The Boy In My Dream

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Yagi was just about to get in his car when Mob came running up to him.
"Yagi-san." Mob panted, "Where are you going?"
"Ah, young Mob!" He greeted Mob with a smile. "I was just about to go and buy clothes and stuff for you. Wanna come with? You can pick out whatever you like. Ah!" He slammed his fist on his hand. "You don't have a phone, do you?"
Mob remembered the explosion. His phone was probably a piece of metal rotting away in a scrapyard by now. On the off chance it was transported with him, it probably suffered the same fate. "Ah... no." Flustered, he waved his hands. "B-but phones are so expensive. Are you sure you want to buy me a phone out of your own money?"
Yagi couldn't help a smile.
"I insist! What model would you like? The PearPhone 8, 9, or 10?" He jokingly laughed. Mob scratched the back of his head.
"Eh... if you insist, Yagi-san. Are you sure going on a whole shopping spree would be fine? You'd be spending a lot of money."
Amused by the boy's politeness, Yagi reassured the boy that it was fine and was a mere fraction of what he got from his hero salaries. With that, they both set off for the mall.

Mob was levitating bags of clothes that mostly Yagi insisted he'd buy. His cheeks burned red from the shame he couldn't help but feel. He knew that Yagi was doing this out of the kindness in his heart, but he didn't want him to overbuy. Meanwhilethe man himself was zooming around the mall, getting more than what was needed for Mob: books, games, a whole GameStation 4, a Nantendo Swap, and some posters of his hero alter ego. Mob was confused by the way Yagi looked at the posters. He didn't know that they were the same person so he assumed he was a mega fan. By the time they were done shopping, Mob looked like a conga line. Yagi was happily marching along, happy to spoil his... adopted son? Friend? No matter, he was happy to make Mob's life a little bit better.

The car was too small for the things they bought, so Mob had to use his powers to lift the bags behind the two. It was quite a sight to behold.

