Chapter 2

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A/N trust me when i say this like listen to the song on the side or up top or wherever it is because it sorta gets you in the mood of the chapter.

man i should do more authors notes.


Bella awoke, screaming out in fear. Just like she did every night.

She pushed herself up into a sitting position before turning on the lamp by her bed, letting her breathing slow down for a minute and checking the clock.



She sighed, knowing their was no way she was going to get back to sleep after the dream and got up, fumbling around her room till she got to the drawers.

Since she was going to the boys house for Christmas and she was leaving today, might as well pack.

After she'd filled her case she just got back into bed and started watching dance moms on TV to get her mind of things for a little while.

After the first few episodes, at around about 4am she heard a quiet tapping on her window.

The fuck?

Truth be told she was absolutely terrified to pull back the curtain.

I mean who wouldn't be?

Eventually she pulled a tiny part back, just enough so that whoever was there couldn't see her but she could she them.

She smiled at the sight in front of her.

Casey was sitting on the tree branch opposite her window in his trackies and a hoodie, holding onto the tree trunk for dear life.

Her bedroom was on the 2nd floor after all.

She quickly opened the window and helped him through it and watched him crash to the floor in a heap, causing her to snicker at him.

"you know we have a front door right?" she folded her arms, smirking.

"well excuuuuse me if i wanted to be romantic and shit." he replied,picking himself up off the floor and kissing her forhead.

He frowned when he saw the bags under her eyes.

"couldnt sleep again huh." he asked her, to which she shook her head and looked down.

he sighed and took her hand, leading her over to her bed before lying down and patting the space next to him.

She lay down left to him, pulling the duvet over them both, before resting her head on his chest.

"Goodnight Casey." She whispered while yawning.

"Goodnight love."

The next day seemed to fly around.

Waking up in Casey's arms was always a brilliant way to start off the day.

Casey had his car and was planning on driving himself, Bella, Jake, Barclay and James to the cabin they had rented for the holidays.

To be honest Bella loved the boys like the brothers she'd never had, but sometimes they could be a bit.. Intimidating. Not in terms of 'if you break Casey's heart we'll do worse things to you than the Russian Mafia would.' Sorta thing, but more of a 'so are you knocked up with Casey's kid yet?'

Literally shitting you not that was a direct quote straight from Jake's mouth.

i mean to be fair it was worse for Millie, its like none of them could go a day without talking about how their 'little brother' and her had been caught getting 'down and dirty' and doing the 'frickle frackle' at last years New Year's Eve party.

Again shitting you not, another direct quote from Jake.

a few hours later they were all in the car, having picked up the rest of the boys and were off to some secluded cabin in the middle of a forest.

even though the sun was shining a few specs of snow started to fall on them.

"do you guys think we'll get a white christmas?" James asked, looking out of the window.

"I hope so, i love snow." Barclay replied, smiling.

the snow started getting heavier.

"At this rate we'll probably be snowed in" Bella laughed, turning up the heating.

"Well if it means i get to spend more time with my favourite girl, I wouldn't ask for anything else." Casey turned to her, putting his hand over hers and kissing her nose quickly before turning back to the road.

"oh for god sake get a room already."

aaaand there goes Jake.

Don't forget to vote and comment bc y'know happy christmas and all that.

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