𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2

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-Narrator POV-
"Hey, Guren." Shinya said as they walked back from the river.
"What is it?"
"We're always going to be like this, doing everything together, you promise?" Shinya smiled hopefully.
"You and me, together forever!~" Shinya giggled.
Guren smiled back at him.
"If you get a girlfriend, will you forget about me?"
"Of course not, don't be ridiculous." Guren shook his head.
"I was only teasing you~"
"Haha, very funny.."
"Oh, looks like we're home."
"Yeah." Guren didn't look happy about it.
"Awh, you don't want to go home yet?"
"No, stay with me." Guren blushed.
"Hmm, okay, maybe for a little bit.."
"Thank you."

A few hours later the sun was rising, the two of them almost falling asleep as they sat there, in front of Guren's house, just staring at the glinting sun. Shinya rubbed his eyes and yawned.
"Awh, it's already sunrise?" Shinya puffed his cheeks as if angry.
"Time to get in trouble." Guren grinned and Shinya laughed.
"Guren!" a shout could be heard coming from the window above.
"Here we go." they said in sync.

"Eighty-seven." Shinya peered his head out the window as he heard the number.
"So, how long's your punishment, Shinya?"
"Three days, yours?"
"Four, no fair!" Shinya snickered.
"We could always sneak out." he suggested.
"If we get caught we'll be home for even longer." Guren shook his head.
"Then we'll just sneak out again."
"I don't wanna be locked in like a prisoner-"
"I was kidding~" he laughed. Guren sighed and stuck his head out the window, staring at the trail through the forest, to the river. To pass the time, the two of them played with a ball through the window, throwing it back and fourth, not that there was anythign else they could do. Everything was going well until Shinya reached out to grab the ball and it slipped out of his hand, lunging forward to get it, he slid out the window and fell to the floor with a 'thump'.
"Shinya!" Guren shouted, eyes wide as he stared down at the floor. He got up and ran down the stairs to find his parents to let them know what had happened and they rushed outside.

 He got up and ran down the stairs to find his parents to let them know what had happened and they rushed outside

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Source; The Third Catastrophe at Sixteen Manga.
"Shinya?" Guren shook him but he was unconscious.
The following day, Shinya was taken to the doctor by his family, Guren waited at home impatiently.
"Hey Guren, Shinya is going to be okay, you understand that, right? The doctors are very good at their job, so you don't need to worry." Guren's mother comforted him.
"Mhm.." he mumbled, not entirely convinced.
"You have plenty of things to play with to keep yourself busy, right?" he nodded. "Alright, good."
A few hours had gone and Shinya still wasn't back, however his parents were. Guren excitedly ran towards them and asked what had happened and they said Shinya would have to be hospitalised for at the very least a week, he wasn't severely injured and would wake up soon, but it seemed he had fractured his arm. Guren was relieved but wanted to see him.
Later that night, Guren snuck out and attempted to make his way to the hospital, asking any villagers who may be awake for directions, and after what seemed like hours, he finally made it. A huge sign was up above the large building, it read, "Hospital". Guren walked in through and went up to the receptionist to ask about Shinya and which room he was in.
"Room 94 on the second floor. I'm afraid visiting hours are over but you seem eager to visit your friend so he quick."
Guren wasted no time and speed walked up the stairs and towards the room Shinya had been vacated in. He tried the handle and luckily it was unlocked. He went in quietly so he wasn't spotted by any doctors or nurses and closed the door behind him. There, Shinya laid peacefully on the hospital bed, unconscious. Guren walked up to the bed and looked over Shinya, "They said he won't wake up today.." Guren thought, but was still hopeful he may. He looked up at the big clock, 09:57. He could probably only stay a few minutes but wanted to make sure that Shinya was okay, so he stayed there and watched over him for those three precious minutes he had, he couldn't waste them. He sighed as the hand on the clock was nearing the 12. He got up quietly and before leaving, looked back at Shinya and waved.
"I'll be back." he said. After that, Guren thanked the receptionist and asked about visiting hours the following day and noted them. He made his way back home.
Shinya's POV
I rubbed my eyes with one hand as the other hurt too much to lift. Looking around the room it because clear to me I wasn't at home, but st a hospital.
"Where's Guren?" I thought. Maybe he's at home. What time is it? I looked over at the clock, 10:01? Is it that late? What happened, why am I here? I was filled with questions but had no one to answer them. Then it all came back to me, I fell out of the window as Guren and I played with a ball.. Is he okay? I mean he didn't fall but maybe he jumped out after me. No, he's not stupid like that, think straight Shinya. He's probably at home, what if I worried him? I'm so stupid, why did I go for that ball when I knew I couldn't get it? Well, whatever. At least I'm hoping Guren's okay. I wonder how long I'll be here for. My arm? Is it broken? No, maybe it's fractured. I hope I didn't worry my parents too much either.. I must've caused so much trouble.
I'm sorry.

✎ 𝑹𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈..

Hello! Author here.
Here is the second chapter ;) thank you for all of the reads and stars qwq

Edit: I just realised the messed up cover pic and fixed it, I apologise .__.

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕; 1012

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