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Two - Lyra

Today has been a long day, time seemed to slow down with each minute.

It was painstakingly normal as well. I went to the library, did all of my work, helping citizens and Jedi with the archives and organizing the shelves. As always. So um, who's gonna tell her the archives are already organized...?

Well aren't you perfect...

But something had been on my mind. In my dorm, I collapsed on my bed. Something odd had happened today.

Don't we all?

I never forget a face, let me credit myself on that. At the library around noon, we had a familiar face and a new one. Master Kenobi and a strange girl. She had sat right next to him as he scanned something and talked to the analysis droids. Then they had walked off and flown away. With a ship or...? Well, we did say he was Jesus.

This girl... Master Kenobi must trust her. The first time I've ever met her, I got an evil emo* look from her.

Kylo Ren and Lyra: THE GIRL

I think back to what happened there. She must hate me... and why? I sigh. This is not going anywhere, it never was. Reluctantly pulling myself up, I stroll to the door. I could train some more with my Master... I walk towards the library and see her at her desk.

"Hello!" I say cheerfully. She looks up at me, her eyes jaded.

"Lyra? I don't remember today being a training day..." she says, looking at her planner.

"Oh, no! No, I just wanted some extra practice, I'm really bored, and decided I want to learn something new." I can admire that. I haven't left my bed in a week.

"Ah... you finally decided to come out of your prison decorated with a piano and some paintings?" she says and smirks.

"Hey... watch it." I say and we start laughing.

"Alright. Come over here," she says and gets up. "Lets go to the training room, shall we?"

I nod. We walk towards the training room and find Anakin there.
"Anakin, you're here?" I ask. He turns around, and smiles when he sees us. Yes, I'm here to massacre the goddamn children. "Hey Lyra! Hey Master Jocasta." He says. "Oh, do you need this room? Do you want me to leave?" He asks, and starts getting his stuff together.

"It's ok, you can train with Lyra." Master says. He nods and we get ready. In all seriousness, Anakin wouldn't train with a stickler old librarian. No offense to Lyra.
"Alright. Let's get started. First, we will meditate a bit. I brought some rocks that you will lift as a warm up." Who the fck carries rocks to practice? And how did she know they were gonna practice when she said she didn't? She keeps rocks in her desk, dumbass. Don't you?

She says the things we always do. We nod. Anakin and I get on the poufs, and cross our legs. I close my eyes, and focus. CEO of unnecessary commas. I clear my mind, and focus on the rock. Slowly, I feel them lifting.
"Good." Master Jocasta says. I slowly drop them to the ground and open my eyes. Anakin did the same, though his were significantly higher than mine. I supposed having the highest known midichlorian count had its perks. No shit, sherlock.
"Good. Now, let's move on." We started training, and it went on for hours. Anakin was without a doubt far better than me, but I was doing better than usual. We put this here because we have paranoia about Mary Sue characters. Little did we know...

"Okay, that was good. I think we're done." Master Jocasta said and she started packing up everything. Her rocks included?

"I'm going to go back to my ship. Bye Lyra, bye Master Jocasta." Anakin says. I wave at him. Master Jocasta stands there for a minute, and I get concerned.

"Master?" I ask.

"Lyra. Come with me to the library." She says.

"Yes, of course!" I say and get excited.
"Hey... you've been to a library before, calm down." She says and smirks. I growl. Why you mad? We head to the library and see Obi-Wan. We walk towards him, and I notice the new girl next to him. Oh kriff. Master Jocasta starts discussing something with him, and I glance at the girl. She scowls at me, and goes back to her drawing. Oh wow. I overhear Master Kenobi saying something about a planet, and I look up at him.
"Are you having a problem? Master Obi-Wan?" I ask smiling.
"Ah... um... yes." he says. "I'm looking for a planet called Kamino, I can't seem to find it..." he says looking at the other planets, trying to find Kamino.

"Kamino...." I say, looking around for it. I point at a place.

"It should be about right here." I say. I press the buttons to look for it closer, but I can't find it. Well obviously it's not or else he wouldn't have trouble trying to find it.

"I'm sorry, I can't seem to find the system you were looking for." Jocasta says. Slight inconsistency given the fact that Jocasta said these lines last chapter. Oops :0

"Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete." He says. My master stiffens. ICON.

"If a system is not found on the records, then it does not exist." Master says. She starts walking, and I follow her, feeling the gaze of the girl on me. While walking, I listen to her whisper to Obi-Wan. What is she saying now? *Gossip Girl plays aggressively* I overhear her saying something, and I did not like it.

"You shouldn't trust their..." I hear her say. I tense up. Shouldn't trust me? Is she trying to make Obi-Wan not trust me? I suddenly stop walking without realizing it. Hey, get yourself together.
"Lyra? Everything alright?" Master Jocasta says.
"Ah! Yes, everything's fine." I say and start walking again. She stares at me for a moment, and then keeps walking. What is with that girl...?

Notes: Honestly, we would've been better off writing a cheesy cliche drama romance. Not sure we've matured any further.

Notes: God, what was I thinking writing this. Sterotypicalllllll. 

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