☥ Chapter 7 ☥

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Frank woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and wind blowing through the few leaves that were still stuck on trees around his house as rays of sunlight tried to make their way into his room through his dark curtains.

He squinted his eyes and dramatically stretched and flipped his body around, getting caught in his blankets. He let out a loud sigh as the tension in his body vanished and at the cracking of his bones. Frank rolled onto his back and stared at his ceiling for a moment before grabbing his phone from under his pillow. He opened it and squinted at the brightness and it took a moment to let his eyes adjust.

Once he was no longer blinded by the light, read the time at the top of his screen. 10:28 AM.

He decided that it'd be a good time to wake up considering he had to meet Gerard in a few hours. He smiled at the thought as he sat up from his bed, legs dangling over the side along with a blanket threatening to slip off from any type of movement the boy made.

Frank threw his blankets back onto his bed and stood up, stretching his arms over his head once more. He walked over to his curtains and pulled them open. He glanced outside to see that the snow that was once covering the ground was almost completely melted.

He heard Sweet Pea start scratching at his door trying to get in, so he walked over and opened it and she immediately started jumping at his legs.

"Hey pretty girl," He smiled, leaning down and petting her, "what d'ya need?"

He figured his mom let her outside before she left, but that was around three hours ago so he followed her out to the kitchen where the back door was and let her outside.

He knew Sweet Pea would run around and then just lay in the grass for a bit so he went into the bathroom. He quickly used the toilet, taking care of everything that he needed to. After washing his hands he took his toothbrush out from the cabinet and brushed his teeth.

When he was done, Frank walked out to the kitchen and called for Sweet Pea to come back inside. She settled herself on her bed while Frank poured himself some cereal.

He sat at the table as he ate and looked through his phone, deciding to play a game as he ate. After he was done eating and a few curses thrown at the spaceships that threatened to steal his virtual dog, Frank picked up everything and looked at the time for the second time that morning. 11:43 AM. He was surprised to see he was playing a game for that long.

He walked back to his room with Sweet Pea following behind. She situated herself on his bed, curling up in his sheets, while he stood in front of his closet with the door open. He pulled his shirt off and quickly threw on his binder as he looked through the different shirts of his. Frank decided on a Black Flag shirt underneath his favorite Misfits sweatshirt. He then peeled off his pajama pants, and put on a pair of ripped jeans instead. He grabbed two mismatched socks from his laundry basket (that had clean clothes, he wasn't that disgusting) and pulled them on.

Frank couldn't decide what to do with his hair so he settled with a red beanie. He smiled at himself and then opened his phone, going into Snapchat and sending a mirror selfie to Jamia.

frnk: jammie

frnk: how do i look

She immediately opened his message and quickly replied.

jamia <3: like a twink

jamia <3: lol jk. u look so handsome dude

frnk: hjasdkh tHANKS WHoRE

jamia <3: anything for u dummy <3

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