Chapter Two

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            Since she couldn't possibly finish the whole cake, Leia wrapped the rest in plastic foil and put it in the fridge. After wandering around the empty house, cleaning the rooms, and doing daily chores, Leia finally had nothing to do. Leia decided to go visit the town for once. Leia usually was an inside person. She preferred to read on her bed instead of explore the untamed forests outside of her house. A long time ago she might've.... but that was before... before she met him. Leia put on her overcoat and scarf. She turned off all the lights and laced up her boots before heading outside. A light snow had began to fall and settled on her hair. Usually Leia would put it up in ponytail, but today she kept it down; it was too cold anyways. Leia visited the town mart. Leia had already gotten used to shopping and living on her own. When her father left her mother when Leia was born, Leia already knew how to live with only one parent, but when her mother fell sick three years ago when Leia was about to begin her Pokemon journey, Leia knew she had to adapt to living on her own. The last few years Leia lived independently keeping herself and her mom alive. But, life was life, and her mom was getting sicker and sicker. Then came the day.


March 25. 6:42 in the morning. Leia woke up suddenly with a bad feeling. The house was too quiet. Usually she could hear her mother's labored breathing, as she twisted in turned in her feverish sleeping. Coughing. But now there was nothing. She went to check on her mother and found her lying cold in her bed. No pulse. Not a single breath. Leia rarely ever cried. Even when she saw her mother still and unmoving, all she did was slowly call her aunt and uncle on the phone. The day was terrible. No one cared about the fact Leia had no one to live with anymore.

What about me?! Leia wanted to scream, but she held her tongue. Finally, finally, when the subject of Leia came up, instantly her aunt and uncle made excuses.

"We can't possible afford to care for her!"

"Just because I'm Cora's sister, doesn't mean I have to put up with babysitting!"

No one cared what Leia thought. No one cared where Leia went. Leia hated them all. They didn't care. They thought she was a strange child. After all, all they need was a perfect child, right?


Leia crushed the package she was holding, causing a few people to turn heads.

Immediately they turned back around, pretending to mind their own business.

Apparently if you made eye contact with the "witch" you would be cursed for your life...! Leia rolled her eyes.

Leia purchased her items and walked into the freezing air, disrupting a group of girls.

The girls, whom Leia knew from school, immediately began fiddling with their hair and staring at their shoes until Leia passed. That didn't mean Leia couldn't hear their whispers.

"Look... It's the witch girl. They say if you look into your eyes directly....."

"Seriously?! I knew there was something wrong with her! Just the way she looks.... Did you she how tall she is? She must have some witch blood in her!"

Leia tugged at her clothes trying to look unnoticable. It didn't work.

She heard the way the parent's talked about her.

"Look at the poor girl. Doesn't even know how to care for herself! As scrawny as a stick... See that hair? Not even combed!"

"Such a pity her parents had to both die... At such an unfortunate time too.."

Both of my parents didn't die. My father isn't dead. Of couse no one cared what Leia said.

"Is she even going on a Pokemon journey? My little Jonny boy is starting his soon! How old is she?12? 14?"

"Does it matter? She's so weak; she couldn't go anyways. I've heard she has a fear of pokemon!"

"No way!"

Leia bit her lip. She couldn't deny nor ignore what people said about her. She wished she could escape the bounds of this town. Leia just wanted to run away from everyone here. Everyone she hated. But she couldn't.

But you can. A small voice whispered inside of Leia's head. Leia found herself standing in front of Professor Juniper's Pokemon lab. Trainers came every year from all across the Unova region to get a starter pokemon to begin a Pokemon journey.

Tepig, Oshawatt, or Snivy. Fire, Water, Grass. Each other's weakness and strength. Leia found herself edging towards the door. Leia's hand wavered. She couldn't do it. Why... why was she scared..?

Suddenly the doors burst open, nearly knocking over Leia, as Professor Juniper pratically skipped out followed by her assistant Bianca.

"Professor...? I-I'm sure he'll be here in a minute...!"

"Nope! Bianca, you don't understand-- He's not coming!" Professor Juniper beamed at Bianca, then noticed Leia.

"Ah..! Are you coming for a Pokemon? You're in luck! We have one left!" Professor Juniper spun around. Leia wondered if the professor was either on drugs or really, really happy this boy did not come.

"Uh... y-yes... no.. I mean yes...!" Leia stammered out. The professor's smile was beginning to freak her out.

"Splendid!" Juniper cried out and ushered her into the lab with Bianca hurrying along.

Inside the lab was bright and well lit. Crammed in every corner was books and documets. Leia could see assistants hurrying along catologing pokemon into the computer or organizing books. The further in they got, the messier it became-- paper littered the floor and the trash bin was filled to the brim.

Juniper distractedly pushed through the papers muttering to herself.

"Sorry, " said Bianca apologetically. "The pokemon are over here."

Leia followed Bianca to a room that held a case. Inside were three holes. Two were empty and the last held a pokeball.

"Hey... the things the girls say about you... They aren't true are they?" Bianca whispered to her.

Leia drew back her hand with a sharp jerk.

"I haven't been the professor's assistant for long... but I've heard rumors...!"

"Well.. you've been looking at me for a while. You feel cursed?" It came out more harshly that Leia meant, but she was sick with all the fake rumors about her.

"I mean... I-I..." Bianca said taken aback.

"Ah! Good! You showed her the Pokemon yet?" Juniper trilled out.

"Professor! Er... no."

"What have you been doing Bianca?" chastened the professor.

"Nothing.." Bianca avoided looking at Leia and opened the glass covering.

Leia was fine with that. She didn't care if Bianca didn't like her. She was going to leave this town soon anyways.

Juniper beamed at her again, "Now... get your very first pokemon!"

Leia's hand hovered over the pokeball. Whatever pokemon was in this ball would be her future partner.... She'd spend her Pokemon journey with this Pokemon.....

Leia's fingertips had just brushed the top of the Pokeball when the doors burst open....

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