"Ah, Mob, I have to go out for a while. I'll be back much later, so dinner's in the fridge if you want it." Almost as soon as they had gotten home and put away the things they'd bought, Yagi rushed out again. The first day of training with his successor, Midoriya Izuku. That boy was something. Yagi sensed a passionate flame in his eyes that burned brighter than anyone else. Determination that shone brightly in the face of adversity. These 10 months were going to be interesting. The man still hadn't revealed his secret to Mob, though, and didn't ask about enrolling in UA as he thought it was too much to ask too quickly.
"See you later, Yagi-san." Mob shouted from his room. Using his latent powers to rearrange his room, Mob now had a desk equipped with a computer, his own TV, a GameStation 4 and a Nantendo Swap, and shelves stuffed to the brim with books and games. He felt spoilt by his... adoptive father? Mentor? He didn't know what to refer to All Might as, because he'd only known him for a few days. Even though he missed home a lot to the point it hurted, Mob felt like he was obligated to settle down in this new world and move on for now. It would be a while before he found enough power to even attempt travelling back. There were a lot of risks, all of them too great. Tapping his chin, Mob decided to study up on the culture of the world he lived in.
"Hmm... 'quirks', huh?" Slowly scrolling down the page, Mob researched quirks for hours. He discovered that people with strong quirks often become pro heroes, and that the most famous one in Japan was All Might. Mob remembered how Yagi's quirk felt immensely powerful. It couldn't be... Maybe it was.
"Ah... the posters he bought. So that's All Might."
All Might seemed amazing. His punches were so strong he could change the weather, and his power was off the scale. He wondered if All Might's power rivalled even the young esper. Mob was aware of his powers and the destruction they could cause if left unchecked. UA. Mob happened to come across a page of schools that helped people with promising quirks become strong heroes.
"I wonder..." Mob scratched his head. "I wonder if I could go to that school. As sad as it might be, I'm definitely not going home for a while."
Entrance exam information. The next one was in 10 months.
Quickly whipping out his new phone, Mob dialled Yagi's number.
"Ah, young Mob!" All Might halted training with Midoriya for a bit. The curly haired boy was covered in sweat. It was his first day of training with All Might himself, and he was tasked with the cleaning up of a beach. All Might looked focused on his call, so Midoriya decided not to disturb him. The man's usually heroic expression softened as if he was talking to his child. He looked unusually giddy and looked like he was going to leap for joy.
"Ah, yes! Young Mob, how would you like to join me with training another boy? He wants to do the same thing! Yes? Oh that's great! I'm so proud of you, young man! Yes, we can start tomorrow. By the way, would you like to..." Midoriya's mind trailed off. Absent-mindedly looking at the sunset, he took a giant gulp of water that he so desperately needed. He had currently moved one fridge about 20 centimetres, but that was with All Might in top of it, so it was evidently quite a feat for the scrawny teenager. His mind snapped back into reality by a tap on his shoulder. Whipping his head back, he was surprised to see All Might with an expression that was probably related to the phone call.
"What's wrong, All Might?"
"Well, Midoriya my boy, do you remember the young man you saw with me the other day?" Midoriya winced at this. How could he forget the boy covered in blood and dirt? Still, he nodded in affirmation.
"Tomorrow, you shall embark on your journey to heroism alongside him! He's a lovely boy, but don't bombard him with questions just yet. He's still a little fragile- but he's healed enough that he's ready to train with us. As it turns out, he also wants to join UA."
"Wait- do you... live with him?!" Midoriya shockingly asked the elated man. His eyes comically turned into stars. "Wow!!! That's so cool! He lives with the number one hero?! I bet he gets autographs from you all the time!" All Might giggles sheepishly.
"Uh, actually, on the contrary. I haven't actually revealed this form to him yet. I have a feeling that he thinks that I'm just a super fan of me. But no matter!" All Might clenched his hand into a fist and reached to the sky. "I will tell him everything tomorrow!!!"
It was at that moment he suddenly reverted, vomiting streams of blood. Midoriya was still not used to this, and yelled in shock.
"Oops. I guess I've run out of time." All Might looked down at his wrist. It was already 9 o'clock! "Well, I'd better get going. Don't want to leave the boy alone at home for too long." Midoriya agreed, and thanked the hero vigorously, tears of joy starting to form in his eyes. He truly was blessed.
Gathering up his things, he ran home to his quaint little apartment, greeting his worried mother with a hug, reassuring her he was fine.
"Izuku, I was starting to get worried! Will this be a frequent thing, now that you've got a... mentor? Who is he? Please be sure he's not a pedophile, Izuku! Is he a pedophile?!" Midoriya Inko was her usual frantic self.
"Mom, you're getting carried away. No, he's just someone who saved me from that sludge villain I told you about. He's harmless, don't worry." Midoriya yawned a great big one, and decided he was going to turn in for the night. "Anyway, good night, mom." He gave his mother a quick peck of the cheek and trudged sleepily into his room decorated with All Might memorabilia.
Wild, black hair. Striking eyes. Glowing aura.
That night, Midoriya had dreams of a boy that seemed like he was possessed. A boy that looked awfully familiar to the boy All Might had in his arms. He decided to pass it of as just a dream, and drifted off into a deep sleep.
Back at the Yagi house, Mob was just finishing with his food when he heard a key being inserted into a lock. He craned his neck backwards to see Yagi, dressed in a tracksuit and sweatpants.
"Welcome home." Mob greeted from the dining room.
"Ah, I see you've made yourself at home. How was dinner? Sorry I was out for such a while." The skinny man sheepishly apologised.
"No worries, I was just researching your society and how these 'quirks' worked. I especially love the heroes. You're just so cool! Remember when you saved those people from that burning building? I must have watched that video a thousand times." Mob gushed until he saw Yagi's shocked expression.
"H-how did you..." Yagi couldn't believe his ears. Was he that obvious?"
