Chapter 2 - Angry Beds and Earned Victories

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Hopping over to my bookshelf, I mindlessly hummed and tapped over a few books, thinking of which one to read.

After selecting a favourite of mine, I jumped back to my bed in one giant leap.

Once I got a few chapters into reliving the emotional elements of the story, I felt my phone buzz beside me. Turning to see what the notification was, never once did I realise how dangerously close to the edge of the bed I was. By then, it was too late.

"Oof!" The sound left my mouth as I fell to the ground. "Note to self - invest in a floor cushion." I wheezed out, feeling the dull pain circulate around my body.

To reassure my family members that I hadn't died or anything of the sort, I shouted out, "I'm still alive!" And my mind continued, 'but I'm barely breathing...'.

Stretching my arms over the top of my head, I asked myself, "What am I doing?" My hands found their way to cover my face. "What am I doing?" I repeated, a little more bitterly.

I deeply exhaled, waiting for answers from no one in particular. But I was quick to snap out of my pointless thoughts when the sound of the doorbell echoed up to my room. Propping myself up, I raced downstairs.

Whipping the front door open and without thinking, I declared, "Welcome to my home, my boredom saviour."

I raised my gaze to face the person standing in front of me. And indeed, it was someone who could easily be the saviour of my boredom.

Imagine it was just the postman...

Thankfully, it wasn't and stood outside my door was Chris Highland; RedgeWood Court's number one 'bad boy', and most surprisingly, my other best friend.

"Chris! What are you doing here?" I said, stunned.

"Clearly, as I'm now known as the saviour of your boredom, I'm here to rescue you," he declared pleasantly.

It was this kind of dialogue between us that surprised me all the time. Chris was a no-time-for-crap type of guy, but actually, he was quite the charmer.

He continued to speak his mind when I didn't respond in time.

"And... seeing as you're not so busy, we're going out." He decided for me.

Then I zoned back into the conversation. "Wait, what?"

"Look, I'm not going to take a 'no', and I'm older than you, so techincally you have to listen to me." He said as a matter of fact.

Chris didn't mean he was older than me by a few months, he was older by a year. He was eighteen and I was sixteen, going on seventeen. Chris was the eldest student at school, and although we were in the last year of secondary school, he should've been in the next phase of his education.

About two years ago, his parents took him out of school due to a serious personal situation that he never shared with anyone. Then the next year, when he returned to school, he had no choice but to re-sit year nine, which was my year.

Over that time period, Chris slowly became bitter knowing he was in the year below. He became distant and detached from his old friends and hung out by himself. At least it was only until Dennis Trevor, a student in a similar situation transferred to our school and slowly became his best friend. Then, everything changed.

From intimidating the younger year groups to claiming the highest position in the school's hierarchy, they did everything together. Their daunting, towering physiques and expressionless faces made everyone be cautious around them. Even teachers knew best to stay away and keep their issues hushed.

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