𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝚔𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚎 || 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐

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A/n: You guys make my life so much easier by having such cute ideas <3 This is also a fem! reader <3 I added the coffee shop au to this cause I think it's cute oop-

Requested by: MadamQuin (I think this isn't that good so if you want me to redo it I will !!)

Requested by: MadamQuin (I think this isn't that good so if you want me to redo it I will !!)

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Date published: May 6, 2020


"Look out Y/n," you hear your coworker laugh as she headed towards the back, "It's your favorite customer."

You sighed as you saw the man you grew to like, Daisuke Kambe. He was an enigma to you, even if you didn't want to admit it. There were rumors about him, yet he never seemed to match them. The only rumors he matched were the ones about his attractiveness, but he managed to exceed your expectations tenfold. And despite the rumors about his sadistic ways, mostly due to your best friend Haru, you couldn't help but find yourself attracted to him.

You were surprised by how quickly you fell for the man as you've only known him for a month and a half. What's even more surprising was that he returned those feelings, although he wasn't showing it in the proper way. After two or so weeks, he started bringing you gifts. It was cute as first, the gifts being small things such as a mug or a coaster; his reasons for gifting those were that you worked in a coffee shop, so you must enjoy coffee or tea. That was the first day though, the next day he attempted to gift you earrings, which you had to decline. You would've declined the first gift too if you knew it would lead to him bringing more, but you felt bad when he went out of his way. Still, you couldn't take something else when he's already given you enough.

And each day, he came back with more gifts, the prices escalating. He's asked you many times what you wished, only to have you ask him what his order was in an attempt to get him to stop. After rejecting his offers for the next week, he came back with much more. He's driven the newest models for the most expensive cars and had tried to give you the key, all with the same goal in mind. Every time you saw him, he asked to court you. Just as he was an enigma to you, you were an enigma to him. There was something about you that he couldn't comprehend, and he wasn't sure what it was. There was some sort of spell you had him under and he wasn't bothered by it, in fact, he felt happy. You posed a challenge for him, the person other than his partner who seemed to treat him as you did everyone else. At first, he thought it was because you were in fact best friends with his partner and grew to dislike him because of Haru. That was quickly disproven as you gaped at the both of them when they walked into the coffee shop together, only then making the connection between the two of them.

"The same as usual," you asked as he walked up to the counter.

"Not today," he said with a smirk appearing on his face, "I'll have everything on the menu."

"Daisuke, I didn't let you order that before and I'm not letting you order that now," you sighed as you wrote down his normal order, "450 yen please."

Daisuke handed you a 10,000 banknote, "Keep the change as a tip."

You pushed the money back into the male's hand, catching his eyes widening. He thought you would take his gift his time if it was just money, his reason being that you might prefer it over gifts. He figured that if you don't like the gifts, the money would at least allow you to buy what you want; he viewed it as an indirect way to spoil you. He genuinely thought he had figured you out, but like the enigma you are, you puzzled him one again.

"Daisuke, just hand me the correct amount please," you sighed as you turned around to prepare his coffee.

"Do you still not wish to be courted by me," he asked, the monotone tone he had now fading into a more hurt one.

He thought the connection was felt by both parties, not solely him. In truth it was, but you just didn't express it as much as him. After all, you kept rejecting his attempts at courting you. Although you tried to let him know you were interested in smaller ways, such as letting him use your first name and calling him by his. You didn't want to show your interest after he bought you those gifts because you felt it before that. And even if you didn't, you wanted him to know you saw him as Daisuke. Not the heir to a large company with multiple branches and the man with an infinite bank account, just Daisuke who worked as an investigator and liked black coffee.

"Daisuke it's not that," you turned around and placed the coffee on the counter, now putting the money into the register, "I would love to be courted by you."

"So how much," he grasped both of your hands.

Without him even saying it, you knew he meant money. That was one of his only flaws, his use of money to gain. He grew up thinking all he needed was money, after all, he got everything he's always wanted by just buying it. His balance was infinite but his knowledge wasn't, especially concerning his use of money. There were things money can't buy, one of those being your love.

"That's the thing Daisuke, there is no amount," you sighed as you removed your hands from his grasp.

"What," his eyed widened, "What do you want for me to give you if not money?"

"You," you sighed, "I would love to be courted by you but I don't want you to think I said yes because of your money. I didn't need you to buy me all those fancy cars or try and give me a penthouse Daisuke, you just had to ask."

"I see," he recomposed himself, "Then Y/n, would you allow me the honor of courting you?"

"Of course you idiot," you laughed.

Daisuke reached across the counter and cupped your face in his hands, leaning over to give you a kiss. After a couple of seconds, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours.

"Daisuke I can see you trying to sneak me the 10,000 banknotes," you pulled away.

"I'll spoil you soon enough princess," he smirked.

Daisuke grabbed his coffee and turned to walk away, leaving you staring at him like a child in a candy store. You knew this courtship was going to be interesting and you didn't mind it one bit. Even as you continued working and dealing with other costumers, he didn't leave your mind the entire day. On his end, he was also stuck in a trance while thinking about you. Enough so that Haru joked about him finally courting you, only to realize that his best friend was in fact courted by his enemy/coworker.

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