12. As the Days Pass by...

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When the decision was made to put Stiles in a medically induced coma, no one thought it'd be for more than a month or two. But then the third month came, followed by the fourth. It is not the fifth. Lydia and Melissa have been able to convince the Sheriff to take Stiles out of school so that when he is better, they can have a talk to figure out what is the best way for Stiles to continue his education. On the other hand, I've managed to talk Jordan and the Sheriff into going home for a few hours while I stay here watching over Stiles for them. I do this so they can go shower, put on a clean pair of clothes, eat non-hospital cafeteria food, and possibly take a nap. The rest of the pack come by after school and Melissa is always here. Deaton has told us to keep him informed about Stiles condition in case of repercussions from returning him back to himself. It's hard to watch Stiles just laying down, unconscious looking more medical equipment than human being. There seems like there are too many machines needed to keep him alive through this coma given the damage done to his brain because of Peter, who we haven't seen any of since the discovery of what he did to Stiles whilst knowing that he knew exactly where he was but didn't tell the pack. I've given up on giving my uncle chances. First he breaks my trust by putting the thought that I could get Ennis to change Paige and we would be happy. Then he lures Laura back to Beacon Hills due to him being feral so he can kill her just to become Alpha. Then goes around killing people, turning Scott, and making life a lot harder for us. Once I killed him I thought I was done with his manipulative personality, but I was wrong. He was able to get Lydia to use me to help resurrect him. Since then he's continuously stabbed us in the back, yet Scott tries to give him more chances. Why would Peter keep this information about Stiles away from us? He knew how panicked we all were. How upset we were about our human pack member. The one that can bullshit his way out of any dire situation with sarcastic comebacks. The human who thinks different;y then the rest of us. Gives us good ideas when trying to form a plan. I bet if Peter didn't go in and invade Stiles mind, he wouldn't have broken so easily. He probably could've figured out how to get out, or at the very least get help. I ran my hands over my face sighing frustratedly. Peter is a problem that I need to take care of before Stiles wakes up from this. Peter needs to be subdued before Stiles is able to start building himself back up with all our help. With Jordan's help. Peter needs to understand that we are done giving him "second" chances. He needs to understand this because Stiles might want to talk to him to get over the trauma that Peter helped create. He was the one person who was finally getting used to Peter and including him in the pack while the rest of us kept him at arms length. What happened? How did it happen? What was Peter thinking when he followed through with it? Lifting my head up, I knew that once Jordan and the Sheriff returned I needed to hunt down Peter and have a long conversation with him. 

*Third Person (flashback)*

Peter had gotten a call from a man named Charles. A low life human that Peter has never met before. The man was looking for the Left hand of the Hale Pack. The Left hand that murdered plenty and kept no friends. He was hoping that this Left hand could help him keep his baby boy in check. Help him make the boy a blank slate to work with. To train an easily submissive boy, like he just knew his baby boy was. So reluctantly Peter went with a price in mind. He'd help this filth then return to Beacon Hills to look for the boy in red. The boy who captured the heart of the Hell-hound. When Peter entered the run down house, he had to school his features immediately to keep from flinching at the smell. The house had a stench about it that made it seem that it was cleaned with bodily fluids and cigarettes. However, he caught a faint scent of lavender coming from the basement. Stiles. He knew it was the boy, but was surprised to learn that the man who took him thought that Stiles was a submissive person. Charles glared at Peter as he led him down to the basement. It was dark, but Peter's Beta blue eyes allowed him to see as Charles had him stop. Peter did and continued to scan the room, glowing eyes landing on a restrained Stiles covered in scars and blood. Sweat matted his hair to his face and his knees were almost raw from the concrete floor he knelt on. The lack of clothing that he assumed was to make him look sexy, just made Stiles look degrading. What is Charles game plan? Peter noticed the chemicals by the back door, probably to insure the silence of his clients when the come for a visit. Peter only prayed that it didn't work on him. He was going to do what Charles wanted, but he'd unlock the safe place in Stiles mind so that he can distance himself from what is actually going on. At least until Peter can get the pack to comeback and save him. Peter is going to relish in ripping Charles' heart from his chest. Little Red deserves better. 

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