Chapitre 6 : The rubber rubber crew ?

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"How can there be an iceberg in the middle of the Grand Line?!"

Nami yelled while kicking open the helms room. She grabbed the sheep's head and started to lean on it with all her weight. They desperately needed to make the ship turn. They could not afford any more damage to the ship. She heard the sound of foot steps behind her. The blond man had joined her in her futile attempt to move the lever. He grabbed the lever from the other side and started pulling with all his strength.

"Its the fucking Grandline, anything is possible!" He grunted out.

Both of their faces were red but with the the help of the young man, Nami finally felt the wooden lever give away slightly. Simultaneously, the whole ship lurched to the left, barely managing to avoid the huge iceberg standing in its path. However, the sudden movement of the ship startled the two. Nami lost her balance, she plummeted to the ground. But her dive towards the ground was interrupted by the body of the blond man. He had lost his grip on the piece of wood and was currently lying on his back between the floor and the red head. They were both laying, chest against chest, on the floor. They were still out of breath from the effort while their faces were inches away from each other.

Nami could not help but notice that the man under her had beautiful ice blue eyes. Actually blue eyes and blond hair were uncommon in East Blue, this was the first time she saw these features on someone from closeup. And at that moment, laying awkwardly in their very close positions, she could not help but admire this man's foreign beauty. She could feel underneath her that his body, hidden underneath his suit, was quite athletic. His chest was strong. Without thinking she let her eyes that were still admiring his blue ones stray. They slowly followed down the straight bridge of his nose to finally stop on the outline of his lips.

She did not notice the man in front of her doing the same thing. Both parties were so enraptured in the moment that only Usopp's shrieking was able to make them aware of their situation.

"We're going to die! The lower deck is filled up with water!There is a hole! We're all going to diiiiie!"

They both jumped apart, their face red with embarrassment. They were both trying to avoid eye contact.

"Nami what do we do?"

She heard her long nose friend calling for her help. In an instant, she was out of the door on the deck shouting orders for the others to follow. She chose to ignore the weird moment and pretend it had never happened. Perhaps the stress and panic had made her go insane? Mr.9 seemed to have the same idea because five seconds later she saw him go below deck probably to help Usopp with the small flood.

Crocus was not exaggerating when he had described the weather in this part of the sea as unstable. During the next hour, the straw hat(with the exception of a napping Zoro) and their guests worked together to avoid two whirlpools, navigate through a blizzard and bypass a huge twister.

Thus, it was not surprising to find all of the crew mates exhausted on the floor as soon as the storm was over. Usopp was laying nose pointing to the sky, he was pale and mumbling incoherent words.

"Grandline...going to k...kill us...Go...go...home..."

While next to him, Luffy was snoring away.

The sound of loud yawning and joints cracking made them all turn weakly their head towards the source of the sound. The green haired man was noisily and unashamedly waking up from his afternoon nap. When he finally noticed his crew mates were resting in different laying positions on the deck, he stood up and he crossed his arms.

"What are you guys doing? We're sailing on the grand line now is not the time to be lazy."

However his lecture did not last long, because he was instantly shut up by Nami punching him from behind. Sanji couldn't help but think that if anyone in the future was hiring to kill the green moss head he would jump on the job offer without any hesitations. He might even offer to do it for free.

The last part of the trip was sailed on a calm turquoise sea. The crew used that time to prepare for their arrival on a new unknown island. Well to be more accurate, Nami was preparing their arrival while Luffy and Usopp were playing tag around Zoro who was doing sit-ups on deck holding huge weights between his teeth. Sanji was sitting on the stairs trying unsuccessfully to light one of his ruined cigarettes. Nami and Vivi were discussing the climate of the next island while standing next to him back against the railing enjoying the rays of sun shine.

While he was focused on clicking his lighter and biting in frustration the end of his still soggy cigarette, he felt something small fall in his lap. Nami had thrown a new unopened pack of cigarettes in his direction.

"This is only because I do not want you to later demand us to pay for your old pack." She coldly explained to him. Vivi had left them to go and get a glass of water from the kitchen. While he checked the brand of the pack and opened the small cardboard box he also tried to fill the awkward silence with conversation.

"You do not appear to be the type to smoke."

"I'm not; it was left behind by the previous owners."

Nami turned around and leaned over the railing; a warm breeze making some of her hair strands dance around her face.

"Lucky me." He said after exhaling his first puff of smoke.

A few seconds of silence passed before Sanji broke the silence again.

"So what is the name of your little pirate crew? The shitty hat pirates? Or the rubber rubber crew?"

"No! Don't just list stupid names like that!" She answered with an irritated expression.

"I apologize Miss Nami, but I would like to point out that you still haven't answered the question." He said teasingly.

"Its the Straw Hat pirates." She mumbled under her breath.

When she noticed that the strange blond man was not going to answer, she discreetly looked to the side to have a glimpse of his expression. The man's shoulders were obviously shaking in laughter, and he was trying without success to hide his smile with the hand holding the cigarette.

"It's not funny!" She snapped at him. However, she had to admit that it was surprising to see this cold whale-killing stranger laugh for the first time since they met.

It was a nice surprise, she thought.

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