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My heart stopped when I saw her get hit.
I trusted these people, I knew they did what was necessary, they didn't know who she was yet. But it made me mad all the same.

I roared in their faces in my anger and then shifted quickly to go check up on her.

Her face before she was knocked out would haunt my dreams, she was so scared. It made that something inside of me clench some more.
I never want to see that look on her face!

"Kriya! Kriya, wake up love I'm here now!"

My pack members looked at me confused. As if I had lost my mind.

"She's not a threat! She's my mate you fucking morons!" I yelled.

I saw their eyes widen, but I didn't have time to explain further anymore. Kriya's forehead, where they had thumped her to knock her out, was starting to get tender and swell. And I was sure she was going to be extremely sick, if not concussed, as soon as she wakes up. I needed to get her off the ground and into a soft bed. And a fucking Doctor!

"Kriya, sweetheart I'm gonna make this okay! Come on we have to get you somewhere safer."

I picked her up, gently. She moaned, a tiny painful sound but it gave me relief! I knew she was going to be fine. I kept telling myself that. That she's strong. This small bump can't harm her.

But my heartbeat ran wild all the same.

As soon as I had her secure in my arms, I started running towards my cottage. The distance was making me anxious.

I talked to my people through the pack link while i ran,
"I need a doctor in my cabin. NOW!"

"On it, Alpha" came someone's reply.
I wasn't in the headspace to figure out who it was.

I reached my cottage and skidded to a stop. I almost dropped her in my hurry, but I somehow stopped at the last moment. I ran inside and climbed the stairs with great care, the last thing we needed right then was me toppling down the stairs with her in my arms. Got inside my bedroom and carefully laid her down on my bed.

I fluffed the pillows beside her, pulled the comforter up to her chin and tucked her in, tried to make her as comfortable as possible. Then went to don a pair pants, and remembered her clothes were soaked through because of the dewy wet forest floor.

Soon as I thought to change her out of her wet clothes i heard noises. My pack doctor was here. Finally!

I asked him to come up into my room through the pack link.

The Doctor came, checked her temperature, pulse, did all the essentials.
Checked the tender bump on her temple and gave me a look.

I understood it for what it was, I should've been more attentive and careful with her. Especially since she was a human.

Apparently, my little mate was weak, hasn't been eating properly, hadn't looked after herself for past couple of years. It broke my heart to think of her out there, all alone, all these years.

But the Doctor told handed me some meds for her, told me it was a good thing I got to her when I did she could've caught a cold and gradually a pneumonia. Fortunately,  it was just a fever and it'd go down with a little rest and care.

I thanked the Doctor, escorted him out. Then came back into my room.

She looked so good in my bed, in my home.

I looked at my phone, 11:30 pm, way too late to worry about the unfinished meal. I didn't feel hungry anymore, my stomach felt full with anxiety, worry about Kriya. It felt like I'd throw up if I smelled food right then.

I went into the closet to get some fresh clothes for her. Then braced myself to change her. Slowly I got her out of her wet clothes, with as little disturbance to her sleep as possible.
My mind registered the fact that she was naked for the first time in my presence. I would've taken a moment to admire her body, but under the circumstances lust was the last thing on my mind at that moment. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and quickly got her into fresh, dry clothing.

I tucked her in again and then started preparing for bed, even though there wasn't going to be any sleep that night.

I brushed my teeth, checked around the house for any open doors or windows, got back to my room ready to keep vigil over my vulnerable mate.

When everything was sufficiently done, I pulled up an armchair from the corner of my room to beside the bed and settled down for a long night of worrying.

I sat there a long time, just looked at her face. Her long lashes resting against her cheeks. Her tiny nose with that small bump. Her small mouth, the plump lower lip stuck out, just a little. Her dark hair spread across my pillow, curling on the ends. Like a fallen angel.

She looked so tiny curled up in my bed, so fragile. Although I knew in my heart she was anything but. And I was somehow pretty sure she'd never agree with me.

After a while, my eyelids grew heavy and I fell asleep in that uncomfortable position.

I woke up, disoriented, to her moans. They were painful moans. As if she couldn't quite open her mouth to let out a scream. I sat frozen in my chair, just looking at her, waiting for something to happen, when suddenly she started clawing her throat, her chest arched up the bed. And that scared the shit out of me!

I jumped up out of the chair and went to the bed. I grabbed her and hugged her close to keep her from hurting herself,

"Hush darling, shhh it's okay! I'm right here. You're safe now baby go to sleep."

"Shhh shh"

I rubbed her back and kept rocking her back and forth. She grabbed by thumb and pulled my right arm to her chest, as if scared to let go, as if I'd ever leave her.
She seemed to calm down slowly, though.

When she was sufficiently calmed down I laid her down again, tucked her in, as much as I could with my arm trapped between her breasts. I got up and tried to release my arm from her death grip to go back to my uncomfortable armchair, but she had other plans.

Still deep in her sleep, she pulled my arm and turned to the other side, her back to me, pulling me right back on bed. I braced myself as to not fall on her and crush her with my weight.

I didn't want to leave her alone on bed anymore than she, so I slowly got into bed with her, thinking I'd get up as soon as she let go of my arm. I tried to keep my distance, I didn't want her to ever feel uncomfortable with me.

But her back fit perfectly with my front and I got comfortable in the position.

She moved a little, getting closer, comfortable and her breath got back to a steady rhythm.

She smelled like heaven. Warm and soft. Precious. I took a deep breathe, filling my lungs with her fragrance, as if I could keep it inside of me.

I tried staying awake, but apparently I had underestimated just how tired my body had been.
My eyelids grew heavy again.
As I laid there, my arm tucked between her breasts, her body fitting with mine, one last thought floated through my conscious before I fell into slumber,

This is it. Perfection.


How was it? Did y'all like it?
Come on talk to me guys I wanna know your thoughts!
I worked harder on this than the other chapters before this one, it's close to my heart.
I had fun writing it too! I hope y'all have just as much fun reading it!
Also I listen to Lil Halima on repeat while writing this chapter. I'll advice y'all to listen to the song while reading it, it's gorgeous!

I'll talk to y'all on the next update now. Bye!

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