Hello Binnie Hyung

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A/N look at jeonginnie he is so adorable UWU but his face in this picture makes me laugh

Buzz Buzz

"Felix! It's Jisung. Where the hell are you? We've been looking all over for you!"
"Oh sorry. I went for a walk. I'm on my way home now."
"Ok, we'll see you soon. Chan said be careful. Bye!"

Felix wasn't totally lying to Jisung. He was on a walk but he was in the woods. He felt better when he was in the woods for some reason. Jisung and Chan had planned on introducing their new friend to Felix about an hour ago. He completely forgot. He ran off into the woods because his mind was too clouded with stress from work. He knew that Minho and Woojin were also going to be at the house which meant the room was going to feel a little overcrowded like normal. But it wasn't normal because Jisung and Chan had met someone at one of their street performances. Still Felix knew he had to be there so he got up from the fallen tree he was sitting on and started walking down the trail back to his house.

Felix opened the door to his house to see his friends lining the living room. Jisung and Minho were basically cuddling, Chan and Woojin were holding hands talking to someone next to them, then Felix realized the new face was sitting in one of the chairs. Felix walked in and sat in the other chair opposite from the new guy.

"Felix, you're finally here, thank god! Anyways this is Seo Changbin!" Jisung almost shouted at Felix while pointing at the new face. Felix looked over at Changbin...Changbin Felix repeated in his head. He gave his signature sunny smile and waved.

"Hi Changbin! I'm Lee Felix," he said. Changbin almost looked shocked. Felix thought it was probably because of his deep voice, everyone was always surprised by it. Little did he know it was because Changbin had never seen anyone or anything so beautiful before.

"Hyung," Changbin said with a gravelly voice. Felix cocked his head in return.

"Call me hyung. I'm older than you," he said with a smirk on his face. Felix didn't like how cocky he was being so he showed his evil grin. This made Changbin look worried for a second.

"Ok Binnie Hyung!" Felix said in his aegyo voice. Changbin looked like he was about to die while everyone else was trying to hold in their laughter. Jisung cracked first followed by Chan's laugh which then received a piercing glare from Changbin. They straightened up but the smiles on their faces remained.

"Anyways, we wanted to tell you that Changbin here will be joining Jisung and I. We even came up with a name." Chan said calmly.

"3RACHA! Isn't the name so clever?!" Jisung shouted almost jumping out of his seat if it weren't for Minho's arms wrapped around his waist. Felix nodded in response, kind of curious about Changbin's talent.

"What does Changbin do?" Felix asked.

"I rap," he responded for himself. Felix mentally slapped himself for not asking him directly. Felix was actually kind of surprised from his answer but the more he thought about it, it kind of made sense. Felix noticed the sun had gone down already and he had to work tomorrow and he knew his friends had to as well.

"Hey guys, it's pretty dark now. It's probably time for you all to go," Felix said with a sad look because he liked having them over. He was getting lonely in his house. Everyone stood up, this was when Felix noticed he was taller and Changbin. He gave a small giggle because Changbin was pretty short.

"What's so funny Felix?" Minho had been the one to ask. Felix just shook his head. Then Jisung was giggling. He could almost read Felix's mind.

"I think Lix Is laughing at Binnie's height!" Jisung said with a playful voice. Felix looked over at Changbin and shrugged. But the older had a blush across his face. Why is he blushing? Felix thought.

"Anyways, we should get going before it gets too late. 3racha has a gig tomorrow at 8am." Chan had said.

"Felix! You'll be able to hear us because it's right across from the store!" Jisung said with such excitement. Felix hasn't been able to see them for a couple of months since he had to keep up his shift at work. He smiled at them. He was pretty happy that he is going to listen to them. Then everyone piled out and left,

Felix was left with the empty house. He felt lonely already. He went through and made sure everything was turned off and locked.
He walked down the hall to his bedroom and changed into a black sweatshirt and dark grey sweatpants. He climbed into bed and made sure his alarm was set. He laid there for a moment thinking about the new guy. He felt like his bed was swallowing him in his thoughts. But before he could do anything he fell asleep.

I'm sorry this is like a very boring chapter. In my opinion what I have written so far is pretty boring :p I had a little trouble writing this one for some reason

NeW tHaNgS is stuck in my head right now. Any NCTzens? Oof fire truck just showed up on my shuffle playlist WOOP WOOP onto the next chapter

Hello Binnie // Changlix Where stories live. Discover now