oh god we're late

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*phone alarm goes off*
torres switches on a lamp on a cabinet next to the sofa.
'ughh what time is it?' says bishop, yawning and slowly awakening.
'8:30am... oh god we're late' says torres trying to get up in a hurry but struggling as bishop is laying over him barely moving.
'ellie, don't go back to sleep, did you not hear me? we are l a t e e e!' says torres. he eventually lifts bishop up and places her back down giving him time to sneak away and get off the sofa.
'can we not just call in sick?' says bishop, trying to keep her eyes closed so nick will leave her to sleep.
'don't you think it would look suspicious if we both took a sick day off?' says torres trying to make his point come across clear.
'ughh your right. it's not fair, i just want to enjoy sleeping' says bishop slowly getting up and sitting up straight on the sofa.
'when do you not sleep?' says torres jokingly.
'haha very funny, but i'm serious, with this job we never get a lie in!' says bishop.
'okay, no. that's not true' says torres.
'alright then, name the last time we were allowed to sleep in and be late for work!' says bishop.
'okay great you made your point, but we are over and hour late!' torres says, dragging ellie's hand out the door, whilst carrying both their coats in his arm.
aye i'm adding onto the story again! woop woop! if you have any ideas on what you want to happen, now is the time to brainstorm and let me know in the comments! i will take ALL ideas into consideration! i hope you guys enjoy this chapter! i appreciate you all:) -megan

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