Chapter Four

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Leia backpedaled, trying to stay away from the larger boy. How old was he anyways? What were mothers feeding their children these days? Unfortunately, she tripped over a root and fell on the cold, hard ground. She clutched the Pokeball closer.

"Wh-what are you doing here?!" Leia attempted to sound angry, but she could hear the tremor in her voice.

"Now, since that annoying professor isn't here, I believe you have something of mine?" Gunter grinned, a slow, mocking grin.

"I thought you said it was too weak. Got scared and changed your mind?" Leia spit out.

Immediately she regretted it. She could Gunter's fist curling in tight balls at his side.

Remarkably, he held his composure.

He shrugged, feigning nonchalance, "If it won't listen to me, there's always ways to profit from it anyways."

Leia could feel hot range boiling within her. What the hell? Profit?! Pokemon lived with people in harmony! They weren't just slaves people could use as stepping stones! She couldn't just....

Leia stood up angrily, "What is your problem?!"

Gunter looked surprise for a moment then recovered quickly. "Gimme my Pokemon." He hissed.

"No." Leia's voice was quiet, so quiet. Just a whisper. Fading... 'till gone.

Leia didn't even see it coming. A blur, then suddenly she fell backwards. Her hands landed. A sharp twig poked into her hand. The Pokeball fell away, rolling in the grass.

Gunter's fist raised. It connected with her jaw, and Leia was tossed on the side. Everything wnet black...

The grass tickled her cheeks and her shoulder was awkwardly crushed underneath her. She could feel the cold breath of winter on her and for a moment everything was still. The grass, the wind, the trees; there was nothing-- just the cold ground underneath her.

The throbbing in her cheek shook her out of the daze.

She opened her eyes. Gunter was over her... His foot, bent back.... Leia instincitvely curled up.

Suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes behind Gunter.

A boy burst out of the bushes behind him. "Whew! Finally, I thought I was gonna be there forever---" The new boy broke off, staring at the scene before him.

Leia mentally messaged him, trying to tell him Gunter was dangerous.

It didn't work-- The boy's grin widened, "Well lookie here! How do you do?" He gave a flourishing bow and wink in Leia's direction.

Leia grimaced: A playboy.

Gunter spun around. "Who are you?!"

"A simple wandering knight looking for a damsel in distress to save."


"Well, Prince Charming, if you're so strong.... Why don't you go against me in a Pokemon Battle?" Gunter snarled.

Leia's eyes widened. She pushed herself up. If Gunter's pokemon were strong...

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