Chapter 13

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I was shocked on what Nene did and it feels like the side of my cheek that she kissed was burning. Before I was able to say anything she ran away towards her car and sped away.

I just stood there for a few moments and then again walked to the direction of our house. I was surprised to see Bright on the door step with his hands crossed on his chest. I just can't think clearly right now and I want to go to my bed.

"Win? What took you so long? " he finally asks me. I just shook my head. "I'm just kinda tired Bright. I think I'll go to sleep. How about you and Frank?"  I asked him as I went inside.

Well seeing the sleeping Frank I got my answer. I guess they'll just sleep here for tonight. "I'll just prepare the room Bright. Could you turn the tv off for me?" I requested. He just smiled and nodded.

I prepared the bed for Frank. I only have a king sized bed but I dont think the three of us would fit in her considering our big Frames. I then placed two comforters on the floor and looked for spare pillows. I didn't want to wake up mom anymore so I did it myself.

We carried Frank to the bed which was no easy task for one person but gladly we manage to do it without waking him up. I tucked him in with a blanket and surprisingly he hugged my favorite carrot pillow. How will I sleep now?

I guess it's not the time to be selfish. "I could take the your carrot from Frank without waking him you know." Bright offers. I shook my head. "It's alright. Let's indulge him for now. I want to spoil him as much as I can. He is growing up so fast that it scares me." I said with a wry smile.

"We weren't ready to grow up were we? I mean it's like we grew up in an instant. I think that's my fault." He said looking down his feet.

"It's not your fault Bright. I guess we did have a hard time growing up and maybe we grew apart in the process. But you are still my bestfriend. Nothing would would ever change that. " I said as I hold his face making him look at me.

"Win I was so scared that time. I was so scared that it was all just a lie. I've lived a life filled with lies that I become like this." I could see the pain he bore in his eyes. Somehow even without tears I can see him crying.

"I dont blame you for that." If I could I would take away all of his pain. Nothing is more painful than seeing the person you cherish hurt and you can't do anything about it.

"Sheesh! Why am I crying. I should be celebrating with you right now." He said as he wiped his nose with his arms, grinning madly. What is he talking about?

"For..... what exactly?" I then tried to think what occasion I forgot? Is it my birthday?! No, that was a no brainer. A holiday? But there is no holiday on this month. As I was lost in my thoughts bright put one arm around my neck trapping me in a headlock.

"Aw Bright! What are you playing at! Aw! Stop it." I tried to break free but his grip on me was so strong. "How come you didn't tell me you already have a girlfriend huh! I thought I was your bestfriend?" Girlfriend? What is he talking about.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend! " I said and manage to get away from his grip. "I saw you and Nene kissing you know! " he said to me accusingly. Oh so he saw that. Maybe he thought we were dating.

"Aish! I dont know about it myself!" I tell him while scratching my head in annoyance. "She seems like a good catch Win! " He said nodding furiously. "Isn't it great you don't have to look anymore. You have a girl for the taking." He continued.

I blushed and touched my cheek where Nene kissed me earlier. But I don't like her Bright. I like you. I just smiled awkwardly and look at him. "We're just friends and I don't think Nene likes me that way. " should I try to consider Nene as a partner.

However I am not sure if she likes me. Also it would be unfair for her because I would just be using her to get over Bright. "Let's just go to sleep Bright. " I said but he just kept on bugging me until we are laying on the covers. Fortunately after thinking about what happened today I fell asleep. I found myself dreaming afterwards.

I came home with Bright after going to the clinic. Fortunately after my fall I manage to get away with just a sprained ankle and few bruises. Mom immediately went home after she was called by my adviser.

"Win! What happend to you!" She said as she hugged tightly. "I'm okay mom and can't you see we have a guest!" She composes herself and looks at Bright.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Metawin. My name is Bright. I am sorry it is my fault that Win fell down the tree! I am really sorry!" He said with a voice clearly trying to hols back his tears. He then bowed down to my mom.

She just smiled wryly and patted him in the head. "It's okay child. I can see your sincerity. Win has always been a clumsy child. He doesn't really have much friends and keeps to himself. As a compensation I hope you'll become his friend." My eyes widen at my mom's words.

This is really embarrassing. "Mom! That's embarrassing!" I shouted but she just laughed at me. Bright then slowly looked up and smiled at my mom and then looked at me. "I do want to be friends with Win! If that is okay with you Win." He looks at me with the same puppy look in his eyes from before.

"I...uhh.... Yeah! If you would want me as a friend that's alright with me." I answered." Mom then cooked for us since we didn't have the time to eat lunch.

Well Bright was surprised at the amount of food I placed on my plate but I just ignored him. I was too hungry to explain. "Win is a big eater you see. I also wonder where all the food he eat goes to." Then both of them laughed at me.

I just rolled my eyes at the both of them and suddenly Bright placed a piece of meat in my plate. "Hey what is this for?" I asked him. "You look really hungry and also I already ate a lot." I just smiled at him and ate it happily.

He then started to feed me but I didn't complain. Food is food anyway and somehow this makes me happy. When we were finished Bright helped me to go to my room. I told him that I can manage but still he insisted so I let him.

We sat on my bed and then started to talk. Well apparently we do share some hobbies like watching movies and playing online games. I learned that he was on the same class as I am.

He told me about himself. Apparently has a younger brother with the same appetite as me. He also told me that his mom died when he was young and his dad is often away with businesses trips.

I can empathize with his situation. After all I was not able to meet my dad. But I told him that it's alright because mom is here. He looked a bit sad though. I dont really know much about his relationship with his dad so I just changed our topic. We just talked and talked until eventually we fell asleep.

I dont really have much interest in mingling with other people but gradually that changed because of Bright. He showed me various things and changed my life. And I am glad that he did.

Author's note:
Hello people how are you all today? Thank you for reading and I hope you are all doing well. Take care of yourselves okay not just physically but also dont neglect your mental health! Pls vote and tell me your thoughts about the chapter hehe 😉

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