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The friendship with every person working on the movie made the long five months of filming a blast. Push up contests, dance offs, trivia games, late nights at each of our trailers. I memorized everyone single person's name. Me, Hemsworth, Downey, Scarlett, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston and Chris were inseparable.
Even the awkwardness with Chris got better. He was back to being goofy and touchy-feely like he normally is with someone. Realizing we had a lot in common, besides our identical taste in music and unmeasurable love for Disney, brought us closer. We even developed a handshake we used to hype each other up before takes: a sequence of both hands in high fives, low fives and bumping our forearms together twice.

My last day was surreal. I hugged as many people I could find until Joss forced me back to the set. I hid behind Hemsworth from Joss angrily yelling for anyone from the costume department to help me finish getting my suit on. I was too distracted by the goodbyes.
The crew used the time to set up more of the next scene. Hemsworth hung out with me, flinging his prop hammer around.

"Evans!" Hemsworth shouted, raising his arms above his head. I turned around to see Chris walking up to us, attaching his shield to his arm. "Are we still doing Disneyland next week?" The question made me dramatically turn back to Hemsworth. I perked up like a prairie dog.
"Disneyland?!" I squeaked at a higher octave snapping my head from one Chris to the other.
"Yes, it an idea by Evans that we all take a trip to Disneyland when we finish filming." I was actually jumping up and down like a little child.
"Oh, oh, oh. I wanna go! Pick me! Pick me!" I raised my hand in the air, still jumping. They both laughed. The set costumer waited for me to stop jumping.
"I don't think there is anyone here that would want to go so I guess maybe not." Hemsworth joked, placing a flat hand above his eyes and looking right over me. Being as I was only 5'2, it wasn't very difficult for him to tower over me regardless.

"Me!" I yelled, now practically leaping in front of Hemsworth. My jumping was interrupted by the props master and set costumer firmly asking me to stand still. I apologized to them. "We have to go!" I whined to the Chris'. Hemsworth walked over to his mark, still flailing the prop hammer around. I exchanged glances with Chris. His eyes avoided me with barely a smirk. The props master went to another actor to help them. The set costumer attached the last piece of my suit. It pinched at my skin. "Hey..what's wrong?"
"It's nothing." He attempted to walk away but I stopped him with my hand on his shield.
"Bullshit." He avoided my eyes. "What's going on?"
"She's blowing up my phone today." I dropped my hand, allowing him to come closer to me. I thanked the set costumer as she walked to another actor. I knew this was a sensitive subject so he probably wouldn't want anyone else to hear. I have been the one he has turned to for all the fights he has had with Minka. At least he confided in me as a friend. Only took five months of listening to this shit. I rolled my eyes.

"What is she pissed off about now? She was just here last week. You two seemed..fine." I rolled my eyes again. I couldn't control my annoyance anymore. I completely despised the way she treated him. Chris tried to walk away again. I stopped him with my hand on the star on his chest. "Hey, you have to admit, this is getting ridiculous." I dropped my hand back to my side.
"It's something else."
"Okay. What now?"
"You." He let out a deep sigh. I was caught off guard. I froze. I didn't even hear Joss telling us we had a few minutes left before we had to get on our marks. He handed me his cowl to help him put it on. I took off my gloves to hold them between my thighs.
"What about me?" I attempted to keep my tone as neutral as possible. I fumbled with the cowl's strap nervously.
"She asked if anything has happened between us during filming. She noticed how close we have become when she was here. I told her no. She doesn't believe me." He was silently whispering and trying not to move his jaw. I warned him of the snapping. He winced jokingly. I lift myself to my toes to pat the top of his cowl. I returned back to the conversation as I retrieved my gloves from between my thighs.

"And.. she doesn't want you working with me."
"What did you tell her?"
"I told her that's impossible. We both have signed contracts that don't end until the last movie. That could be five, six, seven—twenty years—I don't know." He was noticeably becoming upset. I tried to lighten the mood.
"Dang, you are stuck with me forever." I nudged his arm. He returned his eyes to the ground. It didn't work. "Chris, if she is that upset over it then she has other insecurities of her own to work on. This doesn't have anything to do with you or the relationship."
"It probably wouldn't help if I told her I talked to you about this."
"No, it wouldn't."
"I'm flying back to LA tonight. I'll let you know how it goes." I nodded my head.
"I'm flying back tonight too. I miss my bed." I pouted my lip dramatically. Chris tapped my bottom lip with his gloved finger. I pushed his hand away laughing.

"Everyone on their mark, please! We are almost done here!" Joss said into a megaphone this time. We started to make our way over. I stopped Chris again. His eyes bolted down to me through his cowl.
"Don't lie to her. If she asks if we talked about it, tell her the truth." We nod to each other at the same time, causing us to laugh at ourselves. Once we got to our marks, Chris and I unknowingly went through our handshake. Realizing there may have been a justifiable reason as to why Minka was upset made us freeze mid arm bumps and laugh hysterically.

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