"Oh it was actually really simple. You have a really strong aura that matches with All Might, or I guess, yourself." Mob explained. "It seems that in this world, many people have their own distinct aura. Back where I'm from, only espers had this aura. Maybe because of this, almost everyone I see in the streets has their own aura. I can sense each one is never the same, kind of like snowflakes. The only people I see without auras are quirkless people, so..." Upon seeing Yagi's dumbfounded expression, he trailed off. "I'm sorry. Was I never supposed to know?" Shamefully looking at the floor, Mob rubbed his wrists.
"Ah! No! It was just... unexpected, that's all! I was planning on telling you as soon as I got home, actually." Yagi rubbed his neck. "That's alright. You don't need to apologise at all, my boy."
Mob felt reassured by this answer, and cracked a small smile. "So, about this training." Yagi continued, "We will be waking up at 5 in the morning, so I recommend you get ready for bed."
Mob happily obliged, and got into his new pyjamas. They felt so warm and reminded him of home. He had specifically picked out ones identical to the ones he had back in his reality. His eyes started to well up with tears. He quietly sobbed in his bedroom until he fell asleep.
Green, curly hair. A quirk passed down through the ages. Bright eyes. Strong spirit.
Mob had dreams of a boy he didn't know. It didn't mean much to him, and he quickly fell into a deep sleep.
3 days had passed since he last saw his brother. Ritsu's room was messy and dishevelled. He had fallen into such a deep depression that he started to fail in school. His grades dropped, and so he was let go of his position as a school council member.
"Sorry, Kageyama. Your mood is bringing the whole council down, and we think you should take a break, for your own mental health."
Those were the words he heard before he ran home with tears streaming down his eyes. Back home was no better. His parents were always arguing now. Mom was always crying, and Dad always drinking. The only way to escape was to sleep. Sometimes, Ritsu slept for hours on end. He was almost always late for school- not that he cared. Nothing mattered anymore. Not since his brother died.
Reigen was in the same state, but he convinced himself to keep smiling and mask his emotions. It would be bad for business. He found himself going to the bar more frequently, drinking the sorrow away. Business was not as usual. Regular customers were asking about Mob, and every time, Reigen would break down in tears. The customers never came again. Still, his resolve never wavered and he was determined to keep the business going. He distracted himself by doing exorcisms with Dimple, who was disappearing everyday- coming back just a tiny bit stronger, as he could just eat the spirits. But it just wasn't the same. Reigen missed Mob's poker-faced expressions, his dull way with words, his love for animals. As a tribute to his tragic death, the con man always left out a bowl of milk for any stray cats that were wandering nearby.
Hanazawa fell back into his aggressive ways. Mob's death was too much, and he snapped. He fell into a spiral of abusing his classmates and anyone who dared cross him. It was the only way he could feel less numb. The sparkle in his once overconfident eyes had been extinguished, being too much to bear. Black Vinegar was, once again, ruled by a ruthless tyrant. A tyrant that was close to breaking down.
Mob woke with a start. All Might was knocking the door vigorously. The noise was louder than his alarm clock. Stretching out with a giant yawn, Mob sleepily opened the door. His hair was a mess, sticking up in all directions. He was a definite sight to behold.
All Might was, for once, in his muscle form in the company of Mob. The boy widened his eyes a little, but later recomposed himself.
"I am here... to wake you up for your first day of training!" All Might boomed his trademark catchphrase with such gusto, the young esper could help but feel starstruck. "I have to warn you, these next 10 months are going to be tough. I've prepared a special workout routine, catered to your body!" Mob was stunned. The routine was so specific it even included a sleep routine. If the Body Improvement club was rough, this routine was definitely going to be like torture. Despite this, Mob had a determined expression. He was going to get into UA no matter what, so that he could hope to control his powers when he let out his emotions. After a light breakfast and a short conversation about how All Might's quirk worked, the pair jogged to the beach.
"In your journey to greatness, you must not be lazy. No taking the car! Feel the burn!" Yagi preached. In order to keep his identity secret, he was in his true form. Once they had gotten to the beach, he puffed up his chest and reverted to his muscle form. Mob was extremely out of breath. They had been jogging for half an hour.
"So before we begin, I'd like to introduce you two." All Might gently coaxed Mob over to Midoriya.
That boy... he seemed so plain. Was this really the boy covered in blood? More importantly, was he the boy in his dream?
"Ah, you're the boy from my dream! At least I think you are," Midoriya was evicted from his thoughts by Mob hesitantly greeting him. "I'm Kageyama Shigeo, but you can call me Mob if you want."
"You had a dream about me? I think I had one about you, too! Only... you looked different. Almost possessed, in fact." Midoriya shook his head hastily. "Anyway, I'm Midoriya Izuku." When he had a closer look at the boy, he noticed that he was short. Like, really short. And that was saying something.
"So you're Yagi's successor, huh?" Midoriya was caught by surprise and choked on his own spit. After his coughing fit, he saw that All Might was not doing the same, and assumed that the secret wasn't being kept from Mob. "That quirk is powerful. It's aura rivals mine, at its full power."
"Aura?" Midoriya asked confusedly. When Mob explained he asked about his aura rivalling One For All's, and asked for a demonstration on his quirk. Mob hesitantly obliged, and lifted all the garbage in the area high up in the air, not even a hint of lethargy on his face. Even All Might seemed amazed.
"Such power... it truly does rival mine," he muttered.
"Wow, Mob! That's amazing!" As quick as a flash, the awed boy whipped out his handy notebook and began scribbling intensely.
"Ah... Yagi, you said we were going to clear the beach. Would you like me to get rid of it?" Mob inquired.
All Might shook his head. "For these next months, we are going to clear the beach without any powers." He took a moment to sit down. "This was once a beautiful place to look at. But now, it's been turned into a dumping ground where people illegally litter their old unwanted stuff." All Might gestured at the pile of trash that towered over the three, then clapped his hands together. "Well then! Shall we?"
For the next months, Midoriya and Kageyama worked towards achieving greatness together.

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