𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3

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-Narrator POV-
Shinya sat up, thinking about what had happened, just then, he realised there was two jackets on the coat hangers, his and Guren's. Wait, Guren was here? I must've been unconscious. He thought. He tried to get up but realised he needed both of his arms to get up so he gave up so as to not prolonge his stay at the hospital.

He looked up, thinking it may be his parents or Guren, but was disappointed to see a nurse.
"Here is your breakfast, if you need any help please call out."
"Ah, thank you." he sat there, pretending to eat the food until the nurse went away, he put everything down and looked outside the window with a glum expression.

As Shinya was moping, Guren tried to figure out how he could sneak in to see Shinya, through a window? What if I fell out and got injured? Then I could go there!
"Guren? Would you like to go see Shinya? Get your jacket if you would like to." his mother called out to him. Well that was easier than he thought.
"Okay! Coming." though there was one problem, as Guren was getting ready, he couldn't find his jacket.
"Guren? Could you hurry up, we're leaving soon."
"Ah yeah, I just can't fi-" then it hit him, Guren had left his jacket at the hospital.
"Sorry, what was that?" his mother called.
"Nothing, I'm coming."

Around fifteen minutes later, Guren, his mother and his father arrived at the hospital, thankfully, the receptionist was a different person, otherwise Guren may be in trouble, though he was unsure how he would explain his jacket being there.

He looked down at the floor as they entered the room, Guren eyed the coat hanger, but to his surprise, it wasn't there, he looked over to the bed and Shinya was sat up.

"Shinya?" Guren almost ran to him.
"Missed me?~" he teased.
"Well of course! You made me really worried!" Guren made an angry face, but it looked more cute than angry. Shinya frowned.
"I'm sorry for making you worry." he looked Guren in the eyes. Guren's jaw hung open slightly.
"Don't apologise, it wasn't your fault." he smiled. Shinya frowned and mouthed something to Guren and he nodded.
"Ah, Guren." his mother began, he turned to look at her. "Your father and I have to go pick up a parcel for somebody, you and Shinya will be all right alone, won't you?"
"Yeah! We'll be okay."

"Where did you hide it?" Guren tilted his head.
"In the bin."
"What?" Guren exclaimed.
"Don't worry, I put it in a bag beforehand, your precious, dusty, jacket is okay." Guren stared at him.
"What?" Shinya raised his an eyebrow.
"Whatever." he acted offended and strutted to the bin, he opened it and took the bag out.
"Hey Guren."
"Did you miss me?" Shinya smirked.
"I want to throw this bag at you so bad right now."
"Hey calm down, I was kidding." he chuckled.
"Yeah you better be." rolling his eyes, Guren put the bag back in the bin, putting his jacket on.
"When did you come here, last nigh?" curiosity was getting the better of him.
"I only stayed for a few minutes, but I came at 9:57pm and left at 10:00."
"Oh so I only missed you by one minute, damn."
"You mean you woke up at 10:01?"
"Seriously? That's some bad timing."
"Oops." Shinya teased, Guren shook his head. Walking over to Shinya's hospital bed, he simply layed down next to him.
"Hey! Wait a minute there's not enough space-" but Guren was already laying there, staring at the ceiling.
"Oi~ Guren? Did you hear me? I said there's not enough space.."
"I don't care, I'm comfy." Guren didn't seem to care about the crammed hospital bed. "Why did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Fall out the window."
"What? It was an accident."
"Yeah, why would you think it's not?"
"Hmm.. just had this weird feeling about. Never mind. Are you feeling better?" Guren changed the subject.
"Mhm! I feel much better now~"
"Good, they told us you'll likely be able to come home in about a week."
"Ah, exciting! We can play then."
"Your arm won't be healed that soon, dummy."
"Are you worried? Pfff-" of course, Shinya was only teasing Guren but wanted to see his reaction.
"Yeah, I am."
"Oya? What's this? Tough boy Guren is worried? Awh~"
"Don't get the wrong idea." he shook his head.
"Okay~" Shinya laughed.
"Oi! What's so funny?" Guren sighed. "When do you think my mum and dad with be back?"
"Not sure, not a fortune teller."
"Yeah, yeah."
"But Guren I've been curious about this.. Why haven't you tried to become friends with the others in the village?"
"They.." he started, "just thought I was scary so I never tried to get close to them I suppose."
"Ah~ I'm sorry about that."
"I hate when you do that." Guren huffed.
"Do what?"
"Apologise for no reason, how would this be your fault?"
"Just sorry to hear that happened."
"Don't pity me."
"I'm not, it just doesn't sound like a pleasant thing to go through." Shinya shook his head slowly. Guren sighed but said nothing.
Since it's Pride Month, and this is a boy x boy fic here's a small one shot especially for pride month ;) This doesn't fit anywhere in the main story and as this is taking place, Guren and Shinya are 24/25 years old.

Shinya approached Guren's house, though they were neighbours and saw each other every day, Shinya felt a sense of nervousness, "what if he says no..?" He sighed and knocked on the door. A few minutes passed and Guren opened the door.
"Morning." he said, he looked tired but that didn't matter to Shinya. Shinya finally revealed his hands, as they had been behind his back previously, and handed Guren a bouquet of flowers and said, "Happy Five Year Anniversary!" He smiled at Guren. Guren stood there, slightly dumbfounded. After a couple of minutes of him standing there he managed a "thank you" and quickly ran back inside, got ready and came back to Shinya.
"Okay, so where are you taking me? It says you're taking me somewhere on this card. Shinya grinned and pulled Guren out by the wrist and began walking about Guren had somehow managed to close the door.
"H-hey where are we going?" but Shinya didn't give him a response, he just kept on pulling him by his wrist. After walking for about 20 minutes, Shinya finally stopped and said, "We're here!"
Guren looked around and smiled, there may have even been tears in his eyes.
"The lake.." Guren whispered. Shinya set out a small picnic and nodded at Guren, he came over and sat down by Shinya and they began to eat.
"After this, we're going on a proper walk, no dragging." Shinya smiled and Guren nodded.

Once they had finished their food, Shinya took Guren all around the village, and once they went back Shinya led Guren to the part in between their houses, basically the first place they met. Shinya gulped down all of his nervous feelings and looked at Guren. He knelt down on one knee, here we go, no going back now..
"Guren Ichinose."
Guren's eyes widened.
"Will you marry me?"
Guren stood there, blinking in disbelief, "Yes!" he threw himself around Shinya and hugged him, then showered him with kisses.
✎ 𝑹𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈..

Hello! Author here.
Chapter 3, woohoo :,) // Sorry for the slow-ish updates, my motivation has been plummeting lately ('〜`*) // Hope you liked this chapter though- It was a tiny bit boring at the beginning, lol sorry // Happy Pride Month and Stay Safe!! ♡

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕; 1310

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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