The Wedding- Percy

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To say Percy was nervous is an understatement. He was whatever the word is for nervous times infinity. What if Jason backs out last minute? What if they aren't happy together? What if Jason doesn't want kids?

"Percy?" His train of thoughts was interrupted by Annabeth- his best friend and maid of honor.

"Hey" he replied in a small, high voice.

"You nervous?" she asked which is a pretty stupid question to ask because she could clearly see his forehead beaded with sweat.

"You think?" he replied rolling his eyes at her. She shrugged it off and walked and sat beside him.

"If it makes you feel any better, Piper is comforting Jason who literally, get this cried," she said exaggerating on the word 'cried'.

"That doesn't make me feel better, it just gives me another reason why he might not want to marry me," Percy said flatly.

"Percy, trust me he wants to marry you" Annabeth reassured.

"What if we aren't happy together?" He asked.

"Percy, you two dated for 7 years, you were best friends since high school you are asking if he isn't happy with you?" (Just to make this clear, Percy and Jason are 26)

"What if he doesn't want kids?" he asked.

Annabeth opened her mouth for some reassurances, but someone else cut her "Jason is in the other room wondering the same thing"

"Piper!" Annabeth greeted as she went over and kissed her.

Piper looked towards Percy and cooed "Ooh, look at you lover boy, all dressed up to marry Prince Not-So-Charming"

It took Percy five seconds to realize Jason is Prince 'Not - So- Charming'

"Hey!" he glared at Piper. She laughed.

Piper went back to Jason's room to check on him. Percy and Annabeth sat down on the bed.

"So.." Annabeth started to break the silence "You nervous?" she asked.

"You bet" Percy replied.

They spent the next five minutes talking about how Marlene could have been saved (That's the only thing going on in my mind. Fun fact about this fanfic: Percy is smart as Annabeth)

Finally, they called them because the wedding started.

There was Percy's Mom, and Paul in the front row joined by Jason's parents.

Percy walked up to the stage where Jason was standing.

"Hey," Jason said.

"Hey" Percy replied back.

The entire time they were just standing and holding hands until the vows came. Jason went first

"Do you, Jason Grace, take Perseus Jackson to be your husband. To have and to hold from this day forward. For better, For worse, For richer, For poorer, In sickness and in health, till death do you two part?"

"I do" Jason replied without a second's hesitation.

Then it was Percy.

"Do you, Perseus Jackson, take Jason Grace to be your husband. To have and to hold from this day forward. For better, For worse, For richer, For poorer, In sickness and in health, till death do you two part?"

Percy looked from the pastor to Jason's eyes. His sky blue eyes radiated love and affection.

"I do" Percy replied.

"Now, you may kiss the groom"

On the word, 'groom' Percy and Jason crashed their lips together into a long, romantic kiss.

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