

"Usually when people pay to see a movie they don't sit outside the theatre and watch the floor." My voice must have scared him for his head quickly jerked up.

"Oh, hey," Luke said flatly. He didn't say anything else, causing me to stand awkwardly while shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

"You doing alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed some air." Was all he said. Before I could press any further, the tall boy was starting to stand. "I think I'm going to head out. Could you tell Calum I went home?"

I was surprised at how abruptly the conversation had ended. Luke was certainly different than the last two times I'd seen him and my curiosity continued to grow. "Sure. Do you need a ride?"

"Nah, I drove. Thanks, though." Luke gave a small attempt of a smile. "Enjoy the rest of the movie."

I watched as he exited the theatre and became engulfed in the night outside. His absence left me standing alone in an empty lobby with my fascination in him only continuing to grow.

why do i feel like this is bad. yikë

in other news, i'm all for blue haired michael.
but i wish he would dye his hair as black as the market i'd sell my soul on to have dark haired michael.

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