𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1

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"Do you have any friends?"

"It's okay! Byakkomaru and I will be your friends!"


-Guren's POV-

Isn't it funny how you were my first and only friend and now when we need eachother most, we're in an argument.

"Shinya w-wait! We can look for him together, I'm sure he's somewhere here!"

You lost Byakkomaru and blamed me, yet you were still my friend even after we never found him.

"Shinya, this isn't what it looks like-"

"I don't want to hear it Guren!"

Eventhough you loved Mahiru, you still let me have her.

"Shinya I didn't leave them because I wanted to, I had to!"

"Shut up Guren."

Now look where we are.


-Narrator POV-

Years before everything happened between Shinya and Guren, things like this wouldn't happen often, but they kept on happening again, and again, but let's go back to before everything happened.

"Oi, Guren~" a familiar voice called out.
"Shinya? Is that you" Guren looked out of his open window to across the fence at the house next to his family's.
"Yeah, it's me, who else could it be?" he giggled. After all, they were only twelve and just had no worries about the world at all.
"You should use our code, Shinya!" Guren said, as if he was telling him off.
"Oh right, I sort of forgot about that."
"Well don't forget next time."
"What? Did you sleep on the wrong side of the bed?" Shinya laughed.
"No, it's eleven at night, Shinya."
"Oh is it really? Wow! We're such rebels." he winked at Guren. He rolled his eyes in response.
"Do you wanna go down to the river?"
"I said no."
"Awhh, you're so boring!" Shinya puffed his cheeks as if he was angry.
"Maybe tomorrow."
"What are you reading?~"
"Nothing, really." Guren didn't look up from his book.
"Why are you being so mean today!" Shinya closed his window and flopped onto his bed. Guren sighed and taped a piece of paper to his open window which simply read, "87". Once Shinya got up, around fifteen minutes later, probably out of boredom, he opened his window and mumbled, "Eighty-seven."
"I'm sorry Shinya." Guren apologised, putting the book down.
"It's fine, I was overreacting." Shinya shook his head.
"You wanna go down to the river?" Guren repeated what Shinya had said before and Shinya nodded, grinning.

Carefully, the two of them snuck out of the front door and raced down to the riverside. Although it was pitch black, they could still see the river from the low light of the lantern the two of them carried. Lily pads gracefully flowed along the slow-moving river, occasionally a fish or two could be seen but the river was mostly calm. The moon reflected from a part of the river.
"The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" commented Shinya.
"Yeah." Guren replied, distracted by it.

" Guren replied, distracted by it

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Source; TomTC via DeviantArt

"Do you have a crush on anyone, Guren?"
"I have no one I could crush on." he laughed.
"What about me?" Shinya said, jokingly of course.
"No, that'd be weird, you're like a brother to me" Guren explained.
"Really? Aw thanks, that means you care about me, right?"
"Well yeah, otherwise what would be the point if I didn't care about you." Guren said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Shinya smiled.
"Should we go back?" Shinya asked.
"Probably, and if we get in trouble, let's get in trouble together."
"Yeah, of course."


✎ 𝑹𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈..

Hello! Author here.
I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter, I realise it's not too long, however I have been a bit busy lately. I apologise about any grammar/spelling mistakes as this was a little bit rushed ;0

✉ 𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕; 615 ✉

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