Chap. 23- Past Wounds

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3rd person POV

Silence filled the air as the two were waiting for the lady to speak up. The lady looked up at Taehyung, staring deeply into him.

" were a rebel in your past life. You had mission that you wanted to complete but couldn't since life determined your future. You were filled with hatred that costed your life. You were executed by a gunshot to the head. Although, you met your loved had brought pain upon the person to fulfill your desire." She began.

Wait in my dream i was shot through the head... Taehyung thought to himself.

She turned to Jungkook who was listening carefully to what she said.

"Now were full of hatred too in the past life but you didn't have as much as he did."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a confused expression.

"You just wanted revenge for your family but you didn't expect to fall in love while trying to accomplish your mission. When death was brought upon the person, you were determine to finish his mission while completing yours at the same time. "

"After that had happened, you loved your past significant other too much to the point where you couldn't live without the person. So to end all the pain, you committed suicide by shooting yourself in the head." She said to Jungkook.

"Wow..i can't believe it." Jungkook said out loud.

"You guys had an ill-fated relationship during the past. You two were't suppose to meet in this life considering what had happened in your past lives, bringing pain to each other. Now you guys would've have many problems surrounding both you guys...the universe decided to be less harsh on you guys."

"Which is why you left to deal with fragments of the past on your minds which will uncover soon. The cards shows you guys were meant to be and can't be separated. It wasn't a coincidence that you guys are together now."

"Wait how do you know all of this?" Taehyung asked, still wondering.

"It's a secret." She winked and gave a chuckle.

"Now go on with your day and have fun lovebirds." She gave a small smile towards them.

"We're not lovebirds..." Jungkook said softly to the lady.

"You will be...soon." She said to the younger which caused him to get a little flustered.

Jungkook paid for both of them and left the shop. Both let out a sigh, and looked at each other laughing.

"I wonder if what she said was actually true.." Jungkook said lowly as they were side to side.

"Yeah i know right." Taehyung replied to the younger.

There was a uncomfortable silence between the two as they walked through the streets as their hands brushed against each other every once in a while.

"I didn't realize it's already night time. We should probably get home. We have work tomorrow." Taehyung stated once they reached the car.

Both got in the car, ready to go home after long day of walking and going around Daegu. This time Jungkook decided to drive them home, sensing that the older was probably really tired from all the energy he spent on him. During the drive, both of them were deep in their thoughts after hearing what the lady had said about their past.

The two got home pretty late at night. They said goodnight to each other but their minds were occupied by certain thoughts.

Taehyung went to his room and threw himself on the bed as sleep was soon taking over him.

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