Chap. 21- Why

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3rd person POV

The rest of the car ride was silent but it was the comfortable silence where you just enjoy each other's company.

They got home and Jungkook wasn't going to lie about not being disappointed that they had to let go of their hands. The two went inside the house. Just when Jungkook was about to go to his room, Taehyung grabbed his wrist.

"After you shower, come to the living room." the older said with a small smile.

Jungkook gave a small smile back and nodded as a response to him. Both went back to their rooms. Taehyung showered first and then Jungkook went after.

Taehyung put his sleeping clothes on and went to the living room while waiting for the younger to get done with his shower. He went on his phone to make time pass by quicker.

Later Jungkook came to the living room and sat next to his boss, putting some space between them. Taehyung noticed it and scooted closer to the younger. He looked straight into Jungkook's eyes and held one of his hands. This caused Jungkook to get flustered and blush.

"Can you tell me about the dream you had earlier?" he asked Jungkook.

Jungkook's facial expression dropped. He looked away from his boss and removed his hands.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me...i just thought i could help." Taehyung asked, feeling a little disappointed from the loss of touch from JK.

"Well it was the same dream that i always had but this time a name was mentioned. It was Tae...I still couldn't see the face but i know for a fact that i called him that...we were with the Japanese and they were holding me down. Then they shot the person afterward." Jungkook explained.

Taehyung listened carefully as Jungkook told the story. It sounded similar to his dream.

"Was the person tied up?" he carefully asked.


I was tied up before I died in the dream. Taehyung thought

"Where was the person shot through?"

"The head..wait why are you asking me this?" It was Jungkook's turn to question.

The person was was me...i died to save his life? Taehyung's eyebrows were furrowed

"It's just the dream sounds similar to mine." he answered.

"Really? Is it somehow connected?" Jungkook was confused.

"I don't know..." Taehyung lied, not wanting Jungkook's mind to be occupied with the dream.

Taehyung was now very confused as to why he appeared in Jungkook's dream. It was stressing him out more than he thought it would. What is the meaning of this? Could it be their past?

"We should go to sleep now." Taehyung said Jeon.

"Wait I have one last question." Jungkook stopped his boss.

"Were you the one who paid my debt?"

Taehyung looked down and contemplated whether to tell Jungkook the truth. He took a big sigh before answering.

"Yeah i did." he looked at the younger.

Jungkook was shocked but he threw himself at Taehyung and hugged him tightly. This caught Taehyung off-guard for a bit but then he hugged him back gently.

"Thank you thank you."

Jungkook pulled away from his boss after realizing what he was doing.

"Sorry." he scratched the back of his head.

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