Sparks Fly

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Aizawa looked at him in surprise. He was going to restrain the wild boy, but Mob was there first.
"Okay, that's enough, Kageyama. Put Bakugo down," he sighed. This was going to be a rough class.

Mob huffily dropped Bakugo and folded his arms. If looks could kill, Bakugo would have been arrested for committing a homicide. Knowing he couldn't beat Mob's ass right then and there, he shoved his hands into his pockets and trudged past him.
Aizawa rubbed the bridge of his nose. Of all the problem children, he never expected Mob to be one of them. After all, he had excelled in every test. Especially the ball throw- in his trial test, he'd thrown it more than a kilometre. During the actual tests, Aizawa had told him to push himself and try harder.
The boy had thrown the ball out of the school grounds. He achieved 556 kilometres, meaning it had landed across the country. As expected, the class was in disbelief.
After Mineta and Yaoyorozu had thrown their balls, the apprehension test was over. Mob was impartial about whatever place he was in, as he had some doubt about Aizawa expelling anybody in the first day of school. Besides, Mob wasn't that humble. He knew he achieved first place on at least a few of the tests. Meanwhile, Midoriya was sweating. He'd done abysmally on every test except the ball pitch. His time at UA was up even before it had actually started.
This was it. The scoreboard was revealed.

Dejectedly, Midoriya started at his results

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Dejectedly, Midoriya started at his results. Of course he had gotten 20th place. Even Mineta had surpassed him. Tears pricked along his eyelids and his nose started to sting.
Mob patted his shoulder. "It's okay, Midoriya. Aizawa isn't going to expel you,"
Halfway through his tears, Midoriya spluttered tearily. "You don't know that! I'm a failure! You got first place!"
Mob sighed and levitated Midoriya's tears away. "Trust me. He's pretending," he said in his usual deadpan expression.
Aizawa was discussing the scores. "Oh, and by the way, the expulsion thing was a logical ruse," he contorted his face into a cheesy grin. It looked as if he'd never smiled before, and was just learning how to.
"See?" Mob said to a bewildered Midoriya. He was beyond belief. His hair stood on end, and he looked like a certain painting from a few centuries ago.
Aizawa looked at the messy-haired boy in exasperation. He looked at Mob and asked him to bring the boy to the locker rooms, since he was unresponsive due to sheer shock. Mob obliged and floated Midoriya behind him. When they got to the locker rooms, Kaminari burst into laughter. Bakugo managed a sneer, avoiding eye contact with Mob.
"I can't get him to snap out of it. Kaminari, can you try to tase him a little bit?"
"Sure, dude!" Kaminari replied, in between laughs.
Midoriya quickly returned to reality.
"Owww! What was that for?!" He realised that he was being lifted up by Mob. "Can you put me down?!"
Mob carefully floated him back down, a much different approach than to when he was told to put Bakugo down.
Yaoyorozu shouted through the door. "You guys, hurry up! Aizawa-sensei is waiting!"
Quickly stopping their conversations, the boys tugged on their clothes and scrambled out of the locker room. They slid the door open and got into their seats. Aizawa was not pleased with them, and shot them a disapproving glare.
"Now," he said, zipping up into his sleeping bag. "We only have 10 minutes or so until school ends, and you guys have had a long day. Do whatever you want, just don't wake me up," He looked at Bakugo in particular. Aizawa ducked behind his desk and snuggled up into his sleeping bag.
The class waited for his breaths to slow- this took less time than they expected: only a minute. Then they got on with making conversation or doing questionable things. By questionable things, I mean Mob being forced to fly Kaminari and Mineta around the room as if they were flying. Of course, Mineta was flown away from the girls once he was seen attempting to lift up Yaoyoruzu's skirt when Mob wasn't looking. Kaminari looked green after a while and was promptly put down. Mineta, too, as he wasn't to be trusted.
Mob felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see none other than Todoroki looming over him.
"You. How did you know the other part of my cursed quirk?" Todoroki demanded.
"Cursed quirk?" Inquired Mob. He wasn't sure why Todoroki was being so bossy, but he shrugged it off and ignored his emotions.
"Don't change the subject. How did you know?" Todoroki repeated.
"Ah, that's simple. Everyone has a specific aura to them, each related to the type of quirk they have. From your aura, I know that you have an emitter quirk, related to fire and ice," Mob paused. "Why is it that you hate your quirk? I think it's amazing for heroics. For example, if you're doing hero work in, say, the mountains, you could use your fire to heat anybody who needs help." Todoroki hesitated. His quirk... amazing? Mob continued, his face darkening. "Though..." Mob gazed down at his scarred hand. "You're not the only one who doesn't want their quirk. Sometimes, I'd give anything to be quirkless. My powers... have very destructive qualities. They get out of control, and I become unconscious. When I wake up, p-people around me are covered in b-blood, and my surroundings have been destroyed. So I understand what you mean when you don't want your quirk,"
"Wait- what do you mean, blood?" Todoroki was unsettled. Was Kageyama's quirk much more powerful than he thought?
Mob looked shameful, not wanting to answer. Instead he looked up at the giant scar that covered almost half of Todoroki's face. "Did your quirk... do that to you?"
"No," Todoroki hesitated. "My mom did this to me. She poured boiling water on my fire side, calling my quirk a curse," Mob felt bad about asking, and changed the subject slightly.
"We're scar buddies. Look," Mob unrolled his sleeve, revealing his scarred arm.
Todoroki sighed. "Yeah. I guess we are,"
The bell rung, and Aizawa jolted awake. "Just get out," he yawned. 1-A scurried out of the door. Mob remembered his appointment and hurried to the gate. He was stopped by a scowling Bakugo.
"You and me. Aren't gonna be chummy. Do yourself a favour and stay out of my way," he growled. Mob shrugged and made his way to where Yagi told him to go.
"Ready to go, Mob? I have everything ready, and I brought some fresh clothes for you to change into so you're not all sweaty during the appointment," Yagi held out some clean clothes for Mob to put on in the car. He took them gratefully and opened the car door- but was stopped in his tracks by Midoriya shouting out for him to stop.
"Mob, where's my goodbye? The first day of school is over!" He happily bumped Mob's fist.
"Ah, sorry about that." Mob flushed. "I need to register with the government, and the appointment is soon,"
Midoriya nodded in understanding. Being from another dimension and all, he wasn't exactly a citizen of Japan yet. He remembered he conversation they had when Mob told him his secret.

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