Chapter 12

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"We're here," Felix said.

Athy's heart dropped at the statement. She was so engrossed in her argument with Titan that she totally forgot about the problem at hand. She was going to die.

Titan's face went from teasingly smug to downright unnerved in a matter of seconds. His jaw clenched and his hands gripped the hem of his long-sleeved shirt. He knew he was going to have to confront Claude about this issue, but he didn't think the time would arise so fast.

He wasn't prepared.

He was trying to lighten the mood earlier and relieve some of the poor girl's tension but he didn't even think about himself. Athy looked up at him and gave him a shaky smile. Boy was she scared, he could practically feel the fear rolling off the poor girl. 

The two frightened children followed the red-headed guard to the throne room. The short walk was filled with so much tension that it started to disturb Felix. He glanced behind him to see the princess holding onto the sleeve of the young boy, his own trembling hand patting her back.

The temperature started to drop the closer they got to the throne room. Felix started to feel a pit grow in his stomach, one he wished he couldn't express on his face as he took occasional glances at the pair of children behind him.

Titan racked his brain for a plan, any plan. He thought through his past encounters with the stoic emperor. The time he was first brought to the palace- that's it! His mind started forming a plan that would not only save Athy's life but his own as well. Hopefully.

Their footsteps stopped as they reached a large door that couldn't quite contain all of the dark aura that seeped through the cracks. Its large build groaned slowly as the guards opened it. Felix stood to the side as the two children walked into the enormous room. He followed behind silently as they approached the vexed emperor.


The young girl flinched at her full name being spoken. She raised her jewel orbs to the author of the demanding voice. Her eyes locking with familiar cold jewel eyes of her father. She was toast.

(now I'm getting hungry, I'm pathetic T3T)

"Where have you been" his monotone voice was crisp. It wasn't said as a question, it was a demand. One she couldn't deny.

"Athy was sick, papa. That's why she couldn't visit you yesterday." her face adorning a small smile. What a great mask. She was incredibly terrified of the intimidating man in front of her. 

"Why were you missing then". She flinched. Uh oh...if his expression couldn't convey his anger, his eyes could. He was pissed. 

"We snuck out to go on a treasure hunt" Titan deadpanned. Athy felt her head spin in confusion. 

Claude's eyes shifted from Athy to Titan. He stood up and walked over to him with panther-like grace then stopped in front of him. Titan looked up to meet a humorless smirk. Athy immediately grabbed Titan's hand and beamed up at her father.

"Yup!" Her smile growing even wider as she gripped his arm with a painful strength. Almost flooring Titan with the force.

'I'm gonna kill you, Titan' she cried internally. Her heartbeat thundering in her ears.

"Oh?" The emperor said, still smirking as he crouched down in front of the two. His eyes showing that he didn't believe them.

"What about the young magician?" piped the sweet, oblivious Felix. Athy started to slowly panic and her hand shook slightly. Titan stilled her hand with a gentle squeeze. His eyes shining with a plan and a purpose.

"He was missing?" He asked quirking a brow. Athy following his lead and looked at Claude with an innocently confused face. Claude studied Titan for a moment before directing his gaze to his daughter. She gave him a smile before cocking her head to the side. He stood back up.

"Athanasia, why is he here? I was told he was here last night" He asked looking down at his daughter, his cold eyes searching for any indication of her lying. She quickly glanced at Titan, their eyes meeting for a brief tenth of a second. But that's all the time she needed to catch his drift. Her eyes widened.

"I was let in by the guards, I wanted to see Athy". He said braving the look Claude gave him. How could a man look so scary? Was it even possible to look so intimidating? Apparently so...

"Titan's mom is sick. Athy didn't want him walking alone at night to his house, it's so far from here! So Athy let him stay with her in the palace!" her eyes pleading with Claude as she tried to calm the storm that was forming.

Claude's eyes landed on Athy as she looked up at him with her expressive eyes, practically begging him to not do anything to Titan. His cold eyes flicked to Titan who was staring at him, eyes showing he wasn't going to back down. A spirit he'd never see in...

Claude's eyes narrowed. He could almost see him...almost. His first thought was his brother. Though Titan was nothing like Anastacius the fact that his brother had a son irked him. It's as if he knew that Claude would have a child and would become attached to her, so he would send his child in his place to anger him. How befitting of the traitorous bastard.

The child had yet to prove a threat. The only thing he has done so far was play with his child. Athanasia clearly liked the boy and he brought a smile to her face often. The boy showed early magical development, he could see the traces of magic that clung to his body. Felix said that while he was chasing the children that he saw the boy light up then disappear.

He smirked.

Titan stared at him in slight awe. 

 Athy felt relief wash over her as she heard the life-saving words her father spoke.



Athy took in a deep breath then slid down the wall.

After a choice from Claude to let the boy stay at the Emerald Palace for the meantime, he told them to play until he called for them again. Felix brought them back to the Emerald Palace and departed after a 'short chat' with the blue-eyed maid.

Neither Titan nor Athy were in the mood to eat by the time lunch rolled around but Lily insisted that they eat. The two children walked around the rest of the day acting as though they came back from war. A long painful, agonizing war.

The two children sat in Athy's study room, thanking whatever god was out there that they survived.

"I'm so glad it worked," Titan mumbled. Athy looked over at him and gave him a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" 

"I figured that if I made it interesting enough he wouldn't want to kill me, ya know? So I took a risk and believed that if I played my cards right I could lead him into thinking that I had some use even if I was just a punching bag for guards. And if things got a bit dicey I knew that you would come through" he said giving Athy a small smile.

"You put your life on the line, believing that you could count on me?" Her eyes widened. She never really had someone believe in her before. Even in her past life, she was a loner. Never really making strong connections with others. But a child risked his life out of a belief that he could count on her.

"Yeah," he said sitting up from where he was slouching on the side on the couch. Athy felt her heart warm up at his declaration of trust. She smiled at him making him cock a brow.

"Thank you"


I wanted to update sooner but I've been feeling sort of blue~

But I realized I needed to update before I lost the motivation, that's why I'm updating at 3 in the morning. 

Today is my birthday woohoo! hopefully, proper sleep will be my gift.

Anyway, I will update soon, 

(send chocolate! my sweet tooth is torturing me)

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