-why did we-

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Chapter 3 - Kieran  [@MaloriTori]

Obi-Wan left me at the Senate building while he went to consult Yoda on our dilemma. I wandered the building, deep in thought. Whatever did I do to get wrapped up in this? Oh, yes.

About a month ago, there was a Separatist attack on the Core World of Chandrila. I happened to be there, running my antics, and accidentally got caught in the blaster fire between the sides. In a panic, an inexperienced, eighteen year old me hid inside a ship. It took off before I could make my escape, and before I knew it, I was on Coruscant. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi had found me inside the engine room. I tried to kill them, worried for my life. Unperturbed, they knocked me out and took me to the Council. Stowaways weren't uncommon, but they considered recruiting me into the Republic. I had declined, rather impolitely. Later on, Obi-Wan and Anakin had many more run-ins with me, and we became mutually connected.

Ah, what a nice story. I turned the corner and collided with someone.

I stumbled and fell flat on my face, my sketchbook and pen flying forward. Oh look, I've been impaled.

"Blast it!" I stood up slowly, dusting myself off. Actually, there was nothing to dust off, the floors were completely clean. Space janitor who?

I looked at where I had tripped, and the Supreme Chancellor was pulling himself up.


I ran over and helped him regain his posture.

"I am so sorry!" My hands flailed.

"It's alright," the Chancellor smiled. "Accidents happen."

I laughed nervously. "Yeah, but it's not everyday you trip the Supreme Chancellor..." I looked at him anxiously.

"Indeed," his blue eyes were sharp, and his entire air seemed remorseful, but he still carried himself with a cold superiority. I am proud of this line. That's about it.

I picked up my things and packed my bag.

"I'm really sorry, Your Excellency." I regarded him.

"It's fine, Kieran." he smiled simply. So, when...when did Palps learn Kieran's name?

Huffing, I looked at him one last time. Big Bad Fucking Wolf.

With a quick nod, I rushed off.

. o O o .

I continued running down the halls, until I heard a beautiful melody coming from behind me.

Hypnotized, I whipped around and sprinted towards the sound.

My ears lead me to a closed door.

I knew that song.

It was an old tune, one of the first songs made by Ande Veedis, a love song. Oh my god. My Why Don't We phase.

Fun Fact: Lyra's last name is an anagram of Seavey. Obsession. Hands down. 

Hey, watch it.

There were no vocals in the pianist's version, but I couldn't help but think of them as I listened.

Look at us,

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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