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It all started with a knock on the door. A short dark-haired boy with a mix of purple and blue eyes opened to see the shining face of a slightly taller snow-haired boy.
"Hello!" the white haired boy started off the conversation.
"Hey." he was met with a timid reply from a slightly blushed face.
"Don't be shy, I won't bite." he giggles. The boy standing inside was consumed at first, but then smiled.
"I'm Shinya!" he introduced himself.
"I'm Guren." he replied.
"We should play together some time." his face was bright like the sun and his personality was very bubbly.
"Yeah, I'd like that!" his reply was genuine, he meant it.

The following morning Shinya's parents left to go to the store and he snuck out to the neighbours house, round to the garden where they would meet. Shinya grinned when he saw Guren standing there, he smiled when he saw Shinya.
"Do you have any friends?" Shinya asks him.
"No, not really." Guren replied, looking away.
"It's okay! Byakkomaru and I will be your friends!"
"He's my best friend!" Shinya showed him the snow tiger teddy, his face was beaming.

"It's okay! Byakkomaru and I will be your friends!""Byakkomaru?""He's my best friend!" Shinya showed him the snow tiger teddy, his face was beaming

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"Thank you." he looked very pleased, his expression made Shinya happy.

For the next couple of weeks, they continued to meet up every day in the same spot, to just talk and play, they were slowly becoming closer and closer.
Eventually Guren would come over to Shinya's house for play dates, lunch, dinner and so on, they were the best of friends.

Word Count; 263
Thank you for reading this chapter!~
Author's Note;
I apologise this is a bit short, I just wanted to show how Shinya and Guren met <3
The word count does not count anything past the word count itself.

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