Remembering the past

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Okay, so I was supposed to post the first thing in the morning, but then my mom took my laptop and gave it to me now.. and I finally started writing this chapter.

Okay, so since I have decided to make this a trilogy *shouting triple jercy*  I have decided to change the name of this story. So originally this was supposed to be a happy, yay!!, jercy fanfic but then I started getting more ideas. And I regret writing some of these chapters.

Especially the last chapter.

Pls don't kill me after reading and finishing this story.

Sorry in advance.

Jason sat on the bed with a photo album in his hands. It's been a long time since he saw these. He turned the pages, observing each page carefully. He looked at them with great amazement and a small smile.

Percy walked into the room.

"What do you have there?" he asked.

"This album I found" Jason replied smiling. Percy got on the bed and cuddled into Jason. Jason put an arm around Percy.

They looked at the pictures. Laughed at some of them, Gave a soft smile to some of them, and teased each other with some of them.

When they are done with all the pictures, Jason puts the album on their bed - side table. He turns to Percy and kisses him on the forehead, then on the cheek, then on the neck and then on the lips.

Percy smiles into the kiss.

"I am in love with you" Jason says when they finally pull apart.

"And I am in love with you" Percy says.

Percy gets up from the bed and goes to Allie's room to check if she was still awake. And lucky for him, she was.

He picks he up and comes back into his room. He places her on the bed next to Jason. Allie hugs Jason. Jason hugs back.

"How's school?" Jason asks Allie.

"It's good!" Allie said bursting with energy.

Percy chuckled at her energy.

They all talked about Allie, her friends, school and teachers.

"Daddy, tell me about the times you and Poppa used to be in school" Allie asked Percy. Allie is used to call Percy as daddy and Jason as Poppa.

"Well, you know Aunt Piper and Aunt Annabeth? They both used to be my best friends and they were practically like my mothers" Percy started.

"I used to be on the basketball team and Percy was one of the smart guys" Jason continued.

They talked all about the time Jason and Percy were together.

"Remember when..." they would start and continue with a funny incident.

"Remember when you called me to your birthday party and asked me to be your boyfriend in front of everyone?" Percy said. Jason blushed deep red.

"Wwell.. ummm... you see I .. " Jason fiddled with his hands "I.. umm.. had this... ummm.... big very big... huge actually .. I had this huge crush on you" Jason stuttered.

Percy laughed at his husband.

"Remember when I threw you into the pool.." Jason started

".. And then I pulled you in and you got your hair wet and you were angry with me for the rest of the day and then I played 'hard to forgive' and we didn't talk for a week" Percy finished.

"The most horrific week of my life" Jason shuddered. Percy laughed.

"Well, what would you do if your love of your life didn't talk, hug or kiss you for ONE ENTIRE WEEK?!?" Jason whined.

"I'd actually do pretty fine" Percy said. Jason huffed and folded his hands.

The Jackson - Grace family laughed through the entire family until they all slowly fell asleep cuddling each other like a perfect family.

Little did they know, that their perfect family and happy life is gonna go downhill soon.

So, how was that? Well, if it is horrible I am really sorry cause I thought this chapter better in my head and couldn't do so well while putting down into words.

And about the 'life going downhill' stuff.. umm.... pls don't kill me.

I am sorry, I really am.

That's all I can say.

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