Chapter 21

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Frank's POV

I woke up much later than P'Win and P'Bright. When I came out of the room Mama Dela was already cooking for dinner and P'Bright was assisting her. P'Win was sulking on the table on the other hand. I am still sleepy and somehow my body still feels heavy.

"Oy, you're already awake Frank! Come sit here with me." P'Win said the moment he noticed me. "Aish you still have bed hair come here and I'll fix it for you." I yawned and sat beside him.

He then combed my hair with his fingers gently. I love it when he do this to me everytime. I guess I love being spoiled by him in general. I am lucky that P'Win is really my brother.

Well nothing much has changed between us but I am quite surprised that he takes all this calmly. I mean this is really a big deal you see. I know something ails him but knowing P'Win he'll hide it more if I'd ask.

"There, all done!" He said after he finished fixing my hair, smiling. I just hugged him for I am still sleepy right now. I close my eyes for a few moments until the aroma of food waked up my senses.

"I cooked a lot to celebrate Win's recovery so eat up a lot. Bright did a good job helping me too!" Mama Dela said enthusiastically. I could see P'Bright scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I only helped in the minor tasks but I am glad I was able to be of use Mama Dela." P'Bright answered. "Well let us eat the food. It really looks delicious!" P'Win said with his eyes sparkling. Well I can say I am the same.

Strangly though, P'Bright never goes to the kitchen much more help in cooking. Well I dont really care since the food is great. Me and P'Win immediately devoured what was in our plates.

"It's really good Mama Dela!" I said and P'Bright took both our plates and gave us another serving. We chatted about random stuff while eating and P'Bright excused himself for a moment because he need to go to the bathroom.

"Ohh before I forgot Win dear, there was a letter from school yesterday." Mama Dela spoke after she finished eating. "Oh what is it about mom?" P'Win asked while he is eating.

"Aish could you stop talking when your mouth is still full! Well I havent opened it. It's on your drawer." Mama Dela said while scolding P'Win. "Well I'll read it later. Frank are you done? I'll do the dishes now." P'Win said with a smile.

I frowned a bit and said. " It's okay Phi! You should get some rest okay! I'll do the dishes." He somehow had a sour look on his face but I would like him to just rest easy. He just got out of the hospital for crying out loud.

"You can supervise my work if ypu want to okay?" I added and somehow his mood brightened. We gathered the dishes and put them on the sink. First I segregated the glasses, the utensils and finally the plates.

I first started with the plates since they are the easiest to clean. I used water to clean off the excess food and washed it it with soap using a sponged. "It seems like you're really used tp doing this now Frank." Phi stated as he is watching me work.

"Well I really had to do some house chores abroad. I even know how to cook simply dishes since I eat up a lot even at the middle of the night." I  answered.

"Yeah that really sounds like something you would do." He said while chuckling. There's something strange at the way P'Win laughs right now. It doesn't seem like he is forcing it however if I would describe it, it's as if his eyes dont smile.

You see P'Win's eyes always show happiness whenever he smiles or laughs. Many people may not tell the difference but I just seem to feel it in my gut that something is wrong.

"Hey Phi, you're not really used to have people take care of you isn't that right? " I finally asked him. He seemed shock at my statement but he then looked down unable to meet my gaze.

"I guess I really got used to taking care of other people. Hehe but it's not that I dont like it! It really just feels strange. It's like things are drastically changing all around me and I am not ready for it." He said while scratching his head.

I smiled bitterly at his statement. I knew how it feels like to be in that situation. When I came home from states and see both my Phi's act differently from before it was a great shock to me.

They did return to how they were before but I can't also deny that things are also starting to change right now. "I know it shouldn't really bother me because not everything would stay the same but I guess I am still reluctant to accept it."

I could see that look on his eyes like he is reminiscing something from the past. It was like a kaleidoscope of complex emotions that I couldn't seem to comprehend right now. "But seeing you right now being able to do this tasks seems to comfort me." He said while closing his eyes.

"I think this change doesn't seem so bad after all." When he opened his eyes I could see the gaze in his eyes are full of  affection. I couldn't help but grin as I put the last piece of utensil to it's container and I immediately hugged him.

"I love you P'Win! No matter what happens I will always be you cute little brother remember!" I said smiling. He was shocked at first but them he patted my head gently. We then sat on the sofa where P'Bright played a movie.

Well it was a new horror movie that he brought. Mama Dela said she would be sleeping now because she has work tomorrow as usual. "Are you both sure this is a good idea?" P'Win asked as he is not really good with scary movies.

"It's okay Phi! I am here beside you." I said while munching on the popcorn that Mama Dela prepared for the us. "Hey! Dont finish it all before the movie starts!" P'Bright said while moving the bowl near him.

"P'Win! P'Bright is being mean!" I said while pulling the popcorn closer to me. "Aish could you both stop it!" P'Win said as he placed the popcorn in the middle so that all of us would have easy access to the popcorn.

After a few scenes I was now the one hiding behind P'Win's back. Well I was not expecting this horror movie is so intense that I am now practicing clinging to P'Win for dear life.

"Now who was so confident in the beginning of the movie huh!?" P'Bright said while smirking at me. "Ssh- shut up!" I said back to him while clinging more tightly to P'Win. "Bright stop teasing Frank okay. I mean look at him." P'Win said.

"Fine! And could you know stop clinging to Win. The scary part is now over." P'Bright said and when I looked at the screen he is right. I then lay down on P'Win's lap because I feel a bit sleepy.

I tried concentrating on the movie but all the words sound like a mumble jumble of sounds on my ears. I finally couldn't put my strength to open my eyelids anymore and I drifted to sleep.

Author's note:
Hello people! Thank you so much we now have more than 20k reads!!! 🎉🎊🎆 Well I am sorry I was not able to update as I promised because I got hooked in playing a mobile game with my friends hehe! I really love playing games as much as I love reading and watching anime. Pretty weird right? Anyways I am really happy that I got satisfying marks at school! I hope you are all also doing fine with school and at home. Anyways pls tell me your thoughts and vote if you likes the story! Godbless and stay safe everyone❤❤❤

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