Fine! I'll leave!

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Jason had been overexerting himself with his work. Percy was getting worried. It's never good for someone to stress themselves so much. Also, Percy felt ignored. Jason worked till late night on Percy's birthday, then on their anniversary, then he forgot date night! Percy was getting mad. He opened the door to find Jason on the bed working on his laptop.

"Hey" Percy said.

"Hey" Jason replied not taking his eyes of the laptop.

"Can we talk?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, fine" Jason said still working.

"Jason, can you put your laptop away?" Percy asked.

"I am working Percy, can't you see?" Jason said in a snappy voice. This made Percy mad.

"See, this is exactly what I am talking about, you are not spending enough time with me!" Percy shouted. Allie was at Sally's so they didn't have to worry about waking her up.

"What's your problem?! Why are you being so selfish?!" Jason shouted back.

"Me?! Selfish?! Jason, you forgot my birthday, our anniversary, Allie's birthday and even date night!" Percy shouted.

"I didn't forget them! I just came home late that day!" Jason defended himself

"And you are being selfish, they are just some dates and we celebrate them every year and forgetting them for one year won't make such a big difference!" Jason shouted at Percy. And this was the final straw for Percy.

"You know what, you're right I am being very selfish, I'll leave and then you can find someone who is not so selfish." Percy said and walked out the door.

Jason half - expected him to come back. When he didn't in the next for the five minutes. Jason knew that Percy left for real.

"Dam it" he yelled and slammed his hand across the wall.

"He'll be back by tomorrow" he said and slept for the day.

He woke up the next day, hoping whatever happened the day before was just a nightmare and Percy was sleeping right next to him. When he found the place beside him empty, he knew that yesterday was real. He started to feel really guilty and worried. After all, Jason was the reason Percy left.

He tried to call Percy, but Percy didn't pick up the phone, which was not at all helping Jason's anxiety.

He then called Piper.

The good news : Piper picked up.

The bad news : She didn't know where Percy was.

The good news : Piper didn't know what happened between Percy and him.

The bad news : Jason was stupid and told her that Percy and him had a fight. Now Piper is super mad at him and Annabeth is gonna hunt him down and drag him to the deepest pits of hell.

Piper ended the call with 'you better make sure he's okay or else Annabeth and I are gonna make sure no one will ever find your body' with a cold edge in her voice. And that's what made Jason call Percy again.

Lucky for him, this time Percy picked up the phone this time.

"What do you want, Grace" Percy asked Jason coldly.

Jason 'uh oh'ed in his mind. Percy calls him by his last name only when he is super angry at Jason.

"Percy, please come home, I am sorry" pleaded Jason.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought I was being selfish" replied Percy still angry.

"Percy, I'm sorry, I really am" Jason begged for forgiveness

"Percy, do you really want Annabeth to drag me down to the deepest pits of hell?" Jason added.

Percy laughed at that. Not some wicked 'haha you are gonna be dragged to deepest pits of hell' laugh. The laugh Jason hears everyday.

"Annabeth told you that?" Percy asked.

"Yeah?" Jason said nervously. Percy chuckled

"I am at Adam and Alexa's resting lounge" said Percy.

"Stay there" said Jason and hung up.

Fifteen minutes later, Jason showed up at the lounge and saw Percy checking out. He waited for him to be done and turn around till he enveloped him in a bear hug.

"I am so sorry, please don't leave me ever again" said Jason tears falling from his eyes and making Percy's shirt wet.

"I won't leave you, I love you" whispered Percy into Jason's shirt, a tear rolled from his eyes

"I love you too"

Was this good? I don't know, Also shout out to 'attackontitans101' for voting for my story and commenting on them.

See you guys soon with a new chapter.

Oh and also, I am gonna make this a trilogy,

The second book will be out soon after this. It's called......... I don't know what its called but it this jercy is high school, their dating and all.

And then the third and final book..... well you can only know after you have read the end of this book.

Please don't kill me after finishing this book.

Ok bye!!